User:Languageseeker/religious belief

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/* Abhidharma-Pitaka, its metaphysics, 473-476

Abiogenesis, the theory of, 690;

 its destined functions, 702

Abraham, a Hanyf, 195;

 story of, 545-546

Acts, the book of, its value, 604;

 review of, 604-617

Aditi, the godesses[** goddess?], 437

Africa, burial rites in, 430;

 divination in, 114;
 ordeals in, 119

Africans, western, sacrifice among, 42;

 drink-offerings among, 47

Agag hewn in pieces, 598

Age, a golden, traditions of, 538, 539

Agni, the god, 430

Agnosticism allied to mysticism, ii. 489

Ahab, his troubles, 598

Ahuna-Vairya, the, 503, 504

Ahura-Mazda, and Zarathustra, 182, 183;

 the god of the Parsees, 185;
 ancient worship of, 486, 487;
 praise of, 487, 488;
 rank and character, 489;
 address to, 489, 490;
 worship of, 490-492;
 fire and water given by, 493;
 questioned by Zarathustra, 497-504;
 things which please and things which displease, 497, 498;
 prescribes for medical training, 499;
 the same as Ormazd, 505;
 throughout the god of the Parsees, 508;
 creates the world, 535

Aischylos, his conception of the commercial relation between gods and men, 38

Akaba, the vow of the first and second, 188

Ali, sign at his birth, 226

Amatongo, sacrifice to the, 40

Amuzulus, sacrifice among the,

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/* 47;

 sneezing as an omen among, 111

Amos, his prophecy and history, 61;

 conduct towards Amaziah, 573

Anagamin, the, 478, 479 (note)

Analysis, ultimate metaphysical, 464

Ananda and the Matangi girl, 285;

 and Buddha, 134, 136

Ananias and his wife, story of, 607

Ancestors, worship of, in Fiji and among the Kafirs, 650, 651;

 in Peru, 651.

Angekoks, the, consecration of, 100, 101

Apocalypse, the, its author, 634;

 its style, 634;
 compared with the "Pilgrim's Progress," 634;
 its visions, 635, 636

Apollo, worship of, 38;

 his sense of gratitude appealed to, 38;
 oracle of the Clarian, 127

Aranyakas, the, 127

Arhats, the, rank of, 444, 445[** 457, 458]

Asceticism, various degrees of, 89;

 in Mexico and Peru, 90-92;
 rules of Chinese, 461

Ashem-Vohu, the, 503, 504

Asiti, the Rishi, the child and Buddha, 231

Asoka, the Buddhist king, 450, 451

Astrology, 118

Astrologers in Thibet, 144

Asvagosha, a Buddhist preacher, 122

Atharva-Veda-Sanhita, the, 426, 427

Atman, 661

Atmospheric currents, an illustration, 471

Automatism, apparent puzzle of, resolved, 464-466

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Australia, burial rites in, 77

Babel, confusion at, 597

Balaam, treatment of, 597

Balaki, the Brahman, 446

Banshee, the Irish, 114

Baptism, a general religious rite, 58;

 in Fantee, 59;
 among the Cherokees, Aztecs, &c., 59;
 in Mexico, 59;
 in Mongolia and Thibet, 61;
 among the Parsees, 61;
 in the Christian Church, 61, 62;
 meaning of the rite, 62, 63

Barabbas, 215, 216

Barnabas, and Paul in Antioch, 611;

 taken for Zeus, 611;
 separation, 613

Beatitudes, the, 350, 351

Beauty and Bands, allegory of, 573

Beliefs, necessary, vindication of, 678-680;

 conditions of, 680;
 example, 695, 696

Benfey, translation of the Sama-Veda Sanhita, 425

Bhikshu, a defined, 95

Bhikshus and Bhikshunis, the, 479

Bible, the, though above, yet among the sacred books of the world, 369, 370;

 forced interpretations of 379, 380;
 mostly anonyomous[**P2: anonymous?], 386;
 style of, 389, 390

Birth, religious rites at, among savage nations, 57, 58;

 in Mexico, 59, 60;
 in Mongolia and Thibet, 61

Bodhisattva, 175[**looks like I75]-180;

 in the womb, 225;
 the nature of, 477, 478;
 their sacrifice of Nirvana, 478

Bogda, thaumaturgic powers of, 122

Books, sacred, all civilized nations nearly have, 370, 371;

 Greeks and Romans without, 370;
 list of, 370;
 their external marks--recognized inspiration, 371, 372;
 supposed merit of reading or repeating them, 372-375;
 subjection to forced interpretations, 375-383;
 internal marks--tran[** s]cendental-subject-matter, 382-384;
 authoritativeness, 384, 385;
 general anonymity, 23-26;
 formlessness, 385-389;
 of the Chinese, 390-424;
 seldom written by the authors of the religion, 413;
 of India, 425-448;
 of the Buddhists, 449-482;
 necessity for, 449;
 of the Parsees, 482-509;
 of the Moslems, 500-520;
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/* the Jews, 518-603;

of Christianity, 604-641

Bo-tree, sanctity of, in Ceylon, 127

 Buddha, under, 180, 181

Brahma, his incest, 600;

 not worshiped, 405, 406;
 and Brahm, 406, 407

Brahman, the caste, 183;

 the supreme, 405

Brahmanas, the, 379, 425, 426;

 their character, 444, 445;
 ritualistic appendages to the Vedas, 444, 445;
 teaching of apologue, 445;
 on a universal soul, 445, 446;
 on the future of the soul, 447;
 on patience, 447;
 references to moral conduct, 448

Bread and wine in the Eucharist, virtue of, 135

Buddha, Gautama, a thaumaturgist, 122;

 the tooth of, 124, 125;
 preparation for his last manifestation, 170;
 uncertain data to go upon for his life, 171;
 when he lived, 172;
 early asceticism, 172, 173;
 abolishes caste, his theoretic, 217;
 his four truths, 173;
 the interpretation of these, 173;
 his death, 274;
 his chief disciples, 274;
 spread of his religion, 274;
 essential principles, 174, 175;
 his blamelessness, 175;
 the mythical twelve periods of his life, i.[**does this belong?] 176;
 resolution to be born, 176;
 choice of parents, 176;
 his birth, 177;
 various names of, 177;
 adoration by an old Rishi, 178;
 qualifies himself for marriage, 178;
 enjo[** y]ment of domestic life, 179;
 departure from home and assumption of the monastic character, 178;
 temptations, 178;
 his horse Kantaka, 178;
 his penances, 180;
 his triumph over the devil, 180;
 becomes perfect Buddha, 180, 181;
 turns the Wheel of the Law, 180;
 his rec[** e]ption by kings, 180;
 his first conversions, 180;
 founds monastic institutions, 180;
 enters Nirvana, 449;
 funeral rites, I81;[** 181]
 relics, 181;
 aristocratic descent, 221;
 gestation of, 224, 225;
 signs at his birth, 226;
 infant, recognized Simeon-wise by the Rishi Asita, 231;
 his temptations in the wilderness, 231;
 and the Matangi girl, 285;
 compared with Christ,
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/* 242-344;

 and the widow's mite, 342, 343;
 and the cup of cold water, 344;
 as a fisher of men, 344;
 exalts humility and poverty, 345;
 on divorce, 345, 346;
 and Christ, 362-365;
 his sayings collected, 343;
 sects in the Church of 449;
 extravagant adoration 458;
 painting the picture of, 458, 459;
 and the two condemned felons, 136-139;
 central figure of Buddhism, 146;
 successive manifestations, 476,[** ; ? Below is sub-entry of this or of main entry?]
   worship of, 477;
 training of, 476, 478, 481:[**;]
 disciples of, 480

Buddha Sakymuni, leaps into the fire, 58

Buddhas, the, Pratyeka, 478.

Buddhism, ascetic nature and rules of, 93-95;

 fathers of, miracle workers, 121, 122;
 goal of, 120;
 its sacred canon, 449-451;
 ten commandments of, 467;
 boundless charity of, 468;
 regard for personal purity, 469-471;
 its four truths, 473;
 Buddha its central figure, 476;
 gods of, 476;
 grades in, 478, 479;
 morality of, 480-483;
 five commandments of, 550;
 not without a god, ii.[**what does this refer to?] 655-657.

Buddhists, 93-95;

 antecedent to Buddhism, 95;
 in India, 96, 97;
 of Visvamitra, 96, 97

Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" compared with the Apocalypse, 366, 367

Caaba, the, 188-190.

Carlyle, Thomas, forestalled by Confucius, 167;

 his "Everlastting[**P2: Everlasting ?] No." 186;
 on Mahomet, 192

Cause, the notion of, 484;

 the known. See <sc>Power</sc>.

Ceylon, religious observance in, 51;

 festivals in, 53;
 marriage in, 75, 76;
 burial rites in, 78;
 omens in, 112, 113;
 divination in, 117;
 the Bo-tree, 127.

Child, myth of the dangerous, 227-230

China, Emperor of, praying for rain, 36;

 sacrifice in, 42;
 divination in, 117, 118;
 in the days of Confucius, 159;
 official creed of, 391;
 sacred writings of, 39;
 authentic history of, remote, 403;
 fate of the early Emperors of, as good or bad,
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/* 403-406;

 its sages and kings, 405-407;
 the "religiones licitæ" of, 413

Chinese, the, sacred books once nearly destroyed, 391;

 their political doctrines, 394;
 their ethics, 395, 396;
 their loyalty to the heroes as heaven-appointed, 398, 399

Christ, Jesus, conceived necessity of his death, 47;

 his appeal to miracles, 123;
 divinity of, not found in the New Testament, 326, 327;
 Mahomet's view of, 513, 514;
 worship of, 665.
 See <sc>Jesus</sc>.

Christians, the early, communists, 607;

 first breach among, 608;
 severe discipline of, 614

Christianity, fundamental conception of, 48, 49;

 festivals of, 52;
 ascetic spirit of early, 97;
 ascetic development of, 98, 99;
 powerless over the Jews since the death of Christ, 314, 315;
 originally Judaic, 334;
 its worship of Christ, 308;
 its treatment of the Father and the Spirit, 309, 310

Christmas, a pagan festival, 53.

Church, the, necessary infallibility of, 152

Choo He, his criticism of preface to Chinese odes, 380, 381

Chow, the Duke of, on the favor of heaven, 406

Ch'un Ts'ew, the, forced interpretation applied to, 376-378, 411;

 its subject matter and authorship, 411-413;
 opinions of Dr. Legge, 411-413,
   of Mang, 411, 412;
 extract, 412;
 topics, 412

Chung Yung, the, authorship of, 394;

 its doctrine of the "Mean," 394, 395;
 its doctrine of virtue and heaven, 395, 396

Cicero on immortality, 688.

Circumcision, wide-spread practice of, 63;

 among the Jews, 64;
 of women among the Suzees and Mandingoes, 73, 74

Clement, quotation from, on second coming, 338, 339

Clergy, secular and regular, 100

Cobbe, Frances Power, 641

Coming, the second, apostolic doctrine on, 334-339.

Confucius, neither an ascetic re-*

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  • cluse nor a religious enthusiast, 158, 159;
 regard for ritual, 159-201;
 birth and early life, 159;
 as a teacher, 159;
 subject of his doctrines, 160;
 refuses state endowments, 160;
 chief magistrate of Loo, 160;
 resignation 160;
 death, 161;
 character, 162;
 wanting in the bold originality of the other reformers of religion, 162;
 charge of insincerity, 162;
 his purity, 163;
 his courteous manners, 164;
 formal depor[** t]ment, 165;
 relations with his disciples, 165;
 four virtues of which he was master, 166,[** ; ?][**F1: agreed, doesn't seem to be a sub-entry of the previous entry which are elsewhere separated by ,]
 sense of a mission, 166, 167;
 pain at being misunderstood, 167;
 had no theological beliefs, 167;
 lays all stress upon terrestrial virtues, 168;
 had an esoteric doctrine, 169;
 subjects on which he did not talk, 170;
 minds not things too high for him, but is silent, 170;
 summary of moral duties, 171;
 moral perfection, 171;
 doctrine of reciprocity, 172;
 some of his sayings, 172, 173;
 Carlylean utterances, 173;
 Tsge-Kung's admiration for him, 173;
 interview with and opinion of Lao-tse, 174, 175;
 ante-natal signs, 225;
 his teachings similar to Christ's, 342;
 doctrine of recompense, 354-357;
 idea of perfect virtue, 361;
 and Christ, 362-365;
 on unseen spiritual beings, 395, 396;
 left writings, 414

Confucianism the official creed in China, 391

Consciousness, its rise unaccounted for by material evolution, 705;

 necessarily of spiritual evolution.[** , ?] 706, 707;
 not by creation, nor from nothing, 707

Consecration, power of, among the Mongolians, 86;

 among the Catholics, 86;
 differs from sacrifice, 86;
 permanence of, 87

Consecrated objects in Sierra Leone, 84;

 among the Tartars, 84;
 in Ceylon, 86;
 value of, 86.

Cornelius, conversion of, 328, 610

Creation of the universe, Hebrew account of 531-533;

 account, of the Quiches, 533,[** ; |F1 comma to separate sub-entries, i.e. "account of the Quiches" then "account of the Mixtecs" etc.]
   of the Mixtecs, 533, 534,
   of the Buddhists, 534,[** ; |F1: , correct, see above]
   of the Parsees, 534, 535;
 of the Rig-*
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/* Veda, 535, 536;

 of animals and man, Hebrew account, 536-538,[** ; |F1: , correct for separating sub-sub-entries]
   Fijian account, 538;
 impossible, 707

Creeds, the error of, 709, 710.

Cylinders, rotary, in Thibet, with sacred texts, 373, 374.[**period?]

Dakhmas, the, 79, 80.[**period?]

Daniel, the book of, 586, 587;

 the prophet, 587, 588, 590

Darwinism, an epoch, 705

Death, rites at, in New South Wales, 77;

 in Western Africa, 77, 78;
 in Polynesia, 77;
 in Mexico, 78;
 in Ceylon, 77;
 in Thibet, 88;
 among Christians, 89, 90

Death-watch, the, in Scotland, 114

Debt a disqualification in Buddhism, 460

Delphi, oracle at, 126

Deluge, the, Hebrew account of, 541, 542;

 other traditions, 243, 244;
 Indian tradition, 244, 245;
 the judgment by, 597

Demoniac possession in the days of Christ, 210, 211;

 in Judea, Abyssinia, Polynesia, and Ceylon, 245, 246

Design, argument from, 711, 712

Destruction, impossible, 706

Devadatta, 481

Devas, the worship of, renounced by the Parsees, 490

Didron, M., on the Scriptural proof of the Trinity, 379;

 on mediæval representations of the Father and the Son in the Trinity, 665, 666

Disciples, the, rebuked by Christ for not casting out a devil, 244;

 and Judaism, 328-341, 345

Disease, moral theory of, 141

Disease-makers in Tanna, 140

Divination a profession, 115;

 in South Africa, 115;
 from sticks and bones, 115, 116,[** ; ? |F1: agreed, doesn't seem like next line is sub-entry of this one]
 by familiar spirits, 116, 117;
 among the American Indians, 117, 118;
 among the Ostiacks, 118;
 in China, 118, 119;
 in Ceylon, 119;
 by the stars, 120

Diviners, methods of, in Sierra Leone, 143;

 in Mexico, 143;
 among the Jews, 145

Divorce, Christ's doctrine of, 304;

 Paul's doctrine of, 632
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Dogs, Parsee respect for, 409, 500

Drake, Sir Francis, and his men, divine honors paid to, 256, 257.[** normally no punctuation]

Dreams, presumed supernatural origin of, 106;

 theory of, 107;
 interpretation of, 107;
 Jewish ceremony against bad, 107, 108;
 in Scripture, 108, 109;
 in Homer, 110;
 horn and ivory gates of, 110

Dreams, Joseph's, as a main proof of the incarnation, 108

Dress, Buddhist rule for nuns, 467

Duty, Chinese definition of, 395

Easter, 55

Ebionite, the, a sect apart, 333;

 their fate, 334

Ecclesiastes, the work of a cynic, 568;

 account of, 569

Eddas, the Norse, 388

Ego, consciousness of the[** ,] 700

Elisha, an Amazulu, 556

Elohim, the, 663, 664

Epistles, the, of the New Testament, general burden of, 618, 619

Equilibrium of soul, Chinese definition of, 395.[** most entries do not have a period at the end]

Essenes, the, 96

Essence, the ultimate, of Brahminism, 661, 662.[**period?]

Evil, origin of, Hebrew account of; 537, 538;

 Buddhist account, 539, 540

Evolution theory, its dark spot, 705;

 its great triumph, 706

Existence the course of evil, 474, 475;

 at bottom, what? 702

Exorcism among the Jews, 212;

 among the disciples of Christ, 213.[**period?]

Experience as a test of truth, 678, 679

Ezekiel the prophet and his prophecies, 582, 584

Faith and belief distinguished, 23;

 and works, Scripture controversy on, 618, 619;
 and belief, relations of, 709-711

Fasting as a religious rite, 55

Festivals, idea of, 52;

 natural seasons of, 52;
 in Guinea, China, &c., 53;
 New Year's day in China, 53;
 Christmas, 54;
 among the Jews, 55;
 three kinds of, 54, 55;
 of Peruvians, 56

Fetish, idea of a, 132;

 power to
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/* charm, 133,

 priests as healers, 141

Fire a sacred symbol, 56;

 invocation of, 489;
 Parsee worship, 494, 495

Force, persistence of, 672-677;

 Herbert Spencer on, 677, 705;
 the notion of, 717

Frashaostra, 183, 184

Fravashis, the, 493

Gadarene demoniac, the, i. 243[**what do Roman numerals in this and next four entries indicate?]

Gatha, the fifth, i. 182;

 account of the first, ii. 487, 488;
 the second, ii. 485, 486;
 third, ii. 486, 487;
 fourth and fifth, ii. 487, 488

Gathas, the five, antiquity of, ii. 484;

 account of, ii. 485-490

Gentleness, Lao-tse on, ii. 419

Ghost, the Holy, the Christian art, ii. 666, 667;

 generally unworshiped, 668

God, personality of, not an essential element in religious belief, 719;

 loss of personality of, a gain, 720

God of Israel, the, his imperious attitude, 590;

 arbitrary conduct towards man in Paradise, 591, 592;
 his command to Abraham, 592;
 a Bramanical contrast, 592;
 his favoritism for Abel, 592[**p3 59? |F1: Abel mentioned on 593];[** F1: maybe , for separating sub-sub-entry i.e. "favoritism for Abraham" etc.]
   for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, 594; 594;[** repeated 594;]
 partizanship in delivering the Israelites from Egypt, 594,[** ; ? |F1 , to separate sub-sub-entry]
   and giving them Canaan, 594;
 exacting and "jealous," 594;
 anger and the calf idolaters, 595;
 treatment of the Israelites in the wilderness, 594, 595;
 capriciousness, 595, 596,[** ; ? |F1: , to separate sub-sub-entry?]
   in the punishment by deluge, 596,[** ; ? |F1: , to separate sub-sub-entry]
   towards the builders of Babel, 596;
 in regard to Balaam, ii. 596,[**P3 ;? |F1: , sub-sub-entry? i.e "in regard to X, Y" etc.]
   Nadab and Abihu, ii. 597,[**P3 ;? |F1: , sub-sub-entry?]
   the man that touched the ark, ii. 597,[** ; ? |F1: , sub-sub-entry?]
   his rejection of Saul, ii,[** . ?] 598;
 preference for Samuel, 598;
 treatment of Ahab, ii. 598;
 his treatment of alien nations, 599;
 his legislation.[** , ?] 600,[** ; ?|F1: , sub-sub-entry]
   in regard to the Sabbath, 600,[** ; ?|F1: , sub-sub-entry]
   idolatry, 600,[** ; ?]
   filial impiety, 600;
 anthropomorphic conceptions of, 602, 603;
 better elements in the ideal, 603, 604

God of Christendom, the, differs from the God of Israel, 636;

 his worst action, 637;
 the the[**P3 double the] change
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/* accounted for, 637, 638;

 no longer the God of a race, 638;
 one blot on his character, makes punishment eternal, 638, 639;
 step toward a milder view, Purgatory, 640;
 recent still milder conceptions, 641

God the Father in mediæval art, 665, 666

God, belief in, as Father, 682;

 as Son, 682, 683; as Spirit, 683

God among the Fijians, 650, 651;

 the Negroes, 653, 654;
 the Greenlanders, 654;
 original Americans, 654, 655;
 the great religions of the world, 655;
 of Buddhism, and 653-657;
 interior superior, 657

God, the highest, recognized amidst inferior, worshiped gods, in Guinea, 657;

 among the Kafirs, 657;
 in Sierra Leone, 658;
 in Dahomey, 658;
 among the Ashantees, 658, 659;
 in Mexico and Peru, 659;
 in Sabaeism, 659;
 among the Hindus, 659-664;
 in Judaism, 664, 665;
 in Christia[** n]ity, 664-666;
 various explanations of the idea of, 669,[** ; |F1: , sub-sub-entry]
   of common realism, 670, 698,[** ; |F1: , sub-sub-entry]
   of metaphysical realism, 671, 672, 698;
 comp[** a]rative estimate of these theories, 672, 673;
 of moderate idealism, 673, 676, 698;
 philosophical conclusion, 476, 477

Gods appealed to as men, 39, 40

Goethe, quotation, 415

Gopa, wife of Buddha, 177-179

Gospels, the, 199;

 criticism of the narratives, 199-204;
 discrepancies in regard to the genealogies, 218-220;
 accounts of Christ's birth, 221, 221[** F1 duplicated], 222;
 discrepancies regarding Christ's habitation, 239;
 regarding the calling of his first disciples, 230, 231;
 discrepancies about the sermon on the Mount, 243;
 hopelessness of chronology, 243;
 account of Christ's entry into Jerusalem, 253;
 account of the fig-tree, 254;
 accounts of Christ's annointing, 225;
 accounts of Christ's betrayal by Judas, 240, 241;
 accounts of Christ's last passover, 258, 259;
 account of Christ's passion, 260, 261;
 account of Christ's arrest, 261, 262,[** ; |F1: , sub-sub-entry?]
   of Jesus before the Sanhedrim, 262, 263,[** ; |F1: , sub-sub-entry?]
   of Jesus before Pilate, 263-265,[** ; |F1: , sub-sub-entry?]
   of the
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/* crucifixion, 265-267,[** ;][**comma is correct]

   of the resurrection, 269-275,[** ;]
 account of Christ's lineage and birth-place, 295-298

Greece, god's[**P2: superfluous ' ] of, 386

Groves, sacred, Africa and the South seas, 127

Habakkuk, the prophet, 579

Haggai, his prophecy, 585

Hanyfites, 550

Haoma, the plant, 46, 47

Harischandra, legend of, 246-249

Harmony, Chinese spiritual, 395

Haug, Dr, on the ages of the Vedas, 428, 429;

 his translation of the Gathas, 482

Hea, decrees against the King of, 404, 405

Heaven and hell, Mahometan, 516, 517

Heaven, Chinese definition of, ii.[**why Roman numeral?] 396

Hebrews, the, its teachings, as contrasted with that of James, 618-620

Hegira, the, 189

Here's conception of Hephaistos, 223

Hermits, Indian, 195

Herod and the birth of Christ, 227-229

Herod the Tetrarch, fate of, 611

Heu Hing, political economy of, 400

Hezekiah, and Isaiah, 550;

 divine favor to, 557;
 inglorious reign of, 558

Hilkiah, and his associates, and Josiah, 523-525

Hindus, ritual among the, 51;

 festivals among the, 52-54

Hodgson, his discovery in Nepaul, 451

Homa, the god, 506-508

Homa-Yasht, the, 506

Homer, poems of, 388, 389

Horace, quotation, 418

Hosea, the prophet, 573

How-tseih, miraculous birth of, 224

Huran, prayer of a, 33

Hymns, Vedic, of cursing, 565, 566

Hysteria in Judea in the days of Christ, 210, 211

Ibos, sacrifice among the, 42

Idealism, its forms, 673;

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/* as a solution, 677-676;

 extreme, 676

Idolatry, the crime of, among the Jews, 600

Immortality of the soul, not an article in either the Buddhist or Jewish creed, 687;

 the Greek and Roman philosophers on, 687, 688

Incas, the worship of, by images, 651

Indian, Nootka, prayer of, 32

Indra, his praises, 433;

 his soma-drinking, 433;
 the Indian Zeus, 433

Infallibility of the clergy, 153

Inspiration of sacred books, 311, 372;

 among the Chinese, 380, 381,[** delete comma]

Instruction, Chinese definition of, 395[**305]

Interpretation, forced, of sacred books, 375-383

Isaac, the sacrifice of, an Indian parallel to, 545-548

Isaiah quoted to prove Messiahship of Christ, 297-299;

 53d as a prophecy of Christ, 299;
 his rank as a prophet, 517;
 dates of his prophecies, 518;
 earliest stratum of his prophecies, 518;
 contrast with Joel, 519;
 on the Jerusalem ladies, 519;
 second part, 519;
 accepts the divine call, 520;
 third part, 520;
 fourth part, 520, 521;
 fifth, sixth, and seventh parts, 521;
 vision of the future, 521

Jacob, his bargain with Jehovah, 39;

 his conduct to Esau, 594

Jahveh, the holy name, 664

James, the Epistle of, its teaching contrasted with that of the Hebrews, 619, 620

Jehovah, his praises in the Psalms, 38;

 and Adonia, 663, 664

Jeremiah, the prophet, 579;

 his call 579, 580;
 denunciatory prophecies, ii.[**why Roman numeral?] 580, 581;
 and Pashur, 581;
 analysis of his prophecies, ii. 581, 582;
 lamentations of, 583

Jesus Christ, the historical (see <sc>Christ</sc>), difficulties in regard to materials for his life, 199;

 compared with the mythical, and the ideal, 200;
 his sayings credibly reported, 201,[**;?]
 criticism of his doings, 202;
 further tests applied, 202-204;
 his parents and
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/* family, 204-206;

 his mother, 205;
 birth at Nazareth, 206;
 originally a carpenter, 207;
 influence of John the Baptist, 206, 207; 207;[**P2: duplicate 207;]
 comes forth a Messiah, 207;
 boldly assets[**P2: asserts ?] his claim, 207;
 his early disciples[**P2: missing i in scan], the three most intimate, 207, 208;
 female followers, 209;
 his own family and neighbors unfriendly to his mission, 208, 209;
 his public teaching, 209;
 state of Judea at the time[** ,] 209, 210;
 casts out devils, 210, 211;
 his sermons and parables, 212;
 authority as a teacher, 212, 213;
 offends the Jews by forgiving sin, 213;
 disregard of Sabbatical customs, 213;
 claiming Messiahship, 213, 214;
 abusing his enemies, 214;
 violent conduct in the Temple, 214;
 his betrayal and apprehension, 214;
 accusation and trial, 215, 216;
 the witnesses and his defense, 215, 216;
 his condemnation, 216;
 before Pilate, 216;
 crucifixion, 216;
 interment, 216

Jesus, of the Gospels, indifference to alleged lineage and birth-place, 294;

 believed to be of Nazarareth[**P2: Nazareth], 296;
 misapplies a prophecy to himself, 298, 299;
 and the Jewish Sabbath, 301, 302;
 offense taken at the company he kept and free living, 302;
 his neglect of the tradition of the elders, 303;
 views of divorce, 304;
 on paying tribute, 304, 305;
 and the Sadducees in regard to the future state, 305-307;
 two chief commandments, 307;
 on the denunciation of the Scribes, 408, 409;
 provokes opposition, 409;
 expulsion of the money-changers, 409, 410;
 defense of his conduct, 410, 411;
 gives offense to the Sanhedrim, 312;
 before the Sanhedrim, 312;
 before Pilate, 313;
 his faith in his Messiahship, 316;
 conscious of being son of God, 316, 317;
 comparative modesty of the claim, 317;
 asserted inferiority to the Father, 318;
 his relation to the law, 319, 320;
 his mission confined to the Jews, 320, 321;
 his idea of his mission his one thought, 321-326;
 his warning to his disciples to be ready, 321-323;
  • /

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 his idea of his kingdom, 323;
 his one qualification for admission, 324;
 his kingdom to be on earth, 325;
 Peter's confession of, 327;
 doctrine of his divinity not found in the New Testament, 327;
 not thought to have a design of subverting the Mosaic law, 328;
 modern laudation of, 339;
 materials for criticism, 339, 340;
 his fondness for contrasts, 340, 341,[**;?]
 his resemblance to Lao-tse, 344;
 aversion to wealth and wealthy men, 446, 447;
 his doctrine in regard to invitations to feasts, 448;
 parable of the laborers in in the vineyard, 449;
 his assertion of eternal punishment, 350;
 his false estimate of the power of prayer, 349;
 his sermon on the Mount, 450-462;
 his doctrine of murder, adultery, and perjury, 451, 452;
 of resisting evil by doing good, 452, 453;
 his model prayer, 356, 358;
 on the superiority of heavenly to temporal interests, 358-461;
 founder of scientific ethics, 360;
 as a prophet, compared with Buddha and Confucius, 362-364;
 compared with Socrates, 464, 465;
 his transcendent moral grandeur, 366;
 as a man of sorrows, 366-368

Jesus Christ, Mahomet's view of, 513, 514

Jesus, the ideal, of St. John, peculiarities of the narrative, 277-288;

 improbabilities, 288;
 raising Lazarus, 288-291;
 at the marriage feast, 279, 280;
 heals by a word, 282;
 at the pool of Bethesda, 282;
 interviews with Nathaniel, &c., 280, 281, 283;
 symbolic teachings, 281-283;
 last discourse to his disciples, 283;
 as the Logos, 283, 284;
 Oneness with God, as his father, 284;
 last days and moments, 286, 287

Jesus, the mythical, the accounts of, 216, 217;

 variety of these, 217;
 the genealogies, 217-221;
 conception and nativity, 221-223;
 mythological parallels, 223-226;
 mediæval painting of, in the womb, 225;
 recognition by the shepherds, 226[**P2: missing , or - ] 227;
 by the Magi, 227;
 and Herod, 227, 228;
  • /

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/* dangerous child, 228-230;

 circumcision, 230;
 recognized by Simeon, 231;
 by Anna, 231;
 in the Temple, 232-233;
 called a Nazarene, 234;
 his baptism, 234, 236;
 message from John the Baptist, 236;
 temptation, 237;
 comes to Capernaum, 238;
 reasons for leaving Nazareth 238, 239;
 reception in Nazareth as a preacher, 239;
 has an abode, 239;
 no ascetic, 240;
 in comfortable circumstances, 240;
 collects followers, 240, 241;
 calls Peter, 241;
 calls Matthew, 241;
 appoints twelve, 241;
 his four select, 241, 242;
 works miracles, 242;
 sermon on the Mount, 242, 243;
 heals the Gadarene demoniac, 243;
 expels a devil, and rebukes his disciples for their want of faith, 244;
 heals the Syrophenician damsel, 244, 245;
 heals a leper, 246;
 a paralytic, 246;
 raises Jarius' daughter, 246, 248;
 heals a woman with an issue of blood, 248;
 the centurion's servant, 248, 249;
 heals a deaf mute, 250;
 heals a blind man, 250,
   ten lepers, 250;
 raises the widow's son, 250;
 miraculously feeds a multitude, 250;
 walks on the water, 251;
 stills the storm, 251;
 his transfiguration, 251, 252;
 foretells his crucifixion and resurrection, 253;
 triumphal entry into Jerusalem, 253, 254;
 blasts the fig-tree, 254;
 purges the temple, 254;
 last anointing, 254;
 betrayal by Judas, 257;
 keeps his last passover, 258;
 institutes the supper, 259;
 washes his disciples' feet, 260;
 in Gethsemane, 260;
 arrest, 261;
 before the Sanhedrim[**Sanhedrin?][** says Sanhedrim, p. 261], 261, 262;
 before Pilate, 262-265;
 before Herod, 264;
 mockery, 265;
 crucifixion, 265-267;
 last words, 267;
 wonders accompanying his death, 267;
 his burial, 268, 269;
 resurrection, 269-273;
 ascension, 275

Jews, sacrifices among the, 42-44;

 prayers, 50;
 festivals of, 52, 53;
 passover among, 55;
 rite of circumcision among, 64;
 historical result of their rejection of Christ, 287, 288;
 unjust treatment, 289;
 consideration in extenuation, 289;
 their provocations, 290, 291;
  • /

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  • dulity of skepticism in regard to Messianic pretensions, 292;
 justification of their Messianic expectations, 293-294;
 excusable ignorance as to Christ's lineage, 295, 296;
 and their own prophecies, 296-299;
 treatment of Christ's miracles, 299;
 their esteem for the Sabbath law, 300, 301;
 their ofense[**P1 missing'f'] at Christ for his disregard of ceremonial observance, 300-303;
 their right to interrogate Christ, 303;
 question to Jesus about tribute, 304, 305;
 just offense, as monotheists, at Christ, 313;
 and Christianity, 314-316;
 justification of their rejection of Christ, 315;
 identified with their Bible, 162;
 settlement in Judea, 162, 163;
 under kings, 163;
 in captivity, 163;
 epoch in their history, 163;
 their national god, 164-166;
 early creed not monotheistic, 166;
 idolatry, 167;
 not Jehovistic, only the priests, 167, 169;
 effects of the captivity, 170-172;
 under the Maccabees, 173;
 their pride and intolerance, 133, 173;
 under the Asmoneans and the Herods, 173;
 under the Romans, 174;
 in Christendom, 175;
 their toughness, 175.

Job, story of the book of, 563, 564

"Jocelyn," Lamartine's, 102, 103

Joel, his prophecy, 571;

 Isaiah, 575

John, Baptist, asceticism of, 96, 206, 207;

 baptizes Christ, 235;
 message from prison to Christ, 336;
 Christ's estimate of, 336.[** irregular .]

John, Gospel of, silence about miraculous conception, 221;

 account of Christ's baptism, 235;
 account of the crucifixion, 268;
 on Christ's Divinity, 327, 328;
 its value in evidence, 328

John, the apostle, the beloved disciple, 281;

 his Gospel, its fondness for symbolic speech, 281, 282;
 for obscure theological questions, 383, 384;
 doctrine of the Logos, 384, 385;
 his Gospel as regards Christ's birth-place and lineage, 294, 295

John, the three epistles of, 620, 621

Jonah, book and story of, 586[**P1 missing',' or -] 587

Jongleurs, the, in New France, installation of, 601

  • /

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/* Jordan, crossing the, an Indian parallel, 553

Joseph, the father of Jesus, 204-218-221-229-233.[** .?][**commas instead of dashes?]

Josiah, Jehovistic coup d'etat, under[**, here instead?] 523, 525

Judas, his betrayal of Jesus, 214;

 slander against, 255;
 betrays Christ, 263;
 myth of his unhappy end, 257, 258;
 charged with his intended crime at the last supper, 258, 259;
 arrest of Christ, 261, 263

Judaism, antagonism to asceticism, 96;

 of John the Baptist, 97;
 tendency of Christianity to encourage, 97;
 idea of, 98;
 Protestant disregard of, 99;
 and Christianity, 328;
 and the apostle Paul, 330, 331;
 and the early Church, 334

Kafirs, prayer of, 34;

 sacrifice among the, 42, 43;
 sneezing an omen among, 110;
 other omens among, 112

Kama, burning of, 55;

 invoked to curse, 566

Kantaka, horse of Buddha, 179

Karma, the, of Buddhist ethics, 481

Kava-Vistaspa, 183, 184

Keightley, data from, on saint worship in England, 668

Khadija, the first wife of Mahomet, 187;

 her relations with the prophet, 187;
 her death, 180

Khorda-Avesta, the, 502-509;

 its use, 502;
 subject-matter and date, 503

King, the meaning of the term, 391;

 the five, 391, 392

Kingdom of heaven, Christ's idea of, 321-324;

 Paul's, 335;
 Peter's 336

Koran, style of, 194;[**,] 378-389;

 the  staple of, 198;
 the single authorship and unity of, 510;
 apology for its style, 510;
 translations, 510;
 origin and formation of, 510;
 original copy, 511;
 arrangement, 511;
 themes, 511, 512;
 specimens, 512;
 its paradise, 517;
 its hell, 517

Korosi, his discovery, 451

Kosti, investure with the, 74

Kranos[** typo Kronos], his dread of his children, 229

Kunala[** Kunâla p. 481], legend of, 481

Kyros, a dangerous child, 230

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Lady, a pious, 460

Lao-tse, probable date of birth, 168;

 admonition to Confucius, 168;
 account of himself, 168;
 resembled Plato's philosopher, 169;
 his style similar to Christ's, 340;
 the Christianity of, 353;
 left writings, 413;
 description of Tao, 414;
 conception of goodness, 418;
 on gentleness, 419;
 against luxury, 419;
 has three cardinal virtues, 420;
 mysticism, 420;
 conception of God, 421, 422;
 his character and teaching, 422

Lazarus, story of, peculiar to John's Gospel, 255;

 his resurrection, 347, 348

Lazarus and Dives, 344, 347, 350

Legge, Dr. James, his Chinese classics, 390;

 his opinion of the authorship of Ch'un' Tsew, 59

Legislation, Hebrew, 600-603

Libations in sacrifice, 47;

 in Tartary, Samoa, Thibet, &c., 47

Life, vital forces, Indian apologue, 445, 446

Linga, the, worship of, 54

Lucretius on immortality, 688

Luke, his genealogy of Jesus, 218-221;

 account of miraculous conception and birth, 222, 223;
 account of the shepherds, 226, 227;
 account of Christ's infancy, 230;
 discrepancies with Matthew, 233-236;
 his free spirit, 232;
 account of the call of Peter, 241;
 version of the sermon on the Mount, 243;
 account of lunatic boy, 244;
 his partiality for angels, 252;
 accompanies Paul, 257

Lun Yu, the, date of, 392;

 subject matter, 392;
 its Boswellian minuteness of detail, 292[** typo 392]

Luxury, Lao-Tse on, 419

Magi and the birth of Christ, 228-230

Mahomet, pretensions of, to the supernatural, 122;

 the last of the great prophets, 186;
 his religion self-derived, 187;
 his parents and birth, 187;
 his original social position, 187;
 marries Kha-dija[** Khadija p. 188], 187;
 his first revelation, 187;
 passes through the period of the "Everlasting No." 187;
 Gabriel his guardian angel, 187;
 first dis-*
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  • ciples, 187;
 his doctrines provoke persecution, 187;
 his momentary relapse into idolatry and repentance, 188;
 persecution of his family, 188;
 binds by a vow pilgrims from Medina, 188;
 his flight to Medina, 189;
 success there, 189;
 war with Mecca, 189;
 truce with the Meccans, 190;
 summons crowned heads to submit to his religion, 190;
 first pilgrimage to Mecca, 190;
 enters Mecca in triumph, 191;
 proclamation to the inhabitants, 192;
 final triumph and death, 191;
 his character an open question, 192;
 his sincerity, 193-195;
 sense of inspiration, 193;
 time-serving withal, 193;
 inspired poetic style, 193;
 his predecessors, 195;
 his sources of information, 195;
 takes to the sword, 195;
 conduct to the Jews, 195, 196;
 his weak point, 196, 197;
 his harem, 197;
 his marriages, 198;
 his jealousy, 198;
 triumph of his religion, 199, 200;
 aristocratic descent, 221;
 ante-natal intimations of his greatness, 226;
 the infant recognized by his grandfather, 231;
 his awe under the new revelation, 512;
 his stock-in-trade, 513;
 view of his prophetic function, 513;
 prophets acknowledged by, 514;
 views of Christ, 514, 515;
 of himself, 516, 517;
 address of God to, 516

Malachi on sacrifices to God, 44;

 prophecies of, 586, 587

Man, the wise and the fool, chapter from, 468

Mang, on high-mindedness, his teaching similar to Christ's, 341;

 a disciple of Confucius, 396;
 his works, 396, 397;
 late introduction to the canon, 397, 398;
 his democratic philosophy, 398;
 his view how heaven makes known its will, 399, 400;
 notions of good government, 399, 400;
 a political economist, 401;
 his regard for propriety, 401, 402;
 his faith in human nature, 492[** 402 ?], 403;
 his moral tone, 403

Manu, code of, on legal and illegal forms of marriage, 76, 77;

 the typical ancestors of men, 447;
 and the deluge, 543, 544
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Mark, Gospel of, its credibility, 203;

 omits miraculous conception, 221;
 account of Christ's baptism, 235;
 reference to Christ's temptation, 237

Marriage, rites at, peculiar to civilized nations, 75;

 in Ceylon, 75;
 in Thibet, 76;
 according to the code of Manu, 76;
 among Parsees, Jews, and Christians, 77;
 with strangers, among the Jews, 600

Marriage-tie, the, Christ on, 345

Maruts, the, prayer to, 35, 38[**;]

 their nature, 434

Mary, the mother of Jesus, 204, 205, 218, 221-223, 233, 234;

 at the cross, 267

Masses for the dead, 80

Materialism, unphilosophic, 694

Matthew, his genealogy of Jesus, 218-221;

 account of miraculous conception, and birth, 221, 222;
 account of the Magi, 227;
 reticence about infancy of Christ, 230;
 discrepancies with Luke, 233-236;
 call of, 241:[**;]
 version of sermon on the Mount, 243;
 his misappropriation of prophecy, 297, 298

Maya Devi, her dream, 176;

 her pregnancy, 176;
 delivery of a son, 177;
 death thereafter, 177

Maya, her gestation-time, 225

Mean, the, Chinese doctrine of, 394, 395

Mencius. See <sc>Mang</sc>

Messiah, the, the term, 292, 293;

 Jewish ideas of, 292, 293;
 these ideas not responded to by Christ, 293;
 presumptuous Christian interpretations, 293, 294;
 predicitons[** predictions] as to lineage and birth, 294-296;
 as son of David, 295;
 predictions of his birth from a virgin, 297, 298;
 in 53d [** word(s) missing?] of Isaiah, 279

Metaphysics, Buddhist, 473, 474

Mexico, human and other sacrifices in, 41, 42, 43;

 worship in, 51;
 burial rites in, 78;
 monasticism in, 91, 93

Mexican festival for rain, 35

Micah, the prophecy of, 578

Mill, J. S., a metaphysical realist, 676

Mind, not resolvable in matter, or physical cause, 689-692

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Miracles as credentials of the divine, 120, 121;

 of Buddhism, 121;
 among the Mongols, 122;
 among the Moslems, 122;
 of Christianity, 123;
 in the early Church, 123, 124;
 of the Mormons, 124, 125;
 insufficiency of the evidence in the case of Christ, 299[** ,? |P3 or -] 300

Mite, the widow's, 342, 343

Mithra, the god, 467, 471, 493

Mitra, 435

Moments, four sacred, 57

Monasticism in Mexico and Peru, 89, 92;

 among the Buddhists, 93-95;
 in Siam, 96;
 in Nepaul, 97;
 in Christianity, 104

Monk, Buddhist, condemned, to monkeyhood, 556

Monotheism, fate of, 312

Monteçuma and human sacrifice, 41

Mormons, the, claim to supernatural gifts, 124, 125

Moses, a dangerous Child, 229;

 address of God to, 515;
 the ten commandments of, 549, 550;
 commandments of the tables of stone given to, 595, 596;
 mercifulness, 239;
 divine manifestations to, 602

Moslems, prayer among the, 51

Muir, Dr., Sanskrit texts, 425

Müller, Max, translator of Rig-Veda-Sanhita, 425;

 account, of the Vedas, 427, 428;
 on the supreme god of the Hindus, 662, 663

Myths, three classes of, about Jesus, 217;

 instance of first order, 221, 222, 224;
 of the dangerous child, 227;
 Perseus's birth, 229;
 of Oidipous, 229;
 of Christ's baptism, 352;
 illustration of the growth of, 234

Nagardjuna, thaumaturgic powers of, 122

Nahum, the prophet, and his prophecy, 578

Nathaniel, 280-285

Nature, Chinese definition of, 395

Nausikaa, a Chinese, 409

Nazareth, Christ's reputed birth-*place, 296

Nazarites, the, 96

Neander on the Judaism of the early Church, 333, 334

Newman, Francis W., 640

Nicodemus, 267, 280, 282, 283, 285

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Nidanas, the twelve, 473-475

Nirvana, theory of, 474, 475;

 sacrifice of, 478

Obadiah, prophecy of, 577

Objects, holy, in Peru, 133;

 trees as, 134;
 animals as, 134;
 serpents as, 134;
 images as, 135

Odes, Chinese, traditional interpretation of, 379-381

Offerings, religious, in Sierra Leone, 84;

 in Tartary, 85

Oidipous, 229

Omar, his conversion to Mahometanism, 188

Omens, divine, 106;

 in dreams, 106;
 in sneezing, 109-110;
 interpretation of, 111;
 from flight of eagles, 111;
 from a horse turning back, 111;
 from bleating of a sheep, 111;
 among the Kafirs and Chinese, 112;
 in Ceylon, 112, 113;
 in the heavens, 113;
 in Tacitus, 113;[** ,?], 114;
 in Ireland and Scotland, 114;
 at birth of great men, 114, 115

Ophites, the, their worship, 134

Ordeals, as a moral test, 119;

 in Western Africa, 119;
 among the Hebrews, 120;
 among the Negroes[** ,], 120;
 among the Ostiacks, 121

Orders, holy, in the Church of England, 102, 103;

 Buddhist monastic rules, 104-106

Ormazd. See <sc>Ahura-Mazda</sc>.[** extra .]

Pachacamac, or the universal soul, 658

Palestine, state of, in days of Christ, 209, 210

Parker, Theodore, 641

Parsees, sacrifices among the, 44;

 prayers, 50;
 festivals of, 53;
 baptism among, 61, 62;
 burial rites;[** ,], 78, 80

Parseeism, rise of, 484;

 reformers' hymn, 483;
 religious zeal of, 486;
 objects of worship, 489;
 fire-worship, 490, 491;
 confession of faith, 490, 491;
 new divinities, 491, 493;
 respect for dogs, 499, 500;
 later respect for purity, 500, 501;
 times of, 507, 508;
 eight commandments of, 550, 551

Passover, the Jewish, 55

Patets, the Parsees, 506, 507

Patria Potestas, the, in Judea and Rome, 600, 601

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Paul, his independence and concession to Jewish prejudices, 330, 331;

 his views of the Mosaic law, 332, 333;
 idea of the coming of Christ, 334, 335;
 as a persecutor, 608;
 accounts of his conversion, 608-610;
 his consecration, 611;
 at Paphos, 611;
 in Antioch[** ,], 611;
 at Lystra, taken for Hermes, 611;
 for a god, 611;
 parallel in the case of Sir Francis Drake, 612, 613;
 stoned, 614;
 parts with Barnabas, 614;
 chooses Silas, 614;
 at Phillippi, 614;
 at Athens, 614;
 at Corinth, 614;
 at Ephesus, 614, 615;
 at Troas, 616;
 at Jerusalem, 616, 617;
 appeal to Cæsar, 616;
 in Rome, 617;
 his equal apostleship, 621, 622;
 his epistles, their style and spirit, 623;
 his reasoning powers, 623, 624;
 his exclusive regard for essential principles, 623, 624;
 denunciation of co-habitation with a stepmother, 626;
 against prostitution, 626;
 views on matrimony, 628, 629, 630, 632;
 rules affecting widows, 629;
 preference for celibacy, 630;
 allows bishops and deacons to marry, 630;
 on divorce, 632;
 on the resurrection of the dead, 632-634;
 on brotherly love, 634;
 other maxims, 634

Perseus, myth of his birth, 229

Persia, power of, 482

Peru, monasticism in, 91, 92

Peruvians, festivals of, 55;

 baptism among, 58

Peter, call of, 240;

 his denial of Christ, 262;
 his confession, 327;
 his vision, 328;
 and Judaism, 329, 330;
 idea of kingdom of heaven, 335, 336;
 conduct towards Ananias and Sapphira, 606, 607;
 deliverance by an angel, 608:[** ;]
 scandal caused by, 610;
 his epistles, 619

Pharisee, the, and publican, 344

Pharisees, and Christ, 300, 305;

 denounced by Christ, 308, 309

Phinehas and the Midianitish woman, 597

Pilate, as governor of Judea, 262, 263;

 treatment of Christ, 263, 265;
 Christ before, 313

"Pilgrim's Progress," 635, 636. See <sc>Bunyan</sc>

Places, holy, 82, 83;

 special haunts
  • /

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/* of the divine, 126, 127;

 in Africa and South Seas, 127;
 in Ceylon,[** extra , ?] (the Bo-tree), 127;
 graves as, 127, 128;
 in history, 128;
 oracles, 128;
 by consecration--the temple, 128, 129;
 holy of holies, 130

Plato, his description of a philosopher in his "Theætetus," 170

Polynesia, burial rites in, 78

Positivism, weak point in, 157

Pourutschista, St[**. ?], 183, 184

Power, the Unknown, not a suggestion of sense, 696, or of reason, 696, 697, but of religious sentiment, 697, 698;

 idea of, unaccounted for by Realism, common and metaphysical, 698;
 moderate and extreme Idealism, 698;
 neither one nor many, but all, 699, 700;
 sense of, an intuition, 700, 701;
 of kin to mind, as in man, 701, 702;
 includes consciousness, 702;
 includes our nature, 702;
 the universal solvent, 703, 704;
 fountain of all reservoirs of force, 705;
 allows nothing to be a law to itself, 705;
 our knowledge of, no riddle, 707;
 illustrations, 708-712;
 the denial of, an affirmation, 717;
 faith in, the foundation of religious faith, 718;
 answer to charge of vagueness, 719, 720;
 not a father, not a judge, 720;
 harmony of the idea of, with deep religious feeling, 721

Praise conjoined with prayer, 32-37;

 part of worship, 37, 38;
 Christian and heathen compared, 38

Prajapati, 535

Prayer, its influence, 32;

 its concomitant, praise, 32;
 its primitive form and purpose, 33;
 specimens of primitive, 33;
 of Indians, preparing for war, 33;
 of a Huron, 33;
 of Kafirs, 34;
 of Caribbean Islanders, 34;
 of the Samoans, 34;
 Polynesian, 34,[** ;?]
 Vedic, 35-37;
 Solomon's, 35;
 special, 35;
 efficacy, 35;
 for rain and other physical benefits, 36;
 for Thebes, 38;
 specimens of, 38-40;
 and sacrifice, 39;
 forms of, 50;
 Christ's doctrine of, 350;
 the Lord's, 356-358

Pre-Adamites, Buddhist, 460

Priests, special function of, 99;

 in relation to the monastic order,
  • /

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/* 99, 100;

 consecration of, in Greenland, 100;
 among the American tribes, 100;
 among certain Negroes, 100;
 in Mexico, 101;
 among the Jews, 101, 102;
 in the Christian Church, 102, 103;
 sanctity of, 136;
 authority of, 136-138;
 grades of, 137;
 prophets versus, 138;
 privileges of, 138;
 primitive, 138;
 formation as a separate class, as medical practitioners, 139, 140;
 disease-making, 140;
 as doctors in Australia, Africa, &c., 141;
 as healers among the Negroes, 140, 141;
 as mediators for the sick, 142;
 irregular, 142;
 miscellaneous functions, 142;
 in North America as soothsayers, 144;
 as fortune-*tellers, &c., in Thibet, 145;
 claim to inspiration, 145;
 Jewish high, claims and powers of, 146;
 protected by heaven, 146;
 repute of Brahminical, 147;
 functions of, 147;
 as rain makers, &c., 148;
 power and sanctity of, 148, 149;
 in Ceylon and Siam[** Siam];[** ,?], 149;
 reward of, 149;
 tithes to, 149;
 the duty and privilege of offering, 152;
 privileges of, 150;
 hereditary, 151;
 internally called, 152;
 a demand for, 152;
 infallibility, 153

Priestesses in Guinea, 148, 149

Prophet, anonymous, 574;

 another, 578;
 the anonymous, his rank among the prophets, 583;
 his prophecies, 584;
 the prophet of consolation, 584, 585

Prophets of the world, the, 154;

 their ultimate authority, 155;
 mystically invested with superhuman endowment, 155;
 their absolute consciousness, 155, 156;
 their conservative spirit, 156;
 the Hebrew, civil standing, 554, 555;
 Elijah and Elisha, 555;
 the most powerful, 570

Prophecy, Hebrew, originally oral, then written, 570;

 constant theme of, 570, 571;
 minor topics, 571

Prosperity, national or royal, Jewish, Chinese, and Thibetan theories of, 558, 559

Protestantism and asceticism, 98

Proverbs, the, a criticism, 568

Psalms, the, their character, 564, 565;

 of cursing (cx. and cix.), 565;
 Vedic parallels, 565, 566
  • /

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Psalmists, the, their praises of Jehovah, 38

Puberty, rites of, cruel and mysterious, 64, 65;

 meaning of the rites, 65, 66;
 Catlin's account of the rite among the Mandans, 66, 67;
 Schoolcraft's account, 68;
 rite in New South Wales, 68-70;
 and in other parts of Australia, 70, 71;
 of a Phallic nature in Africa, 71-73;
 in South Seas, 73;
 among the Hindus, 72, 73;
 among the Parsees, 74;
 among Jews and Christians, 74

Punishment, eternal, doctrine of, 350;

 in the Christian system, 638-640

Purgatory, a merciful suggestion, 640

Purna, the Christianity of, 354;

 the legend of, 452-458

Purusha Sukta, the, a universal essence, 438, 439

Rain, prayer for, 35, 36

Rays of Buddha, 113

Realism, common, in relation to God, 670, 671;

 metaphysical, do[**. (for 'ditto')?], 671, 672;
 comparative estimate, 672, 673;
 and Idealism, unable to solve the religious problem[** ,], 698, 699

Reality, the one, 701

Reason, the process of, 696

Relations, the, of time and space to mind and matter, 691, 692

Religion, interest and importance of the subject, 19, 20;

 fallacious evidences, 20, 21;
 method of inquiry, 22, 23;
 universality and varied phases, 22, 23;
 substance and form, 22;
 its root principle, 27;
 craving after, 28;
 twofold aspect and function, 29;
 analysis of treatment of the subject in these volumes, 28-30;
 two distinct questions regarding, 645, 646;
 these resolved into three, 646;
 essential assumption, 647;
 three fundamental postulates, 648;
 two kinds of proof, 649;
 universal, 649, 650;
 meagre among the Australians, 650;
 in Kamschatka[** Kamtschatka?], 650;
 the permanent in, 668, 669;
 question suggested by, as regards God, 669;
 conclusion of science, 677, 678;
 tendency to limit itself in theol-*
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  • ogy, 679, 680;
 historical progress of, 681, 682;
 the great truth in, offered to philosophy, 683;
 involves a faith in the soul, 684-694;
 final postulate, 695;
 conclusion of, neither from sense nor reason, but sentiment, 696;
 conclusion of, necessary, 696;
 a pervading error and a general truth in, 709;
 real difficulty about, 711;
 denial of its truth emotional as well as the affirmation, 712;
 objections met, 710, 725;
 the one universal foundation of, 718

Religions, founders of new, 154;

 their comparison, 645

Resurrection, of Christ, accounts of the, 269;

 the germ of these in Mark, 269, 270;
 Matthew's, 269, 270;
 Luke's, 270;
 John's, 271, 272;
 Paul's, 272, 273;
 summary of accounts, 272, 273;
 psychological explanation of the myth, 275, 277;
 of Lazarus, 278, 279

Reverend, the title of, 149

Review, general, 643-645

Rig Veda, the, 426, 427, 429

Rig-Veda, Sanhita, its contents, 430, 435;

 its praise of Agni, 431;
 of Indra and the Soma, 431-434;
 of the Maruts, 434;
 of Ushas, the dawn, 434;
 of Varuna, 435, 436;
 consciousness of one God, 437, 438;
 speculative element, 440;
 on the Purusha Sukta, 438, 439;
 personification of abstractions, 439, 440;
 general estimate of, 440, 441;
 interest to the mythologist, 441;
 elementary religious ideas, 442, 443

Ritual, early, universal development of a fixed, 49, 50;

 in prayer, 50;
 in worship, 51;
 in Mexican and other worships, 51;
 Griggories, charms in Sierra Leone, 133

Rome, Church of, and Paganism, 56

Rudrayana, legend of his conversion to Buddhism, 458, 459

Sabaeism, god of, 659

Sabbath, the Jewish, Christ's treatment of, 309-302[** ?]

Sacrament, the Christian, 46, 47

Sacrifice, idea and origin of, 39, 40, 42, 43, 48;

 motive to and duty of, 49, 50;
 to the Amatongo, 40;
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  • ject of, 41, 44;
 in Kamtschatka, 42;
 human, 41;
 animal, among the Kafirs and in Western Africa, 42;
 among the American Indians, 42;
 in China, 42;
 among the Jews, 42, 46;
 the Ibos, 42;
 in South Sea Islands, 43;
 among the Mexicans, Peruvians, Incas, 43;
 among the Hindus, 43;
 among the Parsees, 44;
 Malachi on, 45;
 among the Buddhists, 45;
 a requirement of the religious sentiment, 45;
 part of, the priests' and worshipers', 46;
 among the Tembus, 46;
 by libation, 46;
 supposed effects on the deity, 47;
 theory of, among the Hindus, 47;
 idea[** idea] of, fundamental to Christianity, 48, 49

Sadducees, the, and Christ, 305, 308

Saints, worship of, 310, 311

Sakyamuni. See <sc>Buddha</sc>

Salch[** Saleh], the legend of the prophet, 158[**?? actually 512-514]

Sama Veda, the, 427, 429

Samaria, the woman of, 281-284

Samoans, prayer of the, 34;

 drink-offerings of, 47

Samson, the Jewish Hercules, 553

Samudra, the legend of, 588, 589

Samuel, government of, 553, 554

Sanhitas, the, what?[** whatever 'what?' means here?][** ,], 425, 426

Satan in the book of Job, 563, 564

Saturday, holy, in the Catholic Church, 55

Scala Santa, the, 128

Sect, Johannine, trace of a, 616

Self-consecration common to all religions, 88;

 its nature, 89,[**;]
 its elements, 89

Sennacherib, legend of, 556, 557

Sermon on the Mount, 350, 351

Shakers, the, 98

She King, the, slight religious interest of, 407;

 popularity of its songs, 408;
 varied themes of these, 407;
 the widow's protest, 408;
 young lady's request to her lover, 408;
 ode of filial piety, 410;
 theory of kingly success, 560;
 ode similar to one of psalmist David's, 567

Ship adrift, a parallel, 718, 719

Shoo, the four, 391

Shoo King, the, its antiquity, 403;

 doctrine of imperial duties and rights, 403, 404;
 respect for the
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/* popular mind, 404;

 on the house of Hea, 404, 405;
 on the house of Yin, 406;
 counsels of the Duke of Chow, 406;
 of the Duke of Ts'in, 406

Shun, heaven's choice of, as king, 399, 400, 402, 406

Simeon, his recognition of the infant Christ, 231-235

Sin, supposed physical effects of, 36

Sincerity, a Chinese virtue, 395

Sneeze, a famous, in Xenophon, 111

Sneezing, an omen, 110;

 exclamations connected with, in Polynesia, Germany, Africa, &c., 110;
 as an omen in Germany, 111

Socrates, and Christ, his superior gift, 364, 366;

 a Chinese, 417

Solomon, prayer of, 35;

 dedication of Temple, 83;
 an Indian, 554

Soma, a god as well as a juice, 431

Son, the, in the Trinity, 682, 683

Song of Solomon, traditional interpretation of, 379;

 dramatic character of, 569, 570;
 brief account of, 570

Sophocles, prayer to Apollo, 39

Soul, Indian conception of a universal, 445, 446;

 Indian idea of the future of the, 446;
 the universal, of the Veda, 659, 661;
 faith in, involved in every religion, 684;
 in Kamschatka[** Kamtschatka], Tartary, America, 685;
 the Kafirs, the Ashantees, 686;
 immateriality of, 687;
 faith in its immortality not universal, 687, 688

Space and time as elements, 691

Spiegel, Dr., translation of the Zend-Avesta, 483

Spirit, the, in the Trinity, 683

Spirits, familiar, divination by, 108, 109

Spiritualism, 724

Srama[** Sramana], a, defined, 94

Srotapanna, the, 479 (note)

Suddhodana and his queen worthy to produce Buddha, 176

Sunday, Jewish notions of, 301

Serpent[** alphabetical order?], worship of the, 133, 134

Suras, showing how Mahomet was possessed by his idea, 512;

 the opening of the Koran, 512;
 of the prophet's maturity, 513

Sutras, the Buddhistic, the interpretation of, 378;

 tediousness, 389;
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 the simple and developed, 450;
 diffuseness and supernatural gear, 472;
 the simple, 472

Sutra[**,] Pratimoksha, the, monastic rules of, 94;

 its subject, 463;
 antiquity, 463;
 monastic rules of, 464-466

Sutra-Pitaka, the, 467, 468;

 stories from, 467, 468;
 contents of, 468

Svetaketu, the ill-educated[** -?] young Brahman, 446

Syrophœnicia, woman of, 244, 245

Swimming, mixed, 460

Tables of stone, commandments of, 551, 552

T'ae-Kang[** -?], the Shoo King on, 403

Ta Heo, the, its doctrinal character, 293;

 the original text, 393, 394;
 Tsang's commentary, 394;
 its politico-practical character, 394

Talapoins, the, 148, 149

Tantras, the, 476

Tao, description of, 414, 417;

 his character, 421

Tao-te-King, book of the Taò-sse[** Taò-ssé], 413;

 European translations, 413;
 authenticity of, 414;
 meaning of the title, 414;
 its principal subjects, 414;
 on Tao, 416, 417;
 its ideal man, 417, 419;
 moral doctrines, 417, 418;
 most philosophical of sacred books, 414;
 a perplexing study, 414;
 its conception of God, 421, 422;
 extract in French and German, 423, 424

Tao-tse, the sect, 413

Tartars, drink-offerings among the, 47

Tathagata, the, 477

Temple, rudest form of, known, 83;

 Solomon's, its dedication, 83;
 usual splendor of such structures, 82;
 the Jewish, as a holy place, 129;
 Fijian, 129, 130;
 in Mexico and Peru, 130, 131

Testament, the Old, the sum of the literary activity of the Jews, 518;

 historical books, 530, 563;
 doctrine of creation of the universe, 531, 532;
 of animals and man, 535-538;
 account of the deluge, 542, 543;
 of Abraham, 545, 546;
 of the Jews in Egypt and their deliverance, 548, 549;
 of the law, 549;
 of the laws of the stone tables[** tablets?], 552;
 of settlement in Palestine, 554;
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 of the kings, 554, 555;
 of the schism, 555;
 of the captivity, 563

Testament, New, its contents, 604

Theologians, royal, 445-447

Theology and religion, 681

Theology, misconception of, 709

Therapeutæ, the, 95

Thibet, marriage in, 76;

 death rites in, 79

Thread, investiture with the, among the Hindus, 73, 74

Tombs, sacred, 127

Tongues, the gift of, at Pentecost, 605, 606;

 Paul's view of, 606, 607

Tree, the Ruminal, 113

Trees, holy, 127, 133, 134

Tribute, Christ on paying, 304-306

Trinity, Scripture proof of the doctrine, 379;

 rationally viewed, 681, 682

Tripitaka, the, translations of, 449;

 its origin, 450;
 its divisions and their authorship, 450;
 second and third editions called for, 450;
 real antiquity, 451;
 discoveries connected with, 451;
 theology and ethics of, 476

Tsang, commentary of, 393

Ts'in on the choice of rulers, 406

Tsze-Kung, hero-worship of, 168

Unkulunkulu, the Great-great of the Kafirs, 651, 652

Upagupta and the courtesan, 469, 470

Upanishad, the, 444, 445

Upsakas[** Upâsakas], 479, 480

Ushas, the Indian aurora, 434

Utikxo, a greater than the Great-great, 653

Utilitarianism sanctioned by Christ[**,], 360

Utshaka, his prayer for rain, 35

Varuna, his power and attributes, 435, 436

Veda, the, merit of studying, 373;

 forced interpretation of, 377, 378;
 its inspiration, 429

Vedas, the, meaning of the term, 425;

 subdivisions, literature, and versions, 425, 426;
 the Sanhita portion, 425,[**; ?]
 the Brahmana, 425;
 origin of the four, 427;
 arrangement, 427, 428;
 antiquity, 427-429;
 four epochs of development, 427;
 theories of them, 428, 429;
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 division into S'ruti[** Sruti] and Smriti, 429;
 the study of, 430

Vedic hymns, prayer and praise in, 37, 38;

 the style of, 39

Vendidad, the, a legislative code, 497, 502;

 on agriculture, 498, 499;
 on penalties, 499;
 on surgical training, 499

Vinaya-Pitaka, the date, 451, 452;

 specimen legend of Purna, 452, 458;
 immediate subject of, 460, 461;
 monastic rules, 461-463

Virgin, the term in Scripture, 297

Vishnu, a[** meaning here?], the unknowable of Spencer, 659, 660

Visvamitra, his merits and trials as an ascetic, 95, 96;

 an Indian Joshua, 553

Vocabulary, Pentaglot Buddhist, rules, 461, 462

Voice, the still small, 603

Volsunga-Saga, 388, 399

Water, holy, 55;

 virtues of, 135

Wilson, H. H., translation of first five Ashtakas, 425;

 on the age of the Vedas, 428

Wisdom, Indian hymn to, 440;

 worship a universal necessity, 31;
 its elements, 31;
 its grades, 32;
 efficacy of, 32;
 often selfish, 37;
 considered as pleasing to deity, 37;
 matter of commerce, 38,[**;]
 of Zeus and Apollo, 39;
 ritual in, 122

Woo, King, legend of, 557, 558

Xenophon, encouraged by a sneeze, 111

Yaçna, the, of seven chapters, antiquity, 488;

 theme of, 488-490;
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 chapter xi., 490, 491;
 the younger, 491, 496;
 hymn of, in praise of the good creation, 495

Yajua-Veda[** Yajur-Veda], the, 426, 427, 428

Yaou, the Emperor, and Shun, 398, 399;

 a great man, 400;
 a model ruler, 403

Yashts, the, 582, 583;

 nature of, 585

Yin, the house of, fate of, 405, 406, 559, 560

Yu, the great, 397

Zacharias and Elizabeth, story of, 222, 232, 297

Zarathustra, absence of documents, 182;

 fragment of biography, 182;
 his daughter a disciple and apostle of his faith, 183;
 his disciples, 183;
 the opponents of, 183;
 without honor in his own country, 184;
 rejected and despised, 185;
 chief article of his creed, 185;
 faith in Ahura-Mazda as the one god, 185;
 high descent of, 221;
 his temptation, 238;
 interrogates Ahura-Mazda, 479-502;
 the favors he asks from Homa, 506

Zayd, a forerunner of Mahomet, 195

Zealand, a preternatural birth in, 223, 224

Zechariah, prophecies of, 229

Zend-Avesta, the interpretation of, 378, 379;

 style,[**,] 389;
 translation of, 483:[**;]
 chronology of, 483;
 ethics of, 509;
 theology, 509

Zephaniah, the prophecy of, 578, 579

Zeus, worship of, 38, 39

Zoroaster. See <sc>Zarathustra</sc>

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