User:Notafly/Alexander Henry Haliday/British Entomology : Diptera

British Entomology : Diptera

Tachydromia The three following species have been discovered by Mr. Haliday 3a umbrarum Hal Holywood, Co. Down, 5a arenaria Hal. D.Ho 5b Graminum Hal. taken in England."

Folio 210 [Anopheles bifurcatus]

1. A bifurcatus Linn., No 6 - Wings immaculate. This insect which I have frequently taken upon my windows at Lisson Grove, is found from the middle of June to the same period of July; and Mr. Haliday who has met with it in Ireland says 'the males hover in small flights about the skirts of groves near rivulets in the still evenings of June: during the day among brambles in shady ditches and swamps: the females are rare and generally solitary'. 2. A.maculipennis Hoff. Meig.I. 11. 2 tab 1 F.17 - bifurcatus Meig. Klass. - Wings with five fuscous spots on each. Occurs in May in the neighbourhood of London; and the beginning of September I observed a few at Litten in the Isle of Wight. Mr. Haliday says "these also fly in small swarms in the evenings of June, when I have taken them paired in the air; they are however much more abundant in dark outhouses and about sewers from May to September. They are very much infested by a small reddish parasite (Ocypete rubra?); I have found ten of these attached to the abdomen of a male".

Folio 745. [Psychoda sexpunctata]

The Psychodae are active little flies, which we see upon our windows in April and May; they are also found on walls, in drains, on aquatic plants, in hedges on the trunks of trees, etc. and sometimes they appear in prodigous quantities. My friend Mr. Haliday having transmitted to me his views regarding this singular genus I shall give as ample an abstract of his synopsis as my limits will allow. A little further explanation, however, of one of the figures which refers to the second species will be necessary. I represents the thorax in profile; w the base of the wing; a the base of the antennae, and? some remarkable appendages pointed out to my by Mr. Haliday; they seem to me to be the analogues of those developed in the pupae, and it may be by accident that they are not united to the prothorax, or absorbed in their change to the image, otherwise it would be difficult to explain the reason why they are not common to the genus.

A. saccopteryx Hal. Wings with a coriaceous pouch in the middle, at least in the males; 6 external cells. Antennae moniliform 1 verticillate 1. fuliginosa Meig. v.1. p.107.8 B. PSYCHODA wings tense; 6 external cells, 3rd petiolate. Antennae moniliform, verticillate. Valves of ovoscapt attenuate. Hal. 2. auriculata Hal. with two clavate appendages on the front of the thorax 3. ocellaris Lat. Meig. p1.3 f 14-17 4. tristis Meig. S. nubila Meg. 6 sexpunctata Curt. Brit. Ent. p1.475 Taken the middle of October at Niton, in the Isle of Wight. The figure at the bottom of the plate shows the natural size. 7. canescens Meig. - 8. plalenoides Linn - De Geer. 6. p1.27 F.6.9. 8. nervosa Schr. In this species the males are twice as large as the females. C. trichomyia Hal. Wings with 5 external cells, 2nd petioled, 5thcomplete; brachial cells not exceeding the first third of the wing; costal half divided; nerves very hairy. Antennae elongate, 1st and 2nd joints thick, the rest longer, somewhat conic. Valves of oviscaptbroad ovate. 9. urbica Hal. Brown, front thorax and base of abdomen clothed with dark yellow hairs, the rest of the abdomen, antennae and legs with black hairs; wings obscure, yellowish with two black bands; poisers pale with the knob blackish- brown: coxae, tibiae and oviscapt yellowish. Male unknown. One of the largest, found by Dr. Coulter in Dublin, in the morning on the walls of offices, in the day settling on the trunks of elms in the College park. C. SYCORAX Hal. Wings with 5 external cells, 2nd petioled, 5th incomplete; 3 costal cells, 2 brachial, extending to the middle of the wing: nerves only pubescent: body nearly naked. Antennae slender, pubescent, 1st joint very short, 2nd globose, the rest linear. 10. silacea Hal. Male pale ochre, wings obscure hyaline. A very minute and fragile species, found very rarely in drains at Holywood.

Folio 573 [Geranomyia unicolor] dated Nov. 1st 1835. In the cabinets of Mr. Haliday and the author. Unicolor Hal, Ent. Mag.1:155 Curt Guide Gen.1155b.1. Yellowish fuscous: eyes black: abdomen slightly pubescent: wings iridescent and vitreous, nervures fuscous, sub-costal one ochreous at the middle, bearing 3 fuscous spots, one at the middle, a 2nd towards the base, a third nearer the apex, the nervure in those places being black, transverse nervures suffused: ovipositor ochreous. I first discovered one of these curious insects in the Isle of Wight in 1828, and from the nervures of the wing agreeing with those of the Limnobia longirostris of Wiedemann, I concluded that it belonged to the same division, where it stood in my cabinet under the name of 'maculipennis’. Wiedemanns insect has since been formed into the genus Rhamphidia by Meigen, and it differs essentially from the species before us by having 16-jointed antennae; it is the clypeus that is so much elongated and not the trophi, and the palpi are four-jointed. My friend Mr. Haliday having found a female specimen of our insect on some rocks near the harbour of Donaghadee in Ireland, established it as a genus in the Entomological Magazine and gave it the name of GERANOMYIA UNICOLOR Curt Brit. Ent. p1.573 g and the 26th of last July we found both sexes in multitudes on the sides of damp and shady rocks of the Shannon near Tarbert.

Folio 409 [Dixa nebulosa]

In the cabinet of Mr. Haliday. 1. D. cinctus Curt. Guide, No. 1. Cinereous black, margin of the thorax ochreous, two stripes down the middle, scutellum and base of the halteres pale dirty yellow : wings immaculate : legs rather stouter than in the other species, and dull ochreous, tips of the tibiae and tarsi blackish.Taken at Southgate by Mr. F. Walker. 1. D. fuliginosa Walk. MSS. Cinereous black, posterior portion of thorax lurid; wings pale yellowish fuscous: legs dull ochre, tips of thighs and tibiae and the tarsi blackish.Taken at Southgate by Mr. F. Walker. 2. D. aestivalis Meig. 1. 218. 2. July on aquatic plants, Southgate, Mr. F. Walker. 2*. D. serotina Hgg.—Meig. 1. 217. 1. Inhabits the verge of the sea, Ireland, Mr. Haliday. 3. D. aprilina Meig. 1. 218. 3. tab. I.f. 12. c- In the spring at Southgate, Mr. F. Walker. 3*. D. moesta Hal. MSS. Very similar to D. maculata, but it is smaller, of a duller colour, the wings are darker, and the tarsi are blackish. Taken in Ireland by Mr. Haliday, who thinks it may be a variety of D. maculata. 4. D. maculata Meig. 1. 219. 4. Mr. Walker says " it is common at Southgate in April and October, flying in company in the evening like Trichocera. In April on aquatic plants, where it had recently assumed its perfect state." 5. D. nubilipennis Curt. Guide, No. 5. Smaller than the insect figured; and as all the specimens I have seen were alike, I think it is distinct from D. nebulosa : the 2 central black lines on the thorax are much longer, and the clouds on the wings much less distinct than in that species. I have taken this insect the middle of November, in the flowers of the Ivy at Arno's Grove, where Mr. Walker also finds it, as well as in the Isle of Wight, the middle of October.6. D. nebulosa Meig.—Curt. Brit. Ent. pl. 409.The only specimen I have seen was taken by Mr. Haliday in Ireland. Folio 641 [Sciophila sylvatica]

7. rufa Meig. Supp. 6. 295. 16. Holywood, Downshire, Mr. Haliday.

Folio 765.[Simulium trifasciatum]

3. reptans Linn.—Fries. Mon. tab. 1.f. 6. 7, larva and pupa. —Tipula erythrocephala DeG. 6. tab. 2S.f. 5. 6.mas. —sericeum Gmel—argyropeza Meig. Klass. Found from March to November, Powerscourt waterfalls, Mr. Davis; and about ponds, bay of Belfast; the females in little swarms and very troublesome, Mr. Haliday; Glanville's Wootton, Mr. Dale; Scotland, Mr. Lyell. The larvae live in the stalks of Sium latifolium, pi. 750, and Phellatidrium aquaticum.

Folio 337 Beris geniculata The following are recorded as British species of this pretty genus, and are divided, I. With an eight-spined scutellum (fig. 10.) B. abdominalis Steph. 2. B. lucida Steph. 3. B. fuscipes Meig. 2, 8, 11.— Black shining; scutellum aeneous; feet fuscous : base of tibiae yellow. II. With a six-spined scutellum (fig. 10 a). 4. B. femoralis Meig.—Thorax chalybeous, shining eneous behind; abdomen caeruleous-black; feet fuscous yellow at the base. 5. B. nigra Meig.—Black shining; feet rufescent, thighs and tarsi fuscous at the apex. 6. B. similis Forster—nigripes Meig.?—Feet simple and black; wings subferruginous; halteres white; thorax bluishgreen, shining; abdomen chalybeous black. 7. B. chalybeata Forst.—atra Meig. Kl.—6-dentata Fab. fem? —Thorax shining blue-black; abdomen black, holosericeous; wings and halteres black; feet testaceous, posterior tarsi dilated and black. June, Bay of Belfast, and near Bexley, Kent, Mr. Haliday; and bred in May in moss from Leicestershire, by Mr. Davis. 8. B. geniculata Hal.—Curt. Brit. Ent. pil. 337. mas.—Taken by Mr. Haliday with the last in Ireland, from June to the 8th of August : Mr. Davis, from Hebden Bridge. 9. B. clavipes Linn.—Panz. 9. 19.—Thorax black, shining; abdomen and feet rufous; tarsi fuscous; wings smoky. From Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, Mr. Davis. 10. B. vallata Forst.— Meig.—clavipesFab.—nigritarsis Lat. —Thorax black, shining; abdomen and feet rufous; apex of tibise and tarsi fuscous; wings smoky in the male, subhyaline and yellow at the base in the female. Found from April to the middle of July, on palings

Folio 513 [Heleodromia bistigma]

At the time the Guide was published I found much difficulty in locating the insect figured, of which I had only one injured specimen, and as the antennae appeared to agree better with those of Gloma than Brachystoma, I included it in that genus. Mr. Haliday has since formed it and some others into the genus Heleodromia, and as I possess an undescribed species, I shall give short characters of the whole, which he thus divides.

A. Proboscis perpendicular, longer than the head, palpi short, incumbent. 1. H. immaculata Hal. Ent. Mag. 1. 159. " Cinereous : antennae and feet black, wings ferruginous immaculate (Long: .1.). In woods rare. B. Proboscis short thick somewhat exserted: wings with an oblique apical nervure. 3. unicolor Curt. Olive-brown, beneath grey, coxae and tips of thighs ochreous, wings immaculate. Length l and 1/2 line, breadth 3 and 3/4 In abundance the 15th of August standing on wet moss at the spring near Ventnor in the Isle of Wight, and Mr. Dale has taken it at Black Gang Chine. 2. bistigma Curt. Brit. 513. I took a single specimen of this rare insect many years back in Norfolk, and the Rev. G. T. Rudd has favoured me with the sexes and the following memorandum : " I find it abundant on the edges of large stones on the rocky shores of the Tees, between Middleton and Croft. The insect is difficult to see, and still more difficult to capture." 5. bipunctata Hal. Ent. Mag. 1. 159. " Cinereous: with a fuscous dorsal stripe, legs testaceous, wings with a fuscous stigma. (Long: .12.) About ditches in summer very rare." 4. stagnalis Hal.—punctipennis Curt. Olive-brown, beneath slate-colour, tips of thighs ferruginous; transverse nervures of wings suffused with fuscous. Length 2 lines, breadth 4. The Hon. C. A. Harris and myself found this insect the beginning of October flying over and alighting on little puddles in a brick-field near Pool. Mr. Walker takes it the end of March at Southgate, and Mr. Haliday says it "inhabits duck-meat [Lemna) on the surface of ponds early in the spring, skipping very actively in small troops, and scarcely to be taken without sweeping the surface of the water." G. fontinalis Hal. Olive-brown, beneath slate-colour, legs ferruginous, tarsi dusky; wings with 3 yellow-brown spots round the disc, the costa fuscous. Length 2 lines, breadth 4. Mr. Haliday finds this insect in the shady beds of small rivulets in summer; it is rare, but he has been so kind as to add specimens to my Cabinet.

Folio 397 [ Drapetis aterrima]

Aterrima Haliday's MSS.—Curt. Guide, Gen. 1210. Shining black, slightly pubescent : wings iridescent pubescent, nervures brown, ochreous towards the base: halteres very pale ochreous : knees and tips of posterior tibiae ferruginous. In the Cabinets of Mr. Haliday and the Author.

Through the zeal and kindness of my friend Mr. Haliday I am enabled to figure a new species of Drapetis, which he has discovered since the publication of my Guide. D. aterrima Hal.—Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 397. Mr. Haliday says, " It is distinguished from D. exilis by the abdomen being entirely deep glossy black in the living insects of both sexes" : he adds, " The sea-coast seems the peculiar habitat of mine; I seldom have seen it a hundred yards from high-water mark. It was taken at Holywood." Neither of Meigen's species have yet been discovered in our islands, but as it is very probable they soon may be, I shall give his descriptions. 1. Dr. exilis Mg.—Meig. v. 3. p. 91. tab. 23.Jg. 25—28. " Head black, nearly orbicular. Eyes a little separated in both sexes. Hypostoma very narrow. Three ocelli on the vertex. Antennae black, approximate at the base, then bent upwards towards the side, shorter than the head with a long naked terminal bristle (25). Proboscis somewhat prominent with incumbent palpi, whose figure is not easily determined from their minuteness. Thorax shining black above, without any transverse suture. Abdomen in male entirely shining black, rather long nearly cylindric, of seven segments : in female more oval, acuminate, reddish yellow above, with black bands at the hind margin of the segments, entirely reddish yellow beneath. Thighs a little incrassated, black; tibiae brown unarmed, feet yellow. Poisers black; wings hyaline, incumbent and parallel in repose, with microscopic hairs, rounded in front. The genus is easily distinguished by the neuration. After death the abdomen of the female becomes nearly all black from contraction, only a little of the yellow remaining visible. These flies run with extraordinary agility, so that they are hard to catch. In Aug. and Sept. common on palings. Megerle sent the same out of Austria. Male 1/2, female 3/4 line long." Meigen in a subsequent volume gives the following specific description of D. exilis. " Black shining; tibiae and tarsi yellow; segments of abdomen equal", v. 6. p. 344. 2. Dr. nigra Meig. Supp. v. 6. p.344. " Black, shining; anterior tibiae and tarsi entirely yellow, fourth segment of the abdomen the largest." " The fourth segment of the abdomen embraces more than half of its entire length. In my specimen the poisers are not visible. One male from Winthem. Fully half a line long." Mr. Haliday says, " From the correction of the characters of Dr. exilis, Meigen seems to have found the yellow colour of the abdomen a delusive character, perhaps the effect of disease. I should add that, according to my observations, all the insects of this family have three-jointed antennse. The difference therefore between this and the preceding family is, that in the Empidae the 2nd joint is the smallest, and the palpi reflected; in Tachydromiae the 1st joint is the shortest, the palpi incumbent."

Folio 729.Nemotelus nigrinus

The following are British species of Nemotelus. 1. uliginosus Linn.—Meig. v. 3. 114. pl. 25.fem? . —Don. 15. pl. 519. f. 1.2. " Thorax black with a lateral white stripe : abdomen wjiite with a black spot before the apex in the males, or black with the margins and dots white in the female. 3 lines long." June, flowers in meadows, Tollsbury, Essex, and Thetford; July, a female, on Mangerton Mountain near Killarney. 2. pantherinus Linn., Meig. pi. 25 f 20 mas —uliginosus Panz. 46. 21 mas .—marginatus Fab.? .—Panz. 46. 22? . " Thorax black, immaculate; abdomen white, with a black spot before the apex in the male, or black, with the margins and dots white in the females. 2 to 2 and 1/2 lines long." End of May, marshy meadow. North Cray, Kent, Mr. Haliday. June, Cambridgeshire, J. C. 3. nigrinus Fall.— Curt. B. E. pl.729 fem.—Panz. 107. 17 Beginning of July, Swaffham, Thetford warren and Battersea; Bog of Allan, Connemara and Holywood, Mr. Haliday. 4. brevirostris Meg. " Black shining : legs white, thighs black : rostrum very short and obtuse. 1 and ½ line long." Recorded as having been taken near London.

Folio 753 [Syrphus lucorum]

22b maculatus Meig.—Ireland, A. H. Haliday, Esq.

Folio 757 Pipunculus pratorum

By the structure of the mouth, the form of the antennae, and the neuration of the wings, this remarkable genus is evidently allied to the Syrphidae, but in what way it is related to the Dolichopidae I cannot determine, for the incurved apex of the abdomen is indicative of the female sex in Pipunculus, whilst in the former family it characterizes the males. The mouth, like that of Platypeza, is very imperfect, and the 3rd joint of the antennse varies considerably; the pulvilli are largest in the females, and the wings are longer and frequently obscure in the males, as remarked by Mr. Haliday. The following is Mr. Walker's arrangement of the genus.

a 4th longitudinal nervure simple. f Abdomen cylindric, base a little narrowed. Wings immaculate, or with the stigma not coloured. 1. maculatus Walk. Ent. Mag. 2. 261. 1. July, furze and heath near London. 2. sylvaticus Meig. v. 4. p. 20. No. 3. June, Lowestoft, New Forest; July, on grass beneath trees. 3. geniculatus Meig.—Panz. 108. 17? May, grass beneath trees; August, Lulworth. aa Stigmatic space coloured. 4. flavipes Meig. fab. 33.Jl 21. October, grass beneath trees. 5. fulvipes Macq. 2. 11. 9. 6. varipes Meig. 7. pratorum Fall.—Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 751. cJ. I took the male figured the 7th May in Coomb Wood. 8. campestris Lat. May, June, and July, Coomb Wood, Windsor, New Forest, and Clifton : 7th September, flying about laurels and young beech-trees at Durnford near Salisbury. 9. dentipes Meig. 7. 146. 15.—ater Meig.? June, Oxford and Glanville's Wootton. ff Abdomen flat. Wings immaculate. 10. modestus Hal. Ent. Mag. 1. 162. May and June, on grass beneath trees, Kent, and Coomb Wood. 11. ruralis Meig. May—July, Coomb Wood, Windsor, New Forest, and Horning, Norfolk. aa4th longitudinal nervure emitting a branch.fig. 9. 12. auctus Eall. May—July, Birchwood, Windsor and New Lanark.

Folio 489 [Opetia lonchopteroides]

Order Diptera. Fam. Dolichopidiae. Type of the Genus, Opetia nigra Mcig. Opetia Meig., Hal., Curt. Antennae inserted near the middle of the face, approximating, nearly as long as the head, subsetaceous, pubescent, 5-jointed, 3 basal joints furnished with a few bristles, 1st somewhat cupshaped, 2nd a little larger, ovate, 3rd ovate conic or subfusiform, 4th minute, 5th a long seta hairy to the apex (3). Labrum, Tongue, Mandibles and Maxilla undiscovered. Palpi shorter than the lip, simply clavate and naked (1f ). Lip short bilobed and hairy (g). Trophi small, situated at the lower part of the face (2 g). Head transverse, face orbicular, with a line of bristles on each side : eyes large, ovate and contiguous in front in the male (2); remote in the female, with a few bristles on each side: ocelli 3, elevated on the crown of the head. Thorax subglobose, oblique-ovate in profile, the fore part being very gibbose andprojecting over the head : scutellum a little elevated. Abdomen 6-jointed. Wings incumbent and parallel when at rest, rather short and broad, with 7 longitudinal nervures, the 5th furcate (9). Halteres terminated by a rather large obovate club. Legs simple : thighs a little stouter than the tibiaj, which gradually thicken towards the apex : tarsi as long as the tibiae, 5-jointed, basal joint very long, the remainder ovate, slightly decreasing in length : claws bent and acute : pulvilli small and hairy (8, a fore leg). lonchopteroides Hal.—Curt. Guide, Gen. 1248*. 2. Piceous-black : antennae with the 3rd joint subfusiform, and as long as the 1st and 2nd together; seta equal in length to all the other joints (fig. 3) : eyes reddish : wings fuscous, costa of a deeper tint, the 3rd longitudinal and the furcate nervures the lightest , halteres pale fuscous, legs the same with an ochreous tinge. In the Cabinet of Mr. Haliday. An opinion has long been entertained by Mr. Haliday and other Entomologists that there is a considerable affinity between the Empidae or Tachydromidae and Dolichopidae, and the present genus seems to be one of the connecting links, making an approach to Callomyia as well as to Cyrtoma and Drapetis (pl. 397). I am at a loss to account for the introduction by Meigen of the Stratyomidae and Syrphidae between the families alluded to, for the former appears to be nearly allied to Beris (pi. 337), and the latter to the Conopsidae and Muscidae, and my only reason for not attempting such an arrangement in my Guide, was a desire to render references to Meigen easy, and similar causes induced me to follow the arrangement of Latreille through a great portion of the Hymenoptera. Mr. Haliday having detected a new species of Opetia in Ireland, which he very kindly communicated to me, there are now two found inhabiting our Islands. 1. O. nigra Meig. v. 6. p. 357. tab. 66.f. 17—20. Length 1 and 1/4 line, breadth 2 and 2/3. Piceous black, antennae with the 3rd joint ovate-conic, shorter than the two basal joints united : eyes red : wings fuscous, darker at the costa, and very pale at the opposite margin : legs black. Mr. Haliday informs me that the males are common in September, and the females are rare in the vicinity of Holywood in Downshire; Mr. Dale has also captured specimens in August, at Lulworth in Dorsetshire. 2. O. lonchopteroides Hal.—Curt. Brit. Ent. pl. 489. Mr. Haliday observes, that this species is distinguished by its longer antennae and the colour of the legs : it was taken by him in the same neighbourhood as the last.

Folio 568 [Rhaphium macrocerum] R. longicorne Meig. 4. 28. 1. Female. Coppery-green, head thorax and scutellum more blue, forehead violet, clypeus silvery-grey; antennae black, similar I believe in both sexes, but longest in the males, 5th joint half as long as the 3rd; wings fuscous, costa brown; halteres yellow; legs black. Length 2 and 3/4 lines; antennae 1 line. Mr. Dale took two specimens near the decoy pond in the New Forest in June, where Mr. Rudd has also found it in abundance

on the 27th of August Mr. Haliday and myself observed

it in a peat-bog going to Knoch in the Isle of Skye; and the beginning of last August two specimens alighted on our friend Dr. Farren as we were riding to Oughterard in Galway. 2. macrocerum Wied.—Curt. Brit. Ent. pl. 568

I first met with the sexes in abundance on nut bushes and hedges in Mr. Dale's gai'den at Glanville's Wootton the 10th of May, when I was first led to believe that the antennae were very diiferent in the sexes. I have also captured it in the New Forest the beginning of June; and Mr. Haliday has taken this and R. caliginosum near Holywood in Downshire.

Folio 541 [Porphyrops wilsoni] Porphyrops is evidently allied to Rhaphium and Medeterus (pl. 162.) the masculine antennae of the former very much resembling those of section B, and the tarsi in the same division being frequently irregular in their structure as they generally are in the male Medeteri. Mr. Haliday has given a list of the species found near Belfast, in the 5th Vol. of the Zool. Journal, and described some new ones.

Folio 677 [Myopa fulvipes] The Myopae are fond of flowers, and the following species are natives of our islands. + 2nd joint of the antennae stouter and a little longer than the3rd, 1. picta Panz. 54. 22. In Edinburgh botanic-garden, Mr. James Duncan; and in the vicinity of London. 2. buccuta Linn. May and June, hedges, Suffolk, J. C. 3. testacea Linn.—buccata Panz. 12. 24 May, Coomb Wood, on umbelliferas; Norfolk, Cambridge, Edinburgh, and Holywood near Belfast. 4. dorsalis Fab.—ferruginea Panz. 22. 24. May, July and August, hedges, round London. 5. ferruginea Linn.—Meig. v. 4. pl. 37. fig. 11 and 12. End of June Darent, and July near Thetford, J. C.; the North and West of England, Edinburgh and Ireland. 6. fasciata Meig.—ephippium Fab. I took one the end of August on the hills near Ramsdown, Hants, and Mr. Haliday found another near Kenmare. 6b. occulataWied . I do not remember on whose authority this has been admitted as British.

++ 2nd joint of antennae not stouter but twice as long as the 3rd. 7. atra Fab.—Panz. 12. 23.—annulata Fab. — femorata, Fab.— cinerascens Meig.—maculata Meig. —micans Meig. Klass. vars. August, on flowers near Ventnor in the Isle of Wight; Bourne-mouth, Hants, and Dover, J. C; sunny banks Ireland, Mr. Haliday, and near Edinburgh, Mr Duncan. 8. pusilla Meg. Found near London. 9. fulvipes Desv.—Curt. Brit. 677. Ash-colour, sericeous, 2nd joint of antennae long clavate and ochreous beneath, 3rd ferruginous inside at the base, 4th joint minute; crown of head ferruginous, blackish at the base; face satiny-white with a narrow shining white margin to the eyes : thorax with a black central stripe and 2 lateral triangular ones: abdomen transversely rugose with reflected lights, the apex and scutel shining black: wings very pale fuscous with a yellow tint, brightest and deepest at the costa, nervures brown : halteres yellowish-white : legs dark ochreous, clothed with black hairs: thighs brownish outside: anterior coxae and tibiae satiny-white outside, hinder tibiae brown near the base and at the apex; tarsi black; pulvilli ochreous. The specimen figured I found the 9th of August in the Isle of Bute, not far from Loch Fad.

Folio 697 [ Phasia speciosa] The Phasias are remarkable-looking flies, especially the females, which have the wings very broad towards the base. Robineau Desvoidy has divided Meigen's genus into several others, of which 3 are inhabitants of this country, and are thus characterised : I. Elomvia Desv. 1st posterior cell closed but not petiolated. 1. cana Hgg,—Meig. v. 4.p. 201. no. 30. "Cinereous; thorax striped with black; wings hyaline. 3 lines." Taken, I believe, by Mr. Haliday in Ireland.

Folio 529 [Miltogramma punctata]

This genus extends considerably to the South, two species having been found in Egypt and Mogador. Like many of the tribe to which it belongs, it appears to be parasitic, and in all probability the larva of our species feeds upon, either the maggot or pupa of Colletes fodiens (pl. 85). When we were in the Isle of Arran the middle of last August, I was desirous of showing my friend Mr. Haliday the habitations of the Colletes fodiens, which swarmed there nine years before, when Mr. Dale and myself visited that interesting Island; we therefore visited several spots by Brodick Bay, and by searching a declivity perforated by these Bees we soon had the satisfaction to capture several females and 2 or 3 males , but my attention was soon attracted by some of the Miltogrammae pursuing the Bees as they flew to their holes, as an Oestrus hovers about a Horse, and they reminded me of the male Anthophora (folio 357), for as that Bee attends his bride, so does the Miltogramma follow the Colletes like its shadow, although for a very different purpose; the Anthophora waits upon his mistress, inspired by love, but the Fly watches the Bee, I suspect, for the purpose of depositing its egg that it may be nourished in the cells of the Bee; but whether, like an Oestrus, she drops her ova upon the Bee as she is entering her burrow, or in the cell itself, I have not yet ascertained. As it might be expected, every specimen of the Miltogramma was a female, and out of many more at different times taken in Hampshire, I met with only one male.

Folio 549 [ Musca chloris]

In the Cabinets of Mr. Haliday, Mr. Clifton, and the Author.

Many of the following British species, arranged according to Meigen, I have only seen in the cabinet of Mr. W. Clifton, to whom I am greatly indebted for much valuable information respecting the Muscidae. A. Golden-green colour. Muscee nobiles. a. Apical transverse nervure sharply angulated. 1 *. Chloris Hal.—Curt. Brit. Ent. pl. 549? . The green shining cheeks distinguish this species from the following. 1. Caesar Linn.. 2. cornicina Fab. 3. sericata Meg.-. 6. regalis Meig. 7. illustris M. 8. ruficeps M.? 9. parvula M. splendida M. 14. Caesarion Hgg. 15. puella M. 16. regina M. 17. albipennis M . b. Apical transverse nervure with the angle rounded. 18. Serena Meig. v. 5. p. 59. Mr. Clifton has discovered a yellow spot on the pleurae of this and of M. azurea. 19. cadaverina Liym. B. Common coloured; thorax striped. Muscae familiares a. Apical transverse nervure acutely angulated. 21. vomitoria L. 22. erythrocephala M. 23. cognate M.; coerulea M. 13. equestris M. 24. azurea Fall. 25. Lanio Fab. 26. atramentaria M. 27. Vespillo Fab. 28. rudis Fab. 28. degener Hal. 29. varia M. 31. domestica Linn. 32. corvina Fab. 33. agilis M. 34. sepulcralis M 34b. macellaria Hal. 38. vitripennis M. 34b. consobrinus Curt.—Male 5 lines; green with shining gray reflections, clothed with black hairs and bristles:legs and head black, margins of eyes and face dirty shining white : palpi ferruginous : thorax with 4 black stripes: abdomen depressed. Taken by W. Clifton, Esq. at Putney. b. Wing with the angle rounded. + Eyes naked. 39. hortorum Fall. 40. pascuorum M 41. pabulorum Fall. 42. stabulans Fall. 43. cassia M. 44. tempestiva Fall. ++Eyes hairy. 45. cyanella M. 46. versicolor M. 48. maculata Fab. 49. meditabunda Fab.

Folio 768 [Hydrotaea ciliata] 94. militaris Meig. Page 136. July, Turk Mountain, Ireland. 90. occulta Wied.—Meig. 133. Taken by Mr. Haliday : it forms a portion of Meigen's genus Lasiops, a name alluding to the hairy eyes, distinguished from Jricia by the fine pubescent seta of the antennae and longish abdomen, and from Hylomyia by the hairy eyes. 91. irritans Fall.—Meig. Page 134. July, Killarney.

Folio 405 [Scatophaga scybalaria] scybalaria Linn. Faun. Suec. 458. 1860. Curt. Guide, Gen. 1293. I. Orange ochre, clothed with soft hair of the same colour, but the bristles are black, underside of head and palpi yellow 3 lip brown: eyes and back part of head ash brown which forms a peak over the ocelli and extends along the eyes. Thorax and scutellum brown and ochre, the latter with several obscure darker longitudinal lines. Abdomen with the 1st joint cinereous, darker at the base, 2nd joint of the same colour at the base and extending down the back in a pointed line 3 the edges of the other segments cinereous : wings very ample, slightly iridescent, stained brown, the costal portion and the nervures orange-ochre, excepting the 2 transverse nervures which are piceous : halteres ochreous : tips of the posterior thighs blackish. In the Cabinets of Mr. Haliday and the Author.

The Scatophagi are exceedingly abundant in meadows and on paling; they frequent the dung of animals early in the spring, and some of the species are found during the whole year. Since the Guide was published, eight species have been added to our Fauna, and amongst them several new ones by Mr. Haliday, who has very kindly presented them to me.

A. With the seta pubescent. 1. S. scybalaria Linn.—Curt. Brit. 405.—Sea coast, Ireland; very rare. I have preferred this Linnean species for illustration, as there is no other figure of it. 2. S. stercoraria Linn. F. S. 1861.—putris Harris, pi. 21. f. 1. 2.—scybalaria Don. 10. pl. 346. 5.? Found in March, April, May, August and September, in meadows, and wherever cow-dung is met with. I have observed this species feeding on Empidae, a group which feeds on flies also. 3. S. merdaria Fab. E. S. 4. 344. 133.—A perennial species, and found with the 2nd. 4. S. lutaria Fab. E. S.—Meig. 5. pl. 45. f. 28.—leucophaeus Harr. pl. 21. f. 3.—June Hants : in profusion in Ireland in the autumn. 5. S. inquinata Meig. 250. 5.—The S. turpis, Haliday's MSS., is probably a small variety of this species; it is found in England and Ireland. 5b. S. eximia Hal.—" Yellow, thorax subcinereous, 3rd and 4th nervures of the wings conniving at the apex. Like the larger variety of the last, but the wings distinguish it." 6. S. spurca Meig. 250. 6.—Autumnal, found in England and Ireland. 7. S. analis Meig. 251. 7-—Vernal in Ireland; June Hants. 7a. S. Ostiorum Hal.—Cinereous black, face silvery, palpi and halteres ochreous. I took this insect in abundance, upon rocks washed by the sea, at Dover the middle of August; Mr. Haliday finds it inhabiting the estuary of the river at Belfast. 8. S. cineraria Meig. 251. 8.—I have taken a female. B. With the seta naked. 8a. S. squalida Meig. 252. 10.—Found in England and Ireland. 8b. S. arrogans Hal.—Like the last, but the anterior thighs are black at the base. 9. S. furcata Fab. E. S.— Coq. tab. 24. /. 9.—Near Ely; the Rev. L. Jenyns. 10. S. rufipes? Meig. 253. 13. 10a. S. calida Hal.—Obscure cinereous, thorax lineated, anus, feet, and two first joints of aiitennse ferruginous : abdomen of the male clothed with yellow hairs. Taken in Ireland. 10b. S. rudis Hal.—" Obscure cinereous, thorax lineated, hypostoma and tibiae ferruginous : abdomen of the male clothed with yellow hairs." Taken in Ireland. 11. S. fucorum? Fall. Meig. pi. 45. /. 29.—Recorded by Mr. Stephens as British. 12. S. litorea Fall.—Meig. 254. 15.—Abundant in Ireland and England. 13. S. decipiens Hal.—" Hoary, hypostoma pale, apex of thighs, tibise and tarsi testaceous, wings hyaline." Size of the last, the head much broader : a single specimen taken in Ireland, and I believe I have one taken in England.

Folio 605 [Sapromyza litura]

In the Cabinets of Mr. Dale, Mr. Haliday, and the Author. The Sapromyzae are said to live on putrid substances and on Fungi : they are placed between Dryomyza and Ortalis byMeigen, but I think they are very nearly related to Helomyza (pl. 54; 5.). Fallen has formed those whose wings have a vibrating action into the genus Palloptera, and Mr. Haliday's genus Phyllomyza is based on the species figured in consequence of its deflexed wings. The following are British and Irish species.

aWings unspotted. 1. rorida Fall.—Harris Expo. pl. 34 f. 20.? New Forest and Belfast. 2. obsoleta Fall.—flava Fah. 3. pallida Fall. Holywood, Mr. Haliday. 4. flava Linn. Hampton Court and Holywood. 6. albiceps Fall. Mr. F. Walker, Southgate. 7. quadripunctata Linn. 8. sexpunctata Meig. 12. femorella Fall. Galway, Mr. Haliday. 14. praeusta Fall. Holywood. 16. pallidiventris Fall. Holywood. 17. rivosa Meig. Kent, and July Glengariff. aa Wings with dark dots or streaks. 21 inusta Meig. Tullymore Park; July, Turk Mountain. 22. trimacula Meig.—minutus Harris, pl.2 f.7 . Common. 24. unicolor Fab.—marginella Fall. 25. ustulata Fall. Holywood near Belfast. 26. umbellatarum Fab.—gangraenosa Panz. 59. 22. Umbellate flowers. Isle of Wight, 15th of Aug.; and 13th of June, Suffolk. 27. arcuata Fab. Belfast. 29. decempunctata Fall.—Meig. pi. 46.f. 12. Belfast. 30. notata Fall. 20. litura Hof.—Curt. B. E. pl. 605. fig. N, the natural size. Oak-trees, Tullymore Park, Mr. Haliday; Niton, Isle of Wight, Mr. Vine; June and July, New Forest, Mr. Dale; and July common on oaks, under Turk Mountain, Killarney, J. C.

Folio 245 [Sepsis annulipes]

In the Cabinets of Mr. Haliday and the Author.

Sepsis is distinguished from Ortalis, to which Meigen considers it nearly related, by the naked seta of the antenna, and by the narrower and less ample wings; the head is also larger and globose, and the thorax and body more slender and elongated. It is with pleasure that I lay before my readers the following account of the species composing the genus Sepsis, which has never been noticed by any English writer. A. Wings with a black spot near the apex. 1. S. cynipsea Linn., Meig.—This is apparently our commonest species, and may be found the whole of July and later in gardens, running over the leaves of plants. I have particularly observed it upon the scarlet beans. It sometimes swarms about Willows; and I once saw it in myriads in the garden of Edward Browne, Esq. at Norwich. 2. S. hilaris Meig.—29th July, and 7th August in abundance on umbelliferous flowers, and on the Burdock at the back of the Isle of Wight. Mr. Haliday took a specimen at Bexley with an additional nervure in each wing. 3. S. nigripes? Meig. 4. S. punctum Fab.—Stigma Panz. 60. 21.—Mr. Haliday took one specimen in July, in marshy ground near Belfast, and another the beginning of September, at Moresby near Whitehaven. B. Wings unspotted. 5. S. cylindrica Fab., Meig.—nitidulia Fall. 7th August in abundance on the leaves of the Burdock, with S. hilaris. Shady places near Belfast. 6. S. Leachi Meig.—In the British Museum, I believe. 7. S. putris Linn.—From February to October on the seashore, and in groves near Belfast; it is found also on old bones and refuse from houses. Mr. Haliday has taken a smaller one in company with this, which appears to be different. 8. S. annulipes Meig., Curtis Brit. Ent. pi. 245.—For specimens of this pretty and distinct species I am indebted to Mr. Haliday, who took two last June in marshy places at Bexley, near North Cray, Kent; and in July, several in Cornfields near Belfast, Ireland.

Folio 621 [Lucina fasciata] In the Cabinets of Mr. Haliday, the Author. I am induced to illustrate this genus and give a figure of the male of this rare insect, in consequence of Meigen having seen the female only, which sex is represented in his plate; and Macquart's figures are so bad that they are utterly useless. In some respects Lucina resembles Cordylura (pi. 4-85), the abdomen of the male being incurved and horny; nevertheless I have little doubt that it is more nearly allied to theTetanocerae and to Actora (Helcomyza, pi. 66), close to which Meigen has placed it. Lucina fasciata is the only species known of the genus, and had only been found at Marseille until it was discovered by my friend Mr. Haliday on the sands at Portmarnock near Dublin, where he took both sexes in June and transmitted me a very fine series.

Folio 545 [Helomyza rufa]

Helomyza is characterized by the bristly costa to the wings , and the peculiar manner in which the intermediate tibiae are armed with bristles will be found valuable in distinguishing: them. They are partial to damp situations, but not uncommonly enter houses. The following British species may be thus arranged. A. With a feathered or distinctly hairy seta to the antennae. 2. rufa Fall.— Curt. Brit. 545? . Taken by Mr. Haliday near Holywood as well as Nos. 5, 10. 11, 14? 15 and 26, by Mr. F.Walker near Southgate, and Mr. W. Clifton at Putney. 3. flava Meig. vol. 6. p. 50.—5.pallida Fall. Meig. tab. 51.f. 31 6. affinis Meig. 10. praeusta Meig. 11. tigrina Meig. Length 3 lines, breadth 7 and 1/4. Ferruginous, antennas orange, the seta clothed with short hairs (fig. 3): thorax and scutellum freckled : abdomen more or less dusky on the back, edges of the segments black in the male and producing long bristles, wings very pale fuscous, the costa yellowish, transverse nervures brown, the tip fuscous, forming 3 spots: halteres whitish: thighs very pubescent; tarsi pale ochreous, tips blackish, pulvilli orange. I found several on oaks at Cartland Craigs the 3rd Sept. 11b. trifasciata Curt. Female 2 lines long, 6 broad; pale ochreous, antennae bright, seta clothed with short hairs, crown of head, thorax and base of scutellum slate-colour, thorax clothed with exceedingly minute ochreous hairs, with the shoulders entirely pale with them : abdomen with the margins of the 3 basal joints piceous; wings yellowish , very iridescent; tarsi, especially the posterior, densely clothed with short black bristles. I took a female with the last species. 12. griseola Meig. B. With a naked seta to the antennae. 14. ustulata Meig. t.51.f. 30? Birchanger, Essex, Mr. Clifton. 15. serrata Linn. De Geer, v. 6. tab. l.f. 15—18. Found on windows all the year, especially in the autumn. 16. villosa Meig. Taken at Yarmouth by Mr. C. J. Paget. 18. fenestralis Fall.—24. rufiventris Meig. End of July on a window at Dolbadam Lake in Wales. Mr. Clifton. 26. inscripta Meig.—27. humilis Meig. 30. ruficornis Meig. June; Mr. Clifton took 2 at Dover on the stalks of nettles, one of which he kindly added to my cabinet, and Nos. 3? 5, 6, 12, 15, 26 and 27 have been taken near Putney by the same gentleman. .34. arenarum Hal. MSS.

Folio 473 [ Drosophila cameraria]

Cameraria Hal. MSS.—Curt. Guide, Gen. 1334. 2b. Ochreous and pubescent, with a few long black bristles, 2nd joint of antennee fuscous, seta black, head and thorax dark ochre, with a fuscous stripe down the back, terminating in a spot at the scutellum, and an obscure ferruginous stripe on each side : abdomen brown, the segments edged with ochre, broadest on the sides, with an obscure pale line down the back : wings stained pale fuscous, the nervures piceous : tips of tarsi fuscous.

In the Cabinets of Mr. Haliday and the Author. As the type of Latreille's genus Mosillus seems to be different to our group, I have retained Fallen's name. For several of my species I am indebted to Mr. Haliday and Mr. Walker, who have detected 10 unrecorded as natives since the Guide was published; those taken at Clifden, near Belfast, are from the former gentleman, as well as the observations on some of them, and those from Southgate are from Mr. Walker. 1=*. D. nigrita Hal. The size of D. cellaris, shining ochreous fuscous; liead, thorax and scutellum piceous; eyes castaneous : segments of abdomen with the margins whitish : halteres whitish-ochre : tarsi tipped with black, anterior with the 2 basal joints in the first pan- a little dilated, with a black spot on the back of each. On Larches, e. Sept. & Oct., sometimes in windows, Clifden. 2 cellaris Linn.? Taken with the former one at Clifden. Mr Walker has frequently observed it struggling in ale, but not drowned; and Mr.R. Brown showed me vast quantities of the pupae in the tubs of vinegar that contained the buds and flowers of the Rafflesia Arnoldi. It is found all the year round in cellars and on windows. 2a. funebris Fab. .-erythrophthalma Panzl 7. 24 Mr. Haliday bred the fly from Boleti, the middle of October and one of the pupae is figured in the plate {vide fig. F, the upper extremity being the head). 2b cameraria Hal-Curt Brit. Ent. P. 4.73. Clifden Mr. Haliday says this differs from D. fenestrarum in having longer antennae; the thorax is opake and unusually hairy : it is also larger : the dusky blotch of the thorax is constant in this. I found great numbers in windows early in October, probably out of the same Boleti from which D. funebris came. - phalerata Meig. tab. 59.f. 3. In Boleti, Clifden. 4. fenestrarum Fall.—Meig. v. 6. p. 83. 4 5. transversa? Fall.-Meig. 84. 5. Clifden and Southgate. Mr. Haliday says, " It agrees with the characters except in size, being smaller than D. phalerata' 6. virginea Meig. 84.6. Southgate and Clifden. 9. melanogasterMeigen -.85.9. "Belly pale with an interrupted black band down the middle." Clifden and Southgate. 12 tristisFall—Meig. 86. 2. Southgate. 13 graminum Fall.-Meig. 86 13. Clifden meadows throughout the summer, and Southgate; Isle of Wight, beginning of October, J. C. 16. littoralis? Meig. 87. 16. Southgate. 20. flava Fall.-Meigen .88.20. Rare, near Belfast, in meadows, in the summer; the thorax has faint ferruginous Imes placed as in D. graminum. These two are rather dissimilar from the rest. Folio 413 Ephydra spilota

spilota Haliday's MSS.—Curt, Guide, Gen. 1339. Dull black somewhat shining; hypostoma black; clypeus clothed with short ochreous pubescence, antennae with the 3rd joint subovate, the seta ciliated with bristles above nearly to the apex : thorax brassy : abdomen pilose : wings iridescent transparent, bearing about 15 rather large fuscous spots mostly between the nervures: halteres, tips of the thighs, and base of the tarsi ochreous.

In the Cabinets of Mr. Haliday and the Author. The following are British species of this pretty genus, and on a reference to Meigen's Plate, it will be seen that the wings and antennae ofdifferent species vary sufficiently to form several divisions. B. Seta of antennae pectinated above only. 2. E. palustris Fall.—Meig. 6. 115. 2.—July, marshy places, Southgate. 3. E. obscura Meig.—May, moist grass, Southgate. 5a. E. spilota Hal.—Curt. Brit. Ent. pi. 413.—Taken in Ireland by Mr. Haliday. 5b. E. defecta Hal.—A single specimen on grass.—Ditto ditto, C. Seta of antennae pubescent or entirely naked. 6. E. littoralis Meig.—End of May, Southampton, J. C.—May and June, moist grass, Southgate and Ireland. 7. E. coarctata Fall.—Ireland, not rare; Mr. Haliday has a specimen in which the nervures vary. 8. E. 4-punctata Meig.—May and June, moist grass, Southgate. 8a. E. compta Hal.—Taken in Ireland. 9. E. riparia Fall.—I first found specimens the middle of October, flying over salt-water ponds in an island called New England, on the coast of Essex, and afterwards on the shore near Wareham, in June. Mr. Haliday finds it in similar situations, and Mr. Walker takes it on aquatic plants at Southgate, as well as Nos. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. and 19. 9a. E. micans Hal.—Found with the former. 10. E. aquila Fall.—Mr. Haliday, Ireland I 10a E. cesta Hal.—On grass, Ireland. 11. E. lacustris Meig. 12. E. stagnalis Fall.—Abundant in Ireland on sea-coast marshes; beginning of May, Wrentham, Suffolk. 12a. E. lutosa Hal.—With the last, common. 12b. E. aestuans Hal. 13. E. paludum Meig.—Not common, on sea-coast marshes, Ireland. 14. E. noctula Meig.—Beginning of May, in abundance in a ditch. Coombwood, J. C.; on grass, Ireland. 14a. E. Graminum Hal. 15. E. quadrata Fall.—On grass, Ireland. 15a. E. despecta Hal. 16. E. 4-guttata Meig. 19. E. glabricula Meig.—Not common in Ireland. 20. E. leucostoma Meig.? 21. E. stictica Meig. 23. E. interstincta Fall. 25. E. flavipes Fall. 27. E. posticata Meig. 30. E. picta FalL The last 5 species were taken by Mr. Haliday in Ireland, who says they seem to be in some degree related to Sciomyza, and that E. picta, according to the antennae, belongs to division B. 31. E. guttata Fall.—June, moist grass, Southgate. 34. E. Fossarum Hal.—On moist banks, Ireland. The value of giving an entire list of Meigen's species belonging to those genera that were contained in his last volume is well exemplified in this genus, for at the time my Guide was published, only 3 of his species had been ascertained to be British, but by the exertions of two friends, our Fauna is now augmented to upwards of thirty.

Folio721 [Heteroneura albimana] There are several characters which distinguish Heteroneura from Agromyza and congenerous groups, as the slender linear abdomen, the large second joint of the antennae, the situation of the seta and the neuration of the wings. They are said to affect grassy situations : the species are rare in Germany, and one only has been detected in France. The only one which is known to inhabit this country is the species figured; and having taken the first specimen in Scotland in July 1836, I named it at that time Scotica; but Meigen having since described it, my name must fall. On the 5th of July, 1836, after a most awful thunder-storm at Ingleton in Yorkshire, I took a female Heteroneura on the inside of the window of the inn. Mr. Haliday has sent it to me from Belfast, and he informs me that his U. spurca seems to be the Heteromyza flava of Meigen.

Folio 469 [Borborus hamatus] This genus is distinguished from neighbouring groups by the short and dilated basal joints of the posterior tarsi, and several divisions are formed by differences in the neuration of the wings, and one species is apterous. These little flies are found on windows in houses, in marshy places, and on putrid substances, as dungheaps, &c. Mr. F. Walker informs me that he has 50 species, many of which he captured by sweeping grass, and others were flying about cucumber-frames. I am indebted to Mr. Haliday for the species figured, as well as for two very distinct ones which I shall describe. The following I am able to record as native species : A. Winged, a. Wings as in Meig. t. 62. f. 16. 1. B. grossipes L.? b. Wings as in Meig. t.62.f. 17. 2. B. subsultans L.—curvipes Lat. Belfast Mr. Haliday, and Southgate Mr. Walker. 3. B. denticulatus Meig. May, meadows, Southgate, Manchester, Scotland and Belfast. c. Wings similar to the species figured. 4. B. nitidus M.—5. equinus Fall.—6. niger M. Southgate, and 5th at Belfast.—8. fimetarius M. 8a. B. hamatus Hal— Curt. B. E. pi. 469 mas. 11. B. ater M. Southgate, and middle of October, Lowestoft Denes. 17- B. rufipes.? M. April, paling near a dunghill; middle of October, Isle of Wight. e. Wings as in Meig. t. 62. f. 20. 23. B. limosus Fall. Belfast and Southgate. 24. B. silvaticus M. The male of this insect has very curious intermediate legs; there is a brush of hair on the thighs beneath, a pencil of bristles inside the tibiae, and others at the apex; the 2 first joints of the tarsi are elongated, and the basal one is emarginate beneath; the penultimate joint of the abdomen is furnished with a curved process at each angle. Beginning of May, Suffolk, Belfast and Southgate. 25. B. fenestralis Fall. Southgate.—26. clunipes M. May, Suffolk, Dorset and Southgate. 27. B. pumilioM. Southgate.—29. ochripes M. Southgate and Belfast. f. Wings shorter than the body; 4th and 5th nervures not united. 29a. B. nivalis Hal. Scarcely 1 line long : rather dull piceous; hypostoma ochreous : wings brownish; legs ochreous brown; intermediate tibiae with 2 pairs of bristles on the outside. Common about roots of trees in the winter, Belfast, g. Wings with the 2nd longitudinal nervure not reaching the apex, and forming a large oval cell, the transverse nervures close together at the centre. 29b. B. nigerrimus Hal. Length one third of a line. Velvety black; seta of antennae pubescent; wings transparent; anterior tarsi a little dilated. Taken near Belfast. B. Apterous. Meig. t.62.f.21. 30. B. pedestris M. Banks of the Wandle above Wandsworth, Mr. Haliday; and end of March, amongst moss, Glanville'sWootton, Mr. Dale. 469 Borborus hamatus, add to the specific description, hinder thighs of the male armed at the base with a hooked tooth. 477 Tachydromia. The three following species have been discovered by Mr. Haliday. 3a umbrarura Hal., Holywood, County Down. 5a arenaria Hal. Ditto. 5b Graminum Hal. Taken in England.