User:Geo Swan/working/Summary of Evidence memos/pg436

436 (237) September 28 2004

a. The detainee is associated with al Qaida and the Taliban:
  1. ################## the detainee left in January 2001 for Afghanistan.
  2. Detainee ############### al Wafa office in Herat, Afghanistan.
  3. The Herat Office of al Wafa was a key location in al Qaida's support network and ##################### al Wafa and al Qaida efforts to recruit, train, and infiltrate fighters into Afghanistan.
  4. Detainee ########## ######### and transferred to ########### ############# after September 2001.
  5. The nongovernmental organization 'al Wafa' reportedly is believed to possibly be a terrorist organization and may have had connections to Usama bin Ladin and Afghan Mujahedin.
  6. The al Wafa organization has been identified as a terrorist organization.
  7. One of the detainee's known aliases was on a list of captured al Qaida members that was discovered on a computer hard drive associated with a senior al Qaida member.
  8. Detaine used the aliases ############# #################
  9. Detainee may have trained at the al Qaida Khaldan Camp .