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Chinese Taipei Foundational Documents


Or Something Like That..

Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of Communist Rebellion (1972)
Draft of the Constitution of the Republic of China (1913)
Constitution of the Republic of China
Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China (1991)
Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China (1992)
Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China (1994)
Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China (1997)
Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China (2000)
Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China (2005)
Guidelines for National Unification
UN Resolution
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758
United Nations Security Council Resolution 87
Chinese Taipei
Need to review General Assembly resolution 2758
Palau Declaration 2006
Taipei Declaration 2007
PRC ceasefire message during 1958 Taiwan Strait Crisis
Message to the Compatriots in Taiwan
United States
Taiwan Relations Act
Executive Order 13014
Secretary Kissinger's Talks in China, November 1974/3rd Teng-Ch'iao-HAK Memcon Nov 26
Memorandum on implementation of the 2005 China-WHO Taiwan MOU