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Treaties of the European Union


Collected by Matthew J. Long

Schuman Declaration
Treaty of Economic, Social and Cultural Collaboration and Collective Self-Defence
Treaty of Brussels
Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (Treaty of Paris)
The Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (Treaty of Rome)
Treaty establishing the European Economic Community
Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom Treaty)
Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community
Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities
Merger Treaty
Single European Act
Single European Act
Schengen Agreement
Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement
Treaty on European Union (Maastricht Treaty)
Treaty on European Union/Preamble
Treaty on European Union/Title I: Common Provisions
Treaty on European Union/Title II: Provisions Amending the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community with a view to establishing the European Community
Treaty on European Union/Title III: Provisions Amending the Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community
Treaty on European Union/Title IV: Provisions Amending the Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community
Treaty on European Union/Title V: Provisions on a Common Foreign and Security Policy
Treaty on European Union/Title VI: Provisions on Cooperation in the Fields of Justice and Home Affairs
Treaty on European Union/Title VII: Final Provisions
Treaty on European Union/Final Act
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on the acquisition of property in Denmark
Treaty on European Union/Protocol concerning Article 119 of the Treaty establishing the European Community
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on the Statute of the European Monetary Institute
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on the convergence criteria referred to in Article 109j of the Treaty establishing the European Community
Treaty on European Union/Protocol amending the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on Denmark
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on Portugal
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on the transition to the third stage of Economic and Monetary Union
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on certain provisions relating to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on certain provisions relating to Denmark
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on France
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on social policy
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on economic and social cohesion
Treaty on European Union/Protocol on the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
Treaty on European Union/Protocol annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaties establishing the European Communities
Treaty on European Union/Declarations
Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts
Treaty of Amsterdam
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Treaty of Nice amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts
Treaty of Nice
Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe [Unratified]
Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe/Preamble
Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe/Part I
Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe/Part II
Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe/Part III/1
Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe/Part IV
Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe/Final Act
Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community
Treaty of Lisbon