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/* Abarbanel, 124

Aben Ezra, 123

Abraham at the door of hell, 450

Adam, 136

Agadah, recognized in Jewish Prayer-book, 3

Ahijah, the Shilonite, fable about, 352

Almsgiving, Rabbinic, 302

, merit of, 307

Amhaaretz, meaning of the word, 458

, disqualifications of, 459

, may be robbed and slain with impunity, 461

, lawful to kill, 6

Amulets, virtues of, 183

Angels carry up the sound of the horn at new year, 267

Angels, of the waves, 197

Angel, evil, 229

Angels ministering, 164

Apostates, to be killed, 36

Arbah, Turim, 112

Astrology, taught and practised, 175

Atonement, day of, 279

, itself an atonement, 279

, repentance an, 279

, a cock killed as an, 283

, death an, 299

Baptism necessary to a proselyte, 304

Bar Kochav, 222

Bechai, 142

Behemoth, legend of, 128, &c.

Bither, the city of, 216

Cain, 138

Catechism, Bavarian Jewish, 25

, gives a false view of Judaism, 26

Charity, Rabbinic, 112

Charm, Rabbinic, for a bleeding of the nose, 192

for the bite of a mad dog, 193

for a storm at sea, 196

for the bite of a scorpion, 200

Charms allowed on the Sabbath-day, 200

Charm for bed time, 201

Christianity, a Jewish religion, 1

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Christianity, the religion of the New Testament, 2

Christians considered as idolaters, 419

not counted amongst the pious of the nations, 4

not in a state of salvation, 4

Circumcision equivalent to all the commandments, 451

, meritoriousness of, 450

Cock, killing a cock as atonement, 283

Commandments, 442; 162

Cruelty, Rabbinic, 8, 99, 209

, to women, 377

Dead, Rabbinic mourning for, 428

, prayers for the, 295

Death, an atonement, 299

Demons, asking counsel of, 203

Deniers of the law, three classes of, 4

Deputies, French Jewish, 24

Deuteronomy xvii. 8, &c., explained, 11

Dispensation, Rabbinic, from oaths, 434

Divorce, Rabbinic, doctrine of, 373

Drunkenness allowed on feast of Purim, 47

Edomites, Christians called, 123

Eleazar, Rabbi, 6

Elijah, the Prophet, conversation of, with R. Jose, 323

Epicureans, 4

, to be killed, 36

[** out of order]Epicurean, reader in synagogue suspected of being, 127

Evasion, Rabbinic, 80, 83, 107, 225, 235

Excommunication for not washing hands, 75

, Rabbinic, 239

, laws concerning, with respect to the unlearned and learned, 239

, injustice of, 239

Fast on the ninth of Av, 216

Fasting, merit of, 264

Fire, not to be extinguished, 102

Flogging of rebellion, 99, 211, 228, 383, 386, 420

Friday, Good, 87

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Gentile, who studies the law, guilty of death, 22

, who keeps a Sabbath-day, guilty of death, 22

, good advice not to be given to, 33

woman not to be helped in child-*bed, 33

, not neighbour, 34

, lost property not to be restored to, 35

, Daniel punished for giving good advice to, 33

who wishes to turn Jew, 63

, a Jew not publicly to receive alms from, 306

, Sabbath not to be profaned to save a Gentile's life, 212, 214

food regarded as carrion, 383

food not to be eaten, 383, 416

wine unlawful, 419

, he that steals from, only to pay the principal, 34

wine, to drink, worse than fornication, 424

Gentiles, idolatrous, to be exterminated, 42

to be converted by force, 42

, idolatrous, not to be suffered in the land of Israel, 28

Gentile, drowning, not to be delivered, 30

Gentiles, duties towards, 24

not brethren, 26

not neighbours, 26

not to be greeted except from fear, 10, 26, 28

condemned for transgressing the command about tabernacles, 288

still have the defilement of the serpent, 156

, cursing the, on the feast of Passover, 120, 121, 122

, no pious, now, 67

, marriage of, not binding, 58

and dogs, 107

Gershom, R., anathema by, 366

Hands, laying on of, 328

, washing of, 71

Heathen, who are not in a state of salvation, 5

High Priest, an unlearned man, 7

Hilchoth Accum, 28, 33

Avadim, 21

Avel, 428

Berachoth, 71, 73

Deoth, 113

Genevah, 34

Gezelah, 34

Girushin, 375

Gittin, 374

Iom Tov, 116

Ishuth, 366

Issure Biah, 64

Kiddush Hachodesh, 100

Maakaloth Asuroth, 419

Mamrim, 335

Matt'noth Aniim, 304

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Megillah, 48

Mikvaoth, 72

M'lachim, 22, 25

P'riah u'r'viah, 7

Rotzeach, 32, 33

Sanhedrin, 172, 342

Sh'vuoth, 436

Taanith, 216

Talmud Torah, 17, 148

T'phillah, 2, 128

T'shuvah, 4, 247

Hillel, the elder, 187

Holyday, how to make fire on, 106

Holydays, additional, prescribed by the rabbies, 98, 101

[**J's and I's combined] Jeremiah unjustly condemned, 13

Jewish-German, 283

Jews persecuted in Spain and Portugal, 42

Illegitimate, a learned man takes precedence of High Priest, 7

Intolerance, Talmudic, 28-39

Ioma, 19

Jonathan, son of Uzziel, 187

Jost's history, 125

Isaac, merit of offering, 271

Jubilee, year of, 66

Judaism the religion of the oral law, 2

and of the Jewish Prayer-book, 2

and Christianity cannot both be true, 3

a false religion, 465

, its authors wicked men, 467

Judgment, Rabbinic, idea of the final, 287

Karo, R. Joseph, 17

K'hillath Shlomoh, 282

Kiddushin, 19

Kimchi, 93

Leaven, putting away of, 80

Legends, 127-167

Levi, family of, still known, 312

, privileges of, in the synagogue, 313

, David, 134

Leviathan, legend of, 128, &c.

Levites, scriptural privileges of, 311

Liberty, religious, first taught by Jesus Christ, 46

Luck, good, 182

Magic allowed by Talmud, 168-174

Maimonides, 25, et passim

, intolerance, 26

Meat, lawful and unlawful, 397

in milk, laws concerning, 404

contrary to Scripture, 404, 405

Medrash Rabba, 153

Merit of ancestors, 285

Merit, doctrine of, 247, &c.

Messiah, already come, 387

Miracles, Rabbinic, 203

Mishna, recognised in Jewish Prayer-book, 3

Mixture, Rabbinic, command of, 116

Muktzeh, 103

Napoleon, 24

New Year, Jewish, 247

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New Year, judgment at, 247

, prayers for, 264

, merit and advantage of blowing the horn on, 266

Noachidæ, 25, 41

, who they are, 55

, seven commandments of, 56

, may transgress commandments, 57

, murderer of, not to be put to death, 62

, unintentionally killing a Jew, to be put to death, 61

, when received, 67

, how received, 68

Oral law opposed to the Word of God in duty to parents, 9, 10

, a mixed system of good and evil, 16

, how much time to be devoted to the study of, 16

, women and children not to study, 18

, perpetual and unchangeable, 53

, precepts of, given to Moses, 161

Oaths, Rabbinic dispensation from, 435, 450

Parable of Good Samaritan illustrated, 29

Parents, if in captivity, to be redeemed after the Rabbi, 9

, duty to, according to oral law, 9

Passover, rites of, 79

, Christ our, 91

, four cups of, 96

Pentecost prayers, 145

Pesachim, treatise, 6

Pharisees, enemies of the Lord Jesus, 9

, bad men, 8

Physician, Jewish, not to cure idolaters, 33

Pirke, Eleazer, 137

Planets, 175

Polygamy, allowed, 366

Poor, Rabbinic, oppression of the, 97

, Rabbinic religion not for the, 237

, Rabbinic cruelty to, 414, 429

Power, Rabbinic, to excommunicate, 239

Prayer-book, Jewish, acknowledges and teaches the authority of the Talmud, 2, 3

, Jewish, full of legends, 127-167

Priests, scriptural office of, 310

Proselytes, sojourning, 26

, how to be instructed, 63

, baptism of, 304

Purgatory, Rabbinic, 296

Purim, feast of, 47

Rabbi, duty to, goes before duty to parents, 9, 10

, fear of, as the fear of God, 11

, reverence due to, 15

, whosoever despises a, to be excommunicated, 15

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Rabbi, not to forgive a public affront, 243

, method of creating a, 328

Rabbies not agreed, 399, 400

Rabbinic charity, 112

evasion, 107, 110

order, novelty of, 328

power to excommunicate, 239

acknowledgments that Messiah is born, 389-393

Ramban, 142

Rome called Edom, 123

Rosh Hashanah, 298

Saadiah Gaon, 162

Sabbath, unlawful for a Gentile to keep a, 22

, laws of, 104, 114-119

, spirits cannot be cited on, 141

, damned have rest on, 141

Sabbath-day, amulets on, 184

Sabbath, laws concerning, 285-230[** incorrect range]

, lamp, reward for, 229

, moving things on, 232

, merit of keeping the, 224

, jurisdictions, 232

Salvation, who are excluded from, by the oral law, 4

Sambation, 139

Sanhedrin, not infallible, 8

, great council of, 168

, members of, magicians, 168

, understood seventy languages, 168

, all handsome men, 171

, pillar of the oral law, 335

, a later, may reverse the decision of a former, 335

, not a Divine institution, 337

, of Greek origin, 341

, greater and lesser, 343

, business of, 345

, death to those who rebelled against, 344

, contrary to Scripture, 345

, Parisian, 366

Satan deceived by the blowing of the horn in the month of Elul, 266

Scapegoat, 280

Schoolmasters, Rabbinic, 315

Scripture, women not bound to study, 18

, not to be studied so much as the Talmud, 16

, when not to be studied at all, 17

Sepher Jetzirah, 181

Schulchan Aruch, 7

Sinai, 163

Slaughtering, laws concerning, 380

, laws of, 396

Slaves exempt from the duty of studying the law of God, 17

, unlawful to teach, 21

, regarded as beasts, 431

Souls of all Israel at Sinai, 152

Sotah, 76

Stars, influence of.[** ,] 175

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Study of the law equivalent to all the commandments, 51

Tabernacles, feast of, 287

, merit of, 287

, prayers for the feast of, 295

Talmud, recognised in Jewish Prayer-book, 3

, legends of, 128, 167

Tradition, Rabbinic argument for overthrow, 11

, no unbroken train of, 350

Treatise, Avodah Zarah, 291

, Bava Bathra, 187

, Berachoth, 161

, Gittin, 192

, Moed Katon, 175

, Shabbath, 157

, Succah, 180

, Z'vachin, 150

Turnus Rufus, 140, 216

Unlearned man, lawful to kill, 6

, the wives and daughters of, not to be taken as wives, 6

, to be accounted as beasts, 6

, man[** duplicated?], unlawful for, to eat meat, 7

Van Oven, Joshua, Esq., Manual of Judaism, 465

Venus planet, 177

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Washing of hands, 71

, to neglect, as bad as fornication, 76

, who neglects, excommunicated, 75

Wine, Gentile, unlawful, 419

Woman, insane, to be turned out, 377

Women, exempt from the duty to study the law, 17

, do not receive the same reward as a man, 18

not to be taught the law, 18

, minds of, not equal to the study of the law, 18

, command of Moses, respecting, 21

, duties of, prescribed in New Testament, 22

, Rabbinic degradation of, 359

cannot give testimony, 360

not regarded as part of the congregation, 361

World to come, who are excluded from, 4

, all Israel has a share in, 64

, Rabbinic opinions about, 129

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Printed at the Operative Institution, Palestine Place, Bethnal Green, London.