訳:User:Ran Ayase(注:『』を参考にしました)* 原文が大文字("JAPAN"など)で記されている場合は太字で記した。 *ウィキペディア日本語版に該当ページがある人物のみリンクを掲載した。

同盟及連合国ト独逸国トノ平和条約(同盟および連合国[訳注 1]とドイツとの平和条約)[英語 2]

これらの諸国は本条約における主要な同盟および連合国[英語 3]とする、

以上の諸国は前述の同盟および連合国とともに主要諸国[英語 4]構成し、これらを一方とする:



同盟および連合国はオーストリア=ハンガリーによる1914年7月28日付のセルビアに対する宣戦布告と、ドイツによる1914年8月1日付のロシアに、1914年8月3日付のフランスに対する宣戦布告、そしてベルギー侵攻をその起源とし、みずから[訳注 2]が相次いで直接あるいは間接的に関与することとなったあの戦争[英語 5][訳注 3]が強固で恒久たる平和に替わることをひとしく希求しており、


合衆国大統領、ウッドロー・ウィルソン閣下、自らの名と正式なる権限のもとに行動する[英語 6]
前在イタリア・フランス特命大使[英語 7]、ヘンリー・ホワイト閣下:
The President of the United States of America, by:
The Honorable Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, acting in his own name and by his own proper authority;
The Honorable Robert Lansing, Secretary of State;
The Honorable Henry White, formerly Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States at Rome and Paris;
The Honorable Edward M. House;
General Tasker H. Bliss, Military Representative of the United States on the Supreme War Council;
グレートブリテンおよびアイルランド連合王国ならびにイギリス海外自治領の国王にしてインド皇帝陛下[英語 8][訳注 4]、においては:
政府閣僚、初代財務大臣および首相、デビッド・ロイド・ジョージ閣下[英語 9][訳注 5]
政府閣僚および王璽尚書[英語 10]アンドルー・ボナー・ロー閣下:

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, by:

The Right Honourable David Lloyd George MP, First Lord of His Treasury and Prime Minister;
The Right Honourable Andrew Bonar Law MP, His Lord Privy Seal;
The Right Honourable Viscount Milner GCB, GCMG, His Secretary of State for the Colonies;
The Right Honourable Arthur James Balfour OM, MP, His Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
The Right Honourable George Nicoll Barnes MP, Minister without portfolio;
そしてまたカナダ植民地[英語 11]、においては:
And for the Dominion of Canada, by:
The Honourable Charles Joseph Doherty, Minister of Justice;
The Honourable Arthur Lewis Sifton, Minister of Customs;
for the Commonwealth of Australia, by:
The Right Honourable William Morris Hughes, Attorney General and Prime Minister;
The Right Honourable Sir Joseph Cook GCMG, Minister for the Navy;
for the Union of South Africa, by:
General the Right Honourable Louis Botha, Minister of Native Affairs and Prime Minister;
Lieutenant General the Right Honourable Jan Christiaan Smuts KC, Minister of Defence;
for the Dominion of New Zealand, by:
The Right Honourable William Ferguson Massey, Minister of Labour and Prime Minister;
for India, by:
The Right Honourable Edwin Samuel Montagu MP, His Secretary of State for India;
Major-General His Highness Maharaja Sir Ganga Singh Bahadur, Maharaja of Bikaner GCSI, GCIE, GCVO, KCB, ADC;
フランス共和国大統領[訳注 6]、においては
内閣議長[訳注 7]ならびに陸軍大臣、ジョルジュ・クレマンソー
イタリア国王陛下[訳注 8]、においては:
代理[訳注 9]、シドニー・ソンニーノ男爵
Marquis G. Imperiali, Senator, Ambassador of His Majesty the King of Italy at London;
Mr S. Crespi, Deputy;
日本国皇帝陛下[英語 12][訳注 10]、においては:
His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, by:
Marquis Saïonzi, formerly President of the Council of Ministers;
Baron Makino, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs, Member of the Diplomatic Council;
Viscount Chinda, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of HM the Emperor of Japan at London;
Mr K. Matsui, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of HM the Emperor of Japan at Paris;
Mr H. Ijuin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of HM the Emperor of Japan at Rome;
His Majesty the King of the Belgians, by:
Mr Paul Hymans, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of State;
Mr Jules van den Heuvel, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Minister of State;
Mr Emile Vandervelde, Minister of Justice, Minister of State;
The President of the Republic of Bolivia, by:
Mr Ismael Montes, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Bolivia at Paris;
The President of the Republic of Brazil, by:
Mr João Pandiá Calogeras, Deputy, formerly Minister of Finance;
Mr Raul Fernandes, Deputy;
Mr Rodrigo Octavio de L Menezes, Professor of International Law at Rio de Janeiro;
外交総長[訳注 11]、陸徴祥[訳注 12]
前農商総長[訳注 13]、王正廷[訳注 14]
The President of the Chinese Republic, by:
Mr Lou Tseng-Tsiang, Minister for Foreign Affairs;
Mr Chengting Thomas Wang, formerly Minister of Agriculture and Commerce;
The President of the Cuban Republic, by:
Mr Antonio Sánchez de Bustamante, Dean of the Faculty of Law in the University of Havana, President of the Cuban Society of International Law;
The President of the Republic of Ecuador, by:
Mr Enrique Dorn y de Alsúa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Ecuador at Paris;
His Majesty the King of the Hellenes, by:
Mr Eleftherios K. Venisélos, President of the Council of Ministers;
Mr Nicholas Politis, Minister for Foreign Affairs;
The President of the Republic of Guatemala, by:
Mr Joaquin Méndez, formerly Minister of State for Public Works and Public Instruction, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Guatemala at Washington, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary on special mission at Paris;
The President of the Republic of Haiti, by:
Mr Tertullien Guilbaud, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Haiti at Paris;
His Majesty the King of the Hedjaz, by:
Mr Rustem Haïdar;
Mr Abdul Hadi Aouni;
The President of the Republic of Honduras, by:
Dr Policarpo Bonilla, on special mission to Washington, formerly President of the Republic of Honduras, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary;
The President of the Republic of Liberia, by:
The Honorable Charles Dunbar Burgess King, Secretary of State;
The President of the Republic of Nicaragua, by:
Mr Salvador Chamorro, President of the Chamber of Deputies;
The President of the Republic of Panama, by:
Mr Antonio Burgos, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Panama at Madrid;
The President of the Republic of Peru, by:
Mr Carlos G. Candamo, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Peru at Paris;
The President of the Polish Republic, by:
Mr Ignace J. Paderewski, President of the Council of Ministers, Minister for Foreign Affairs;
Mr Roman Dmowski, President of the Polish National Committee;
The President of the Portuguese Republic, by:
Dr Affonso Augusto da Costa, formerly President of the Council of Ministers;
Dr Augusto Luiz Vieira Soares, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs;
His Majesty the King of Roumania, by:
Mr Ion I. C. Bratiano, President of the Council of Ministers, Minister for Foreign Affairs;
General Constantin Coanda, Corps Commander, ADC to the King, formerly President of the Council of Ministers;
His Majesty the King of the Serbs, the Croats, and the Slovenes, by:
Mr Nicholas P. Pachitch, formerly President of the Council of Ministers;
Mr Ante Trumbic, Minister for Foreign Affairs;
Mr Milenko Vesnitch, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of HM the King of the Serbs, the Croats and the Slovenes at Paris;
His Majesty the King of Siam, by:
His Highness Prince Charoon, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of HM the King of Siam at Paris;
His Serene Highness Prince Traidos Prabandhu, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;
閣僚評議会議長[英語 13]、カレル・クラマーシュ氏
The President of the Czeco-Slovak Republic, by:
Mr Karel Kramář, President of the Council of Ministers;
Mr Eduard Beneš, Minister for Foreign Affairs;
The President of the Republic of Uruguay, by:
Mr Juan Antonio Buero, Minister for Foreign Affairs, formerly Minister of Industry;
国務大臣、ベル博士[訳注 15]





  1. Preamble
  2. Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany
  3. Principal Allied and Associated Powers
  4. the Principal Powers
  5. the war
  6. acting in his own name and by his own proper authority
  7. formerly Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
  8. His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India
  9. The Right Honourable
  10. 、His Lord Privy Seal
  11. Dominion of Canada
  12. His Majesty the Emperor of Japan
  13. President of the Council of Ministers


  1. いわゆる「連合国」の正式名称。
  2. 同盟および連合国を指す。
  3. すなわち、(現在で言うところの)第一次世界大戦。
  4. すなわちイギリス国王ジョージ5世
  5. 各国代表の名前につく「閣下」は"The Honourable"だが、イギリス代表のみ"The Right Honourable"。
  6. レイモン・ポアンカレ
  7. フランス第三・第四共和政における首相の呼称。
  8. ヴィットーリオ・エマヌエーレ3世
  9. 当時のイタリア首相であったヴィットーリオ・エマヌエーレ・オルランドは英語ができず、国内での政治的立場も弱かったため、ウェールズ人とのハーフであったソンニーノが代理を務めた。
  10. 大正天皇
  11. 外務大臣に相当
  12. 読み:りく・ちょしょう/ルー・ツェンシャン
  13. 農業・商業大臣に相当
  14. 読み:おう・せいてい/ワン・ヂォンティン
  15. ヨハンズ・ベル。彼だけファミリーネームのみ。