Source: Cotton MS Vitellius A XV
Her kið hu saturnus. ⁊ Saloman. fettode ẏmbe heora wisdom. þa cwæt saturnus to salomane.
Sage me hwer god sête þa hege worhte heo
(illegible text) nas ⁊ eorðan. Ic þe secge he sett (illegible text) feðerum. Sage me hwilc word ærust forðeode ofgodes muðe. Ic þe secge fiat lux & facta lux. Saga me for hwilcum ðingú heofon sẏ gehaten heofon. Ic ðe secge for þon. he be helað eall ꝥ hẏm be ufan bẏð. Saga me hwæt ẏsgod. Ic þe secge. ꝥ ẏs gôd þe ealle ðing on hẏs gewealdum hafað. Saga me on hu fala dagum god geworhte ealle gesceafta. Ic þe secge. on .vi. dægum godgesceop ealle gesceafta. On þam ærostá dæge he gesceop leoht. On þam æfteran dæge. he gesceop þa gesceapu ðe þisne heofon healdað. On þam þriddan dæge. he gesceop sæ ⁊ eorðan. On þam feorðan dæge he gesceop heofones tunglon. ⁊ on ðam .v. dæge. he gesceop fixas ⁊ fugelas. ⁊ ón ðam .vi. dæge he gesceop deor ⁊ nẏtenu. ⁊ Adam. ðone ærostan man. Saga me hwanon wæs âdames nama gesceapen.
Ic þe secge. þam .iiii. steorrum. Saga me (illegible text) hatton. þage. Ic þe secge. Arthox. Dux. Arotholem. Minsymbrie. Saga me ꝥ andworc. þe adam wæs of geworht se ærustan man. Ic ðe secge. of .vííí. punda gewihte. Saga me hwæt hatton þage. Ic ðe secge. ꝥ æroste wæs foldan pund. of ðam him wæs flesc geworht. Oðer wæs fẏres pund. þanon hẏm wæs ꝥ blod read. ⁊ hat. Ðridde wæs windes pund. þanon hẏm wæs seo æðung geseald. feorðe wæs wolcnes pund. þanon hẏm wæs his modes un staðel fæstnes ge weald. fifte wæs gẏfe pund. þanon hẏm wæs geseald sefa ⁊ geðang. Sẏxste wæs blosmena pund. þanon hẏm wæs eagena mẏssenlicnẏs geseald. Seofoðo wæs deawes pund. þanon hí weron þa tearas sealte. Saga me on hwilce
re ẏlde wæs adam ða hege sceapen wæs. Ic þe secge he wæs on .xxx. wintra ẏldo. Saga me hu lang wæs ádam on længe gesceapen. Ic ðe secge he wæs .vi. ⁊ cx ẏnca lang. Saga me. hu fela wintra leofode adam on þissere worulde. Ic þe secge he leofode .ix. hund wintra ⁊ .x.x.x. wintra onge swince. ⁊ on ẏrmðe. ⁊ sẏððan to helle ferde ⁊ þar grìme witu ðolode .v. þusend wintra. ⁊ twa hund wintra. ⁊ .vííí. ⁊ .x.x. wintra. Saga me. hu fela wintra hæfede ádam ǽr he bearn strinde. Ic þe secge. an hund wintra. ⁊.xxx. wintra ǽr he bearn strinde. ⁊ þa ge strinde he bearn on hẏs cniht hade. se hatte. Seth. ⁊ he þa leofode ealles. nẏgon hundred wintra. ⁊.xxx. wintra. on þissere worulde. Ða lẏfde. seth. hẏs sunu. an hund wintra. ⁊ .v. wintra ær he bearn ge strinde. ⁊ þage strinde he
bæarn on hẏs cniht nade. se hætte. enos. ⁊ ða lẏfde he hẏm sẏltf ealles. nẏgon hund wintra. ⁊.xií. wintra. Ða wæs hæfede enos. an hund wintra. þa gestrinde he chanan. ⁊ þa lẏfde he enos ealles. nẏgon hund wint̀ ⁊ .v. wint̀. ⁊ Ða hæfede chanan .Lxx. wintra. þa gestrinde he malaleh. ⁊ canan lẏfde þa ealles. nẏgon hund wintra. ⁊ .x. wintra. Ða hæfede malaleh .v. ⁊ Lx. wintra. ða gestrinde he iared. ⁊ malaleh he lẏfde ealles. nẏgon hund wintra ⁊ .v. wintra. Ða hæfede iared .ii. ⁊ .Lx. wintra. ⁊ án hund wintra. þa gestrinde he enoh. ⁊ iared hẏs fæder lẏfde ealles. eahta hund wintra. ⁊ .ii. ⁊ .Lx. wintra. Ða hæfede enoh .v. ⁊ .Lx. wintra. þa gestrinde he matusalem. ⁊ enoh lẏfde ealles .ccc. wintra ⁊ .v. ⁊. .Lx. wintra. Ða ge nam hine gód mẏd sawle ⁊ mẏd lẏchaman. up in þone heofon. Ða
hæfede mathusalem .viii. ⁊ .Lxxx. wintra ⁊ an hund wintra. þa gestrinde he malec lamec. ⁊ matusalem hẏs feder lẏfde ealles. nẏgon hund wintra. ⁊ .ix. ⁊ .Lx. wintra. Ða hæfede lamec an hund wintra. ⁊ Lxxxíí. wintra. þa gestrinde he. Noe. ⁊ lamec lẏfde ealles .víí. hund wintra. ⁊ .Lxvíí. wintra. Ða hæfede noe .D. wintra ða gestrinde he bearn. Sem. cham. Iafet. ⁊ Noe. lẏfde ealles in ðissere worulde .dcccc. wintra. ⁊ .L. wintra. Saga me hu fæla þeoda áwocon of hẏs .iii. bearnú. Ic þe secge .Lxxíí. þeoda sindon. ⁊ of seme hẏs ẏldestan suna áwocon .xxx. ⁊ of chám .xxx. ⁊ of Iafeðe .xíí. Saga me hwæt wæs seðe acenned næs ⁊ æfter þam deaðe gefullod wæs. Ic þe secge. ꝥ was adam. Saga me hu lange ly·fde adam. on neorxenawange. Ic þe sæcge.⁊ on þam
he abẏrgde þa farbodenan fic trewes blæda. ⁊ þæt on frig dæg ⁊ þurh ꝥ he was on helle .v. ðusend wintra. ⁊ .ii.c. wintra. ⁊ .vííí. ⁊ .xx. wintra. Saga me of scà maria ẏlde. Ic þe secge. heo wæs .iii. ⁊ sẏxtig geara eald þa heo be lẏfon wæs. ⁊ heo wæs .xiiii. wintra. þa heo crist cende ⁊ heo wæs mẏd him .xxx.ííí. geara ón mẏddan eardde. ⁊ heo was .xvi. ger æft́ hẏm ón worulde. ⁊ fram adame ⁊ of friðe mẏddan eardes was on ge tal ge rímes of ðone micclan. Noes flod .ii. ðusend wintra ⁊ .ii.c. wintra. ⁊ .ii. ⁊ Lx. wintra. ⁊ frá ðam flode þa wæs of abrahames ge bẏr tide .ixc. wintra. ⁊ .ii. ⁊ xl. wintra ⁊ fram ábrahame was þa forð oð moises tid. ⁊ israela oferfar ut of egẏptum .v.c. wintra. ⁊ .viii.c. wintra. ⁊ fram frumðe mẏddan eardes on cristes ðrowunge wéron .vi. ðusend win
tra. ⁊ .c. wintra. ⁊ .viii. ⁊ L. wintra. Saga me hu lange worhte men. Noes earce. Ic þe secge. Lxxx. wintra. ofðam treow cinne þe ẏs genemned. sem. Saga me hwæt hatte noes wẏf. Ic þe secge. heo hætte dálila. ⁊ hwæt hatte chames wif. Iaitarecta heo hatte. ⁊ hwæt hatte. Iafeðes wẏf. Ic þe secge. Catafluuia. heo hatte. ⁊ oðrum naman hẏg sindon genemnede. olla. ⁊ ollîna. ⁊ ollibania. swá hẏg ðreo hatton. Saga me hu lange was noes flod ofer eorðan. Ic þe secge .xl. daga ⁊ nihta. Saga me hu lang was noes earc on lenge. Ic þe secge. heo was .ccc. fæðema lang. ⁊ .l. fæðema wid. ⁊ .xxx. fæðema heah. Saga me hwæt sunu hefede adám. Ic þe secge. xxx. sunena. ⁊ .xxx. dohtra. Saga me hwilc man átimbrode ærust cæastræ. Ic ðe secge. Enos hatte
⁊ was niniuem seo burh. ⁊ wæron þar in ge manna. hund tweltig ðusenda. ⁊ .xx. þusenda. ⁊ hierusalem seo burh heo wæs ærost efter þam noes flode getẏmbrod. ⁊ hwet hætte seo burh þær sunne up ón morgen gæð. Ic þe secge. Iaiaca hatte seo buruh. Saga me hwar gæð seo sunne ón efen to sætle. Ic þe secge. Garita hatte seo burh. Saga me hwilc wẏrt ẏs betst. ⁊ selust. Ic þe secge. lilige hátte seo wẏrt for þon þe heo getacnað crist. Saga me hwilc fugel ẏs selust. Ic ðe secge. Culfre ẏs selust. heo getacnað þone halegan gast. Saga me hwanon cẏmmð ligetu. Ic secge. heo kimð fram winde ⁊ fram watere. Saga me hwilc water ẏs selust. Ic þe secge. Iordanem seo ea ẏs selust. for þon ðe crist was ón hẏre ge fullod. Saga me hwader gewiton þa engelas þe gode wẏð socon on heofona ríce. Ic þe secge
hẏg to dældon oń þri dælas. anne dæl he afette on þæs lẏftes gedrif. Oðerne dæl on þæs wateres ge drẏf. þriddan dæl oń helle neowelnẏsse. Saga me hu fela ẏs woruld wata. Ic þe secge twá sẏndon sealte sǽ. ⁊ twá fersce. Saga me. hwilc mán erost wære wẏð hund sprecende. Ic þe secge sćs petrus. Saga me. hwilc man. aðohte erust mẏd sul to æriende. Ic þe secge. ꝥ wæs cham noes sunu. Saga me for hwam stanas ne sẏnt berende. Ic þe secge. for ðon þe abeles blod gefeoll ofer stan. þa hẏne cham hẏs broðer ofsloh. mẏd annes cẏng báne. Saga me hwæt y·s betst ⁊ wẏrst betwinan mánnon. Ic þe secge word ẏs betst ⁊ wẏrst betwix mannon. Saga me. hwæt ys cuðost mannon oń eorðan to witanne. Ic þe secge. ꝥ nẏs nænigú men man wẏht swa cuð swa he sceal deað þrowian. Saga me.
hwæt sẏndon þa .iii. ðing þe nan man buton lufian ne mæg. Ic þe secge on ẏs fẏr. oðer ẏs weter. ðridde ẏs ẏsen. Saga me. hwilc treow ẏs ealra treowa betst. Ic þe secge ꝥ ẏs win treow. Saga me hwar resteð þas mannes sawul þone se lẏchaman slepð. Ic þe secge. ón þrì stowum heo bẏð on þam bragene. oððe onþere heortan. oððe on þam blode. Saga me forhwan wæs seo sæ sealt geworden. Ic þe secge. of ðam .x. wordon ðe moises ge somnode inþere ealdan ǽ godes bebode: ⁊ he awearp þa .x. word in ða sǽ. ⁊ hẏs tearas áget inða sæ. for þon wearð seo sealt. Saga me hwæt wæron þa worð. Ic þe secge. ꝥ forme word wæs. Non habeos deos alienos. ꝥ ẏs. Ne lufa þu oðerne god ofer me. ꝥ oðer worð wæs. Non ad sumes nomen díu in uanum. Ne cig
þu godes naman on ẏdel. ꝥ ðridde (illegible text) healdað þone haligan resten dæg. ꝥ. (illegible text) wæs. Ara þinon fæder ⁊ þinre meder (illegible text) word wæs. Non occides. Ne sleh þu man (illegible text) dine. ꝥ .vi. word wæs. Non mechaberis. ón unriht ne hæmð þu. ꝥ .vii. word wæs. Ne stala þu. ꝥ .viii. word wæs. Ne sæge lease ge witnẏsse. ꝥ .ix. word wæs. Non concupiscens rem:.& oḿia proximi tui. Ne ge wilna ðu oðres mannes æhta. mẏd unrihte. ꝥ .x. word wæs. Non concupiscens uxorem proximi tui. Ne ge wilna ðu oðres mannes wẏfes on un riht Saga me hwær ẏs moẏses bẏrgen ðæs kininges. Ic þe secge. heo ẏs be þam huse þe fegor hátte ⁊ nan man nẏs þe hẏg wite ær þá miclan dôme. Saga me for hwilcum þingu þeos eorðe áwẏrgeð wære. oððe æft gebletsod. Ic þe secge. þurh adam heo wæs áwirgeð ⁊ þurh abeles blod ⁊ æft heo wæs gebletsod þurh noe ⁊
(illegible text) am ⁊ þurh (illegible text) Saga me (illegible text) n geard erost plantode. Ic þe secge ꝥ (illegible text) heah fæder. Saga me hwa nemde (illegible text) godes naman. Ic þe secge. se deoful nemde ærost godes naman. Saga me hwæt ẏs hefegost to berende oń eorðan. Ic þe secge. mannes sẏnna ⁊ hẏs hlafordes ẏrre. Saga me hwæt. ẏs ꝥ oðrum licẏge. ⁊ oðrum mẏs lẏcige. Ic þe secge. ꝥ is dom. Saga me hwæt sẏndon þa .iiii. ðing ðe næfre fulle næron. ne næfre ne beoð. Ic þe secge. an ẏs eorðe. oðer ẏs fir. ðridde ẏs hell. feorðe ẏs se gẏtsẏenda man. worulde welena. Saga me hu fela ẏs fleogendra fugel cẏnn. Ic þe secge .iiii.l. Saga me hu fela ẏs fisc cẏnna on wætere. Ic ðe secge .vi. ⁊ .xxx. Saga me hwilc man ærost mẏnster getimbrode. Ic þe secge. Eliás. ⁊ Eliseus. þa witega. ⁊ æfter. fulluhte paulus. ⁊ antonius. þa ærostan ańcran. Saga me hwæt sẏndon þa streamas ⁊ h (illegible text)
(illegible text) ðe on neorxena wange flowað. Ic þe secge. heora sẏndon .iiii. Seo æroste hatte firon. seo oðer hatte geon. ⁊ seo .iii. hatte. Tẏgres. seo feorðe. Eufraten. ꝥ ẏs meolc. ⁊ hunig. ⁊ æle. ⁊ win. Saga me for hwam bẏð seo sunne read on efen. Ic þe secge. forðon heo locað oń helle. Saga me hwi scẏneð heo swá reade on morgene. Ic þe sæge. forðon (illegible text) nað hwæðer heo mæg þe ne mæg þisne mẏddan eard eond scẏnan swá hẏne beboden ẏs. Saga me þas .iiii. wætera þe þas eorðan fedað. Ic þe secge. ꝥ ẏs snaw. ⁊ wæter. ⁊ hagol. ⁊ deaw. Saga me hwa ærost boc stafas sette. Ic þe secge. Mercurius se gẏgand. Saga me hwæt boc kinna ⁊ hufela sẏndon. Ic þe secge. Kanones bec sẏndon ealra twa ⁊ hund seofontig. eall swa fela ðeo (illegible text) ndon on ge ríme. ⁊ eall swá fela leornẏng cnihta. buton þam .xii. aptm. Mannes bána sẏndon on ge ríme ealra .cc. ⁊ .xviii. Mannes addre
(illegible text) .at .iv. ⁊ .lx. Mannes (illegible text) beoð on eallum hẏs lẏfe .ii. ⁊ .xxx. On .xii. moðum beoð .ii. ⁊ l. wucena. ⁊ .ccc. dagena. ⁊ .v. ⁊ lx. daga. On .xii. moðum beoð. ehta þusend tẏda. ⁊ .vii. hund tẏda. On .xii. moðum þu sealt sẏllan þinon ðeowan men .vii. hund hlafa. ⁊ xx. hlafa buton morgemetten ⁊ nonmettum.