Waterloo casualties


Wellingon's Waterloo dispatch to Lord Bathurst, 19 June 1815 was followed by this list in the same The London Gazette Extraordinary issue:

  • Issue: 17028 The London Gazette Extraordinary, 22 June 1815, pp. 1215–

P.S. Since ^writing the above, I "have received a report,' that Major-Geueral Sir William Ponsouby is, killed arid, in announcing this intelligence to your Lordship I. harve..itip.add the expression of mygrief,; for "the fate of an officer, who had already rendered very brilliant and important services, ¥hd was an -ornament to his profession.

2d P.S. I have next yet got the returns, of killed and wounded, but I inclose'a list of officers killed and wounded on the two days, as fer.as the same can be.'made. out without the returns;• ?inil I ant very happy to add, that Colonel De Lancey is not dead, and that Strwig hpjpes. of his recovery are entertained.

List of Officer killed and Killed.

His Serene, Hjghness the Duke of Brunswick
Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton G.C.B.
Major-General Sir W. Ponsonby, K.C.B.
Colonel du t Plat r, King's German Legion.
Colonel Omteda, King's German Legion,
Colonel Mxm-m, C9th Foot.
Colonel Sir W. Bllis, 23d Foot.
Lieutenant-Colonel Macara, 42d Foot.
Lieutenant-Colonel Cameron, 92d Foot.
Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Alexander Gordon.
Lieutenant-Colonel Canning;
Lieutenant-Colonel Currie., of Lord Hill's Staff
Major the Honourable F. lidward, lOth lfnWrs.
Major G.? Baia>T Royal Artillery.
Major Ndruian Kamsay, Royal Artillery.
Major Cairnes,Royal Artillery.
Major Chambers, 30th Foot;
Brevet Major G,refton, 5th Division.
Brevet Major Rosewiel, 2cl J^ight J^egiment.
Captain Boltpn,; Jloyal ArtilUiiy/
Captain Crawford, Guajds,
Captain theHonourable n -• Curzron, Aide-de-Camp to His Royal Highness the Prince ofOrange.
Captain Chambers, Aide-de-Camp to General Picton
Captain .Charles Eles, 95tkFootv
Capjtain Rpber.tson,- 73d. Foot,
Captain Kenne*Iy, 73d FooL
Captain Scha«ma»,-/2(| Light Batt. King's Gennam Legion.'
Captain Holycowan, lit Li^lit Batt. Kingis Germia Legion
Captain H. Marshal, 1st Light Batt. King's German Legion,
Captain Gofeben, lit Ligh Batt. King's German Legion;
Captain Gunning) 10th Hussafs.
Captain G>bve, 1st Guards.
Lieutenant C. Manners, Royal Artillery.
Lieutenant Lister, 95th Foot
Ensign Lord Hay, Aid-de-Camp to Major-General Maitlands
Ensign Brown, let- Guards. Wounded.
General His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange, G.C.B. severely.
Lieutenant-General the Earl of Uxbridge,G.C.B. right leg amputated.
Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Alten, K.C.B.severely
Major-General Cork, right arm amputated.
Major-General Sir E. Barnes, It. C.B, Gener'al, severely.
Major-General Sir jas; iCemptb K.C.B. slightly.
Major-General Sir Colin Halket,.K.C.B. severely.
Major-General Adams, severely.
Major-General Sir William Dornberg, K.C.B. severely.
Colonel Sir John Mey, K.C.B. slightly.
Colonel Harris, 73d Foot.
Colonel Oulntin, 10th HiilsarSj slightly
Colonel Honourable Frederick PonSonby, severely.
Colonel Sir William Deiancy, severely.
Lieutenant-Colonel Lord Fitzroy Somerset, right arm afflputftted tfe!'
Lieutenant-Colonel Hay, 16th .Light Dragoons, severely.
Lieutenant-Colonel Vigoureaii, 30th Foot.
Lieutenant-Colonel Aberorotflby, A.Q.M.G. slightly.
Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton, 3dth Foot.
Lieutenant-Colonel Cameron, 95th Foot, severely.
Lieutenant-Colonel Wyndhani, 1st Foot Guards, severely.
Lieutenant-Colonel Bowatef, 3d Foot Guards,
Lieutenant-Colonel MacDoaell, Col'dstfealn Guafds, slightly;
Lieutenant-Colonel J)a&hwood, 3d Guafiis,,severely.
Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Robert Hill, Royal Horse Guards(Blue) severely.
Lieutenant-Colonel Norcott, &5th, sevCl'cly..
Lieutenant-Colonel.Hill, Severely.
Lieutenant-Colonel Schreider, i9th Line Battalion.
Lieutenant-Colonel Arfair, 1st Guards> severely.
Lieutenant-Colonel Miller, Ut.Guards,.dangerously.
Lieutenant-Colonel Sir G. H. Berkeley,,A. A,G.
Major Maclean, 73d.Foot
Major Beckwith, 1 95tli F0ot, severely.
Major Jessop^ A. Q. M. Gi
Major Buseh, Isf-LSght Bat't^lion^. King's German Legion, right arm amputated.
Major Pai'kinsou, 73d 06't, severely.
Major Parker, Royal HorSc Artillery, leg amputated.
Major Robert Ball, Royal Artillery, severely.
Major Hamilton, Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Sir E. Barnes.
Major Lindsay, 69thfoot, dangerously*,
Major Watson> 69th Foot, severely.
Brevet Major Einetti, dangerously.
Major WiikinSi, ftoth FQbt, severely.
Major Miller, 9oth F^)0t, severely.
Captain Smith, 95th Foot> severely.
Captain Tyler, Aide-de-Camp to Sir Thomas Picton, slightly.
Captain Dance, 23d Light Dragofias.
Captain Johnston, 95th Foot.
Captain Caaaers, 95th Foot.
Captain Darney, Roydl Artillery, severely.
Captain Napier, Royal Artillery, severely.
Captain A. M'Donald, Royal Artillery, severely.
Captain Webber, Royal Artillery, severely.
Captain Dnfliai'esqiie, Aide-de-Camp to Gencj-al Sir J. Byng, severely.
Captaitn Whynhates, Royal Artillery, severely.
Captain Barnes, Brevet Major, Royal Artillery, severely.
Captain the Honourable —— Efsfcine, D. A, A, G. left arm amputated.
Captain A. Daugton, Aide-dc-Camp to Lieutenant-General Picton, severely.
Lieutenant Foster, Royal Artillery, severely.
Lieutenant Crome, Royal Artillery, severely.
Lieutenant Robe> Royal Artillery, severely.
Lieutenant Smith, Royal Artillery, severely.
Lieutenant Strange-ay, Royal Artillery,severely.
Lieutenant Hofaiey, Royal Artillery, arm amputated.
Lieutenant Blobmfield, Royal Artilleiy, slightly^
Lieutenant Brierton, Royal Artillery, severely.
Lieutenant Forbes, Royal Artillery, severely.
Lieutenant D. Crawford, slightly. •
Lieutenant Haveilbck, Aide-de-Camp to Lieutnant-General Sir Charles Alton.,
Lieutenant Pringle, Royal Engineers, slightly.
Lieutenant Hamilton, 46th Foot, slightly.
Lieutenant Heise^ 1st Light Battalion.
Lieutenant Gardiner, 95th, severely.
Lieutenant Johnstbne, 95th, severely..
Lieutenant Moltry, 95th, severely.
Lieutenant Simraons^Ooth, severely.
Lieutenant J. Gardiner, 95th, severely*,
Lieutenant Fitzcaaurice, 95th severely..
Lieutenant Shenley, 95th, severely.
Lieutenant Wright, 95th, severely