User:Kaihsu/Oxford City Council Byelaws with respect to Acupuncture

The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply for the interpretation of these byelaws as it applies for t.he :: .. inteJ:pL'eta-c.ion of an Act of };)arliament. In ~:these byelaws , unless the context otherwise requires '~" ....., .... , ..",:~ .' ..<~:;ri20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC)?~ ~ ~,,·:.-::·_!1:~:~~>:~·~1?I;·.·-··· f ~.~i1~~tt5it.~.:::·~2·.:; ~'....'~>. ····:::.:~:~:~t;::i.~~:'·· ~ .10.......~·~-·.:::_--· _ _ .'. . .~ ·'--·~_f'-~.-'--~·":·':"~ , . / "The~Ac tU J·means:;·the'..Lo'cal Government (Hiscellane Provisions) Act:: 1982 :':,:';.,';: ~"~:~L~:.\~· ..·.·__,..~~.·.'...·.:,·..·.,,·,~.·.:·.c.;.•..0,..:.,;..L.! ...' ~'L-f~ _ .' ..: ~·:.;-~.~~+~tl-.·~~·:': ~.~;':J.20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC)<,~X~i~'Kaihsu (talk):.:.?.~:~·;\/Kaihsu (talk):!:"' ",. .- - ~:../ • _ .. ~.·t~:-""r'--·Kaihsu (talk)·' ·:.:·~c,tr"':.~·~/~".~·.,:"·" :.'.: .. 4·~· ,., "C.lient" means.: any :,person ,/7 ~,:""-.,: .:.~~;;Kaihsu (talk)(~~:Kaihsu (talk) 20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC):" ."Operator" r.neansany;':person 4:·'~··~ .-.r.Kaihsu (talk).• : - #,. ·:Kaihsu (talk)::~f~\jf:~If:;~.·"::f.;.,-~·~~::~r·;-;~' :.' ...·:_~1:I;-~:1~ ::;:~-':;:;":'. \d - 4 .-_ .... - '-7· ~:'Pr.emises" means, any; premises registered".under Part: ':.:--:~l.~;;'. ; •.:4t, . .~~:;;1;~ f th~,..~t!t;L:~~:-'UiSH~~l~·~~:.;:' .:+H1~\Kaihsu (talk)::i~·ir7t:'· ,:)~.~~'j::,;".,.~,,::::.,~li-~tri"~ ,~, _}~iKaihsu (talk) 20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC)i~!{ .. "Proprietor". means 'any person registered under. Par-t.:·~~:i:d-;f:::·:::··:·'-Kaihsu (talk):?: .·::VI.~~. of the .Kaihsu (talk)t,: .>:,,~.(.::>~1c;t;;·:· .:;.{~:.f.Kaihsu (talk) 20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC);-~,.. ,':,."'~::: .~"'" .'.::fi;Kaihsu (talk) 20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC)•.~'3t\;[K.. -, ~'Treatment" 'means any operation in: ,the practice of. :~,'.;5'r::~:,:>~:~<;-:t;:;. .acupuncture:~,,,,<.jf "-i;:¥~t.+,·, ,.: .·';'Kaihsu (talk) 20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC)i;?~i;1~~ . "The treatment area" means any part 'of premises where~:j,: . ::".'.~~: treatment is given to clients. '. . . " "~~S~~,;f~~\;:;'r:'20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC):;;~.~::.. <.'Sterilise , means "'to .sUbject to treatment so as to' ..... ":~:y render free from' all organisms and'.·sterili~~ed" and , ~"., . 11 sterilisation·i should be construe~',accordingly. .#.:.'. / -'~J' ,.0' cyir-~_,.~ .. ,- :::'If . :: ··;.;l~ (b) a) For the purpose of'securing the cleanliness of premises and' fittings therein a proprietor shall ensure that ~ '. "-,:-,: 2. .. ~"'" BYELA~~ MADE By The Oxford City' Council under Section 14 of the Local Goverrunent (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 and Section 236 of the Local Government Act .. 1972 with re.spect to ACUPUNCTURE

~th:n::::r::~::::::_~: .Q9 :.\¥~~.~~;)-._

,'. "~'.:., .--: .. ..~~: a) All internal walls, doors, windows, partitions. floor.s and floor coverings, and ceilings are kept clean and in such good repair as to' enable them to be cl~dr·'.~d ':>:~'.' .. effectively: - . b) The treatment area is used solely for giving treatment; c) All waste material, and other litter, arising from the treatment is placed in suitable covered receptacles, which are washable and leakproof, or use a' leakproof liner bag. The receptacles shall be· emptied, or the bags changed, at least once every working day, or more frequently as necessary, and the material disposed of safely. Where liners are not used, the receptacles shall then be cleaned: ..'1 /- .•' ,. i IIII ! / /' ,.;- ... ' ...... iv) ii)


-:, ..: ........ .... ~..:. \.r- ••.. ··Io~-r . ' ...~~ ~ .,.... .~~r ....~ ..,,~ .. iii) an adeq~ate:constant supply o'f clean hot and;'-cold"water' readily available at· all times on the .:.~' . .u., - ~1"'""- . premises::~ _.:".:,':..r'.",...-. :..... .. .~..:,~.;.•.;t•,':-":~.""..'.~ •• '

::;~.*$~" . .'~.:~t"~~::Kaihsu (talk)>- ..::~f({'..~ '~':'....

adequate::'storage for all ,items mentioned in byelaw 3. a). and, b) above, so tha·t·. thuse items shall be properly..'stored in a' clean and suitable place so as to avoid, as far as possible, the risk of contamination. ..,... ." ;..1- .. . " ':':::~.< ...;;:,~:~!:~:.<:.......';:. .::-;;: h·y.:',t·:\·~ . For the purpose .of"securing the ·cleatl1iness of operators· ~ .. ...~ -. ~.~' Kaihsu (talk) 20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC):~;f5;~:Kaihsu (talk),...... .,.: ~ ~ ~~:~~:Kaihsu (talk):Kaihsu (talk) 20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC).;' " ~.:~'.: ~-.~.~. ,.:.~.~: :..:..:':..::.:.~".:~~.~~i*'Kaihsu (talk):.~:~~'~" ·a) An operator.:.:~hilst giving. treat,m~nt'shalL.ensure;-;\that.- .' ;·":;i~'.' .':': .,·:~~lt::;:~.o;;>·'::;~S~~..1~::::;':·':'··i;:~;;;:;;./,Kaihsu (talk) 20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC);~~rx!/··;,. :~.~:;;<~ ";":, ·:':'Yf~~1$~~1.~:;:i:·': ' . . c:.,:'.--:':~: i) .C:':.~'his.hands....;an nails~a·re. clea'n'.and nails kept~c't~:··.::.:~·_: . ·..)J:Kaihsu (talk)t.;;.. :.::.~.~i!~;·i+b.~r.~~f,t::- . :ti~}i;ili;~ Kaihsu (talk) ~ .~.::;~;!~I)~i';~:·:::~··~;~:.:·;;l~':~'~~· ',l:f20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC)~:: :·.:H;.:-:.:,:~ ,~'i::,~t~:,~ ii)'~:~he ','is ~wearing' cie:an -·and.' wash ble Clothi~g~"o~1{;::t;~~' .... ..:.<~'~:.}:c,.: .' t· altern·atJ..Y:ely a disposable>covering. thatha's';:not":' ·::~M~'i~t~..,,·previoL\~lii~?een.usedi~ .C(Hi~~ction \\,it~ .. any.:;.O,~h.~r. '. . :'~:;~~T':"<~':':~~'c li:e~:~/-}.tj\~~·:~~;·i;;:/:~~_~t;Kaihsu (talk):l~~:)~~i'-·.. · . _:20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC):;.:-:

:;~·~;~i~;S-:,iii) he keeps.; any open boil, 'sore,"cl1t or open ..·wound 'on .

':,:D:~;¥~(::'"" ':;,an exposed' part of his body' effectively covered'by ~~t. .;ca~,~IUP~;;';~ledre~s~~z'.4~}) .i;d~~i.4:? ..:'-'"..:.0'.;..... ~v) he does not smoke or consume food or dr~nk:,.,.~.,;.,· _:'·'I.:y):."t'·.· '.' :';;'::'~~"';~:~i~f¥;;c;'~: ;'. ..'.;; \;:~7~1~t{~;::·';':~::~':··tt~t~i.S;~~·" '::b) A propr~etor, shall provide -.: ~';"'" . . ;---'.. f.·~:, /';.. ' .,~ - . :,: ~....~.:: . :~'~~'Kaihsu (talk) 20:39, 23 November 2008 (UTC)f~~-"· ~ '.. ... :~~ .1:'; ~ • • <.~F!Kaihsu (talk):~;·:~.~~ .:.:c. - .

~':' i) suitable\and sufficient washing facilities for the

sole use of operators, such facilities to have 'hot and cold water, sanitisin<71 soap or detergent;: and a nail brush:~i,: :<;,,;;~uL::~{ . :..,.~,.. ... '.~':~;~~¥~~. - ~ . . ,- .. ....: ....:.~ Kaihsu (talk)P~1~··· ~ -; .' suitable and sufficient sanitary acconunodation for .. operato rs • .··.~:~f\':-~1£:: . ) ·:·~~.~·.:t~:· ~ 4. ,'..~ .. ~\ )) ) ) ) ) - C..v.~i'-';:~:"·· '.:'. .:....;.' . .. .:.... ~. THE COMMON SEAL of the OXFORD CITY COUNCIL was hereunto affixed by Order of the Council this 11 ttday of September 1984 in the presenci;)f :- --- q;wac~· Depu~ City Secretary and , . '~f· / "./ '/ \ NOTE - THE FOLLOWING DOES NOT FORM PART OF THE BYELAWS ~, Proprietors shall take all reasonable steps to ensure ,:ompliance with these byelaws by persons working on the premises. Section 16(9) of the Act .lays down that. a registered person shall cause to be prominently displayed on the premises a copy of these byelaws and a copy of any certificate of registration issued to him under Part VIII of the Act. B. Section l6{l) and (2) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Pr:ovisions) Act. 1982 providds that any pergon who offendc~ c.gains~. any of these byelaws shall be guilty of an offence and liubl~ on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £200. If the convicted person is registered under Part VIII of the.Act, the Court may, instead of or in addition to imposing a fine, order Ule suspension or cancellation of his registrati9n, and of the registration of the premises in which the offence was committed if such premises are occupied by the person so convicted. Section 16(11) of the Act provides shall be a defence for the person charged to prove that he took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence. c. Nothing in these byelaws shall extend to the practice of acupuncture by or under the supervision of a person who is registered as a medical practitioner or a dentist or to premises on which the practice of acupuncture is carried on by or under the supervision of such a person. ./ / /