This is a translation of an article where we are searching for a good category on it.wikisource. It is a general text used by hotels to inform customers about the treatment of their data. The translation was done by me and I would be really greatful if you could have a look at the grammar. The reason to give such kinds of text to wikisource is to draw attention to it - approx. 30.000 hotels as well as pensions and people renting apartments for holiday will need it. The same article will be translated step by step into further languages. It would also be good if you proposed a category for it.

The same article on it.wikisource

Dear Customer, we hereby inform you, according to article 13 of the privacy law (decree no. 196/2003), that the treatment of your and your family's personal data in the "scheda di dichiarazione delle generalità degli alloggiati" (data record sheet of the declaration of the particulars of accommodated people" follows the principles of correctness, legitimacy and transparency and protect the confidentiality and your rights. The treatment is going to be accomplished by using computers for the following purposes:

  1. to accomplish the obligation following article 109 of the royal decree dated 18.6.1931 no. 773, that imposes us to register and communicate the particulars of accommodated people to the local authorities;
  2. to accomplish the effective accounting and fiscal obligations;
  3. to receive messages and phone calls to you and your family;
  4. to send you periodical updates on rates and our offers at your home address.
  5. to keep track of your particular requirements or preferences (for example related to dishes, allergies, necessity in case of disabilities etc.)

We hereby inform you that the registration of your and your family's particulars is mandatory and that if you refuse to communicate them we may not accommodate you in our hotel. The treatment of your data can also include such particular data that shows your ethnical group, religious and philosophic believes and other details, the political opinions, adhesion to parties, trade-unions, associations and religious, philosophical, political and trade-union organizations as well as personal data that can reveal your health state and sexual life. This treatment may occur only with your written approval.

Your personal and sensible data may be communicated or transmitted to personnel within the hotel itself that is responsible for the data treatment. Your data may be communicated or transmitted to the accountant's office and the company that is entitled to care about the maintenance of the hotel's administration software. Owner of the data treatment: