User:Rho9998/MS Cotton Tiberius A.iii. f.106r

Gẏf feoh sẏ under fangen. Gif hit hors sẏ sing on his feteran oþþe on his bridele. Gif hit sẏ oðer feoh. sing on ꝥ fot spor ⁊ ontend þreo candela. ⁊ drẏp on ꝥ of ræt ꝥ wex þriwa. Ne mæg hit þe nan mann forhelan. Gif hi sẏ in norf. Sing þonne onfeower healfe þæs huses. ⁊ æne onmiddan. Crux xpi reducat. Crux xpi ꝑfurtum ꝑiit inventa .e. abrahá tibi senutas uias montes concludat iob æflumuna aiutlieu ligatum ꝑ ducat. Iudas xpi ahengon. ꝥ heom com to witene swa frangan ge dẏdan heom dæda þa wirrestan hẏ ꝥ drofe onguldon hælan hit heom to hearme micelum. for þam hi hit for hæelan ne mihtan.