and Robert Mawdesley, clerk of the court of pleas, came to him to ask his permission for one of his (the bishop's) own servants, Edward Russell, to sue another of them, namely, William Brown, at the (town's) court of pleas in the Moot hall. The cause of the dispute was a wager made between them, in which Brown had taken 5s. from Russell upon promise to pay him £10 if ever he (Russell) married the widow of Hugh Ford, late alderman of Wigan; which marriage had since taken place. The bishop records that he refused to allow the suit to be prosecuted there until he had first consulted his counsel, because he doubted whether it might not prejudice the privilege of his church, which, by the constant confession of the town burgesses, hath hitherto been that none of the parson's family may be arrested by the town officers, nor any other person within the parson's house or demaynes.[1]

In the following year, 1st September, 1628, one James Ascroft, of Skelmersdale, having sold up all his goods and estate, and being ready to fly the country, came into Wigan, knowing that on Monday's market there is no arrest for debt; but at the instance of Mr. Wm. Lewis, minister of Holland, to whom the said Ascroft owed £11, the bishop gave his consent that he should be arrested.[2]

On 26th November, 1627, the bishop acknowledges the receipt from Roger Holland of Holland, bailiff to John Sherington of London, merchant, of £2 18s. 8d. (being two years' rent) for the relief due upon the death of his father, John Sherington of London, merchant, for lands which he holds in Wigan of the parson there, besides the year's rent[3] (which was afterwards paid), this being the general custom of the manor of Wigan.

The following is a full account of the yearly profits of the parsonage of Wigan, at this period:[4]

£ s. d.   £ s. d.
Wigan Easter role 21 19 1   21 4 0
Holland role 15 11 0   12 0 0
Lambs 45 0 0   in kind
Wool 12 0 0   11 stone
Calves 5 10 0   25 calves
Pigs   in kind
Geese   160 geese
Hemp & flax 1 0 0   1 0 0
Ten̄ts at will   23 0 0
Cheife rents   23 0 0
Mortuaryes 5 0 0   5 0 0
Parson's meadow 22 0 0   27 0 0
Dicklach 2 13 4   2 16 8
Demaynes 4 60 beasts grass in hand
Hall meadow   in hand
Conygrey & walks   in hand
Hasel garden   in hand
ffaires   8 8 3
Marketts   1 0 0
Reliefs   see long book
Hay of Wigan 1 10 0   1 10 0
Hay of Pemƀton 2 10 0   2 10 0
Hay of other towns Moseley 0 13 4 Orrell 0 9 0
Light shaw 0 4 0 Ra 0 10 0
Tith corne:
Adburgham 27 0 0   33 0 0
Bamferland cum Abram   5 6 8
Hindley 52 10 0   40 0 0
Aspull 40 14 0   42 0 0
Haigh 10 10 0   16 0 0
Wigan 69 0 0   80 0 0
Pemƀton 55 0 0   55 0 0
Orrell 39 0 0   37 0 0
£ s. d.   £ s. d.
Billing 112 19 5   71 0 0
Winstanley cum billing   cum billing
Ince 4 0 0   4 0 0
Holl: & Dalton 12 13 4   12 13 4

Rentall of Wigan, Yearly.

Tenants at will pay yearly—
Houses & Tofts: £ s. d.
Katherin Hyde, for Eagle Inn 13 4 2 6 8
Rycrofts, cottage and gardens 2 8
Kiln & croft ther 2 8
Chaigner close ther 8 0
Cookstool croft 12 0
The eyes crofts 8 0
James Marklad, house 0 8 0
John Orrell, house, back side 0 10 0
Alice Treves, house, &c. 0 9 0
George Vaux, house & close 0 5 0
other pt late Reynolds 0 3 0
Alice fford de Yate 0 1 4
Hugh Winstanly, house, close, & toft 0 1 0
Katherin Core 0 1 4
Alex: Caterall 0 1 6
William ffarneworth 0 1 4
James Prescott 0 2 0
Widow Winckly, house & 2 tofts 0 2 0
Winckly house 0 0 4
Wm. Nightgall 0 2 0
Tho: Law, in Wigan lane 0 1 4
Alex: fford, in Scoles new 0 0 4
Wm. Ormshaw, iƀm. cot. 0 0 4
Mary Pilkinton: 3: 0 1 0
At Wint end: 3. 0 2 0
£ s. d.
Under Moot hall, 8, viz.:
Wm. ffoster, next staires 0 0 4
Degory ffoster, next it 0 2 8
Wm. ffoster, next it 0 4 0
Peter Deane, next it 0 10 0
Wm. Deane, next it 0 4 8
Widow Almond, next it 0 4 0
Pet. Anderton, next it 0 10 0
Jeffery Deane, kidcok 0 2 0
Bridge corne mill 6 13 4
Coppull fulling mill 2 0 0
Lower fulling mill 1 10 0
Lorington mill 1 0 0
Hugh fford's horse mill 0 6 8
Robert Bank's horse mill 0 1 0
Robert ffoster's hand mill 0 1 0
Barn & mill hill 0 2 8
Roger Mather,[5] [of Milgate] 3 tofts [near Henhurst Bridge] 0 4 0
Jam. Marsh, 2 tofts by Scol[es] 0 2 8
Ed. Lloyd, hardibuts 0 3 4
Alexander Buckley, for brother 0 3 4
Close behind Prescott lees 2 0 0
Half close by pound 2 0 0
Roger Lathwaie's exchong 0 0 6
Tho: Birchall, shepon 0 0 4
Cheife rents yearly—
Roger Bradshaw, Esq. 1 7 8
£ s. d.
Tho: Gerard, Esq. 2 6 4
Ralph Standish, Esq. 1 17 1
Wm. Sherington, London 1 9 4
Peter Caterall of Crook 0 9 10
Hered. Tho: Gerard, gent. 0 8 8
Hered. Rađi Brown 0 8 4
School of Wigan, land 0 4 0
Raph Houghton, Kirkles 0 3 6
Nicholas Penington 0 1 0
Robert Gerard 0 2 6
Raph Scott 1 4 8
Market Streete:
Robert Orrell 0 0 10
Roger Brown 0 0 6
Tho. Orrell, Wint 0 1 0
Wm. Brown, for Almonds, 1s.; Hugh Ford, ... 1s., Sr Gilbt. Ireland 0 2 0
Roƀt Markland, house 0 1 0
Idem for Bedworth, 2 closes 0 3 6
Idem for Fu. croft fields 0 0 8
Wm. ffoster, alderman 0 4 4
Idem for Wm. Gardiner 0 2 0
Angell Inn[6] 0 2 0
Heskith, Jane Sherington 0 5 0
Pet. Marsh & Stanly 0 4 0
Robert Penington 0 1 0
Robert Markland 0 4 3 ½
James Marks, shoomaker 0 0 6
Gilbert Green for Wm. ffoster 0 1 0
James ffarehurst 0 1 0
Tho: Tarlton 0 1 3
Raph Deane 0 1 0
£ s. d.
James Markland, alderman 0 1 0
Ux. Tho: Markland 0 0 8
Wm. Browne, sen. 0 0 9
Giƀt Leigh 0 0 6
Miles Turner 0 1 0
James Ireland, for a house 0 1 0
sold 2 acres pays 0
Katherin Hyde, for Bradshaw 0 1 0
Ead. for Caterall house 0 1 0
Ead. for Birchalls 0 1 0
Ed. Wrightington 0 8 4
Roƀt Maudesley 0 12 4
Roƀt Barrow, sen. 0 13 2
Roƀt Barrow, jun. 0 0 8
Wid. Wm. Pilkinton 0 6 3
Hered. Roƀt fforth, lord 0 2 11
Hered. Hugh fforth, lord 0 7 0
Wm. fford, alderman 0 12 10
Hugh Chaloner 0 1 0
Jam. Scott 0 5 0
Roƀt Jolly 0 1 0
Henry Wakefield 0 0 6
Jo: Gardiner 0 2 4
Tho: Tarlton, smith 0 0 6
Roger Bullock, for Anderton 0 1 0
John Wakefield, for Harrison 0 1 4
Jam. Harvy 0 11 0
Gerard Banks 0 7 7
Thurstan Pemberton 0 3 11
Miles Baron 0 4 4
Hered. Tho. Brigh 0 1 0
Degory ffoster 0 1 0
£ s. d.
John Brighouse 0 1 2
Miles Letherbarow 0 1 2
Ux. James Chadock 0 0 8
Roger Bradshaw 0 0 6
Wm. Ormsher 0 1 4
for burgesses
for Henhurst toft
Wm. Traves, for Ormshaw 0 0 6
Jo: Banks, for Orrell 0 1 0
James Orrell, for Bradshaw 0 0 9
Wm. Higham, for Gerard 0 0 6
Laur. fford, for Wood 0 0 4
Rich. Case, 5 acr. wort. 0 0 10
Roƀt Banks, miller 0 0 8
Jane Smalshaw, Banks 0 1 4
Roger Bullock:
viz. Bradshaw 0 5
Wrightington 0 8
Ed. Scott 0 7
Colpit toft 0 2
Toft of Charles Leigh 1 0
But of John Banks 0 1
Cases croft 0 4
Sherrington's meadow 1 0
Raph Anderton 1 0
0 5 3
Agnes Baron 0 0 6
Wm. Gardiner 0 1 0
Tho: Banks, alderman 0 3 6
Wm. Langshaw, house 0 1 0
Robert fforth, pewterer 0 0 9
Hugh Langshaw, for his 13d.
Orrell ... 4d.
Gererd ... 6d. 0 1 11
Wm. fforth, girdler 0 0 6
£ s. d.
Hugh Ainscow; 0 0 6
James Glover 0 0 6
Wm. Ashley 0 0 6
Xpofer Banks 0 1 0
Wid. Eden, for R. Marsh 0 0 4 ½
Raph Marsh 0 0 4 ½
Raph Brown, for 0 1 0
R Case
Wm. Langshaw
Humphry Mather, for house and acre 0 1 0
Nicholas Standish 1 6 8
Wm. fford de Swinly 0 18 11
Idem for acre, Wm. Markland 0 0 1
James Pilkinton, for:
Jo. Moln̄x 10 11
3 acres, Bradshaw 0 6
Roƀt Orrell's acre 0 1
Lawr. Prescot's house 0 6 0 12 0
Hugh Mason 0 5 8
Raph fford 0 1 0
Roger Laithwait 0 4 4
Ed. Markland of Meadows 0 18 8
Jam. Patrick for 0 4 0
Gerard by hens
Totall Chiefe [£23 14s. 7½d.?] 23 13 6 ½
Jam. Gorsuch:
½ acre in Scholfield 4d.
Jo. Glover's house 5d.
Raph Leigh in Walgate. 4d 0 1 1
James Gardiner, house & croft 0 0 8
Gilƀt Barrow, 2 acres in Wigan lane of Charles Leigh 0 1 2
Oliver Jolly, house & 3 tofts 0 0 9
£ s. d.
Roger Bullock, for:
toft of Tho. Gerard 2d.
acre of Wm. Pemƀton 8d.
acre of Geffray Sherington 8d.
acre of Hugh Chaloner 8d. 0 2 2
Mr. Sherington, garden with meadow.
Encroachmts in Wigan Lop found 4 Aug. 1619
[but entered here as they were in 1627].
In Wigan Lane:
Tho. Low, house & yard (v. Tenants at will)
Richard Seddon, sty & dung [heap] 0 0 2
Nicholas ffrith, sty 0 0 2
Jo. Gregson 0 0 1
Whelly Lane:
Bowling place 0 0 6
Wm. Whaly, or Rich. Shaw, ditch 0 0 2
Roger Letherbarrow, piece of hedge 0 0 2
Wm. Babington 0 0 2
Richard Brookes 0 0 4
Tho. Birchall, oven dunghill & shippon of 0 0 4
Gidlow Lane:
Roger Prescot, garden at high ... end 0 1 0
Gilƀt Mason (v. tenants at will) 0 1 4
Wid. Core (v. tenants at will) 0 1 4
Wm. Caterall, dunghill 0 0 1
Tho. Joynson, alias Roger Laithwait, croft
garden & pt of house 0 1 0
Pound Lane:
Hugh Winstanley (v. tenants at will) 0 0 8
Jane Prescot, new house ... 2 ends of ground & half old house 0 2 0
Ed. Markland, fore pt of house 2 feet broad 0 1 0
Jam. Harvy, near it similiter 0 1 0
£ s. d.
Ux. Jo. Nightgall, ½ yd broad p' totā 0 1 0
John Hindley 0 1 0
Math. Molding, a pendice 0 0 4
Wm. Wood, smith, trace or pendice 0 0 6
Tho. Tarlton, trace or pendice 0 0 6
Wm. fford, Alderman, porch pale posts 0 1 0
Alex. Rigby, or Maudesley
Peter Marsh, 4 post 0 1 0
Augustin Wilbore, porch & colrock 0 0 6
Gilƀt Gardiner, ¾ of his house 0 1 0
Jo. Gardiner, pendice & good pt of his house 0 0 6
Henry Wakefield, 6 yards long 0 1 0
Mr. Wrightington, 12 yds land of Baron 0 1 0
In Market Streete:
3 shops of Wid. Pilkinton 0 1 0
3 shops of Pet. Marsh (at wint end) 0 3 0
Wm. ffoster's shop, 1 foot to Milgate 0 0 8
Jo. Sherington's post porch & pale 0 0 6
Roƀt Penington, house rayl & gate 0 0 6
Thurston Whalye, ... stone stayres 0 0 4
Roƀt Markland, cross chamber over agt Mealhouse 0 1 0
In Walgate:
The meat house 0 0 4
House adjoyning to it 0 1 0
Jam. Markland, shop 2 ꝑts broad 0 0 8
Tho. Markland, buttery 0 0 8
Miles Turner's crosse chamber 0 1 0
Wm. Ormshaw's porch 0 0 2
All Ellen Leigh's house even to the door 0 1 0
Wm. Brown sen., pale ante domum 0 0 2
Wm. Nightgall's house at lower end 0 1 0
Richard Seddon's whole house 0 1 4
In Milgate: £ s. d.
Jo. Banks, top of Milgate seat & cross chamber 0 1 0
Wid. Charnock's cross chamber 0 1 0
Roger Scott, shoo maker, all fore part 0 1 0
Thurston Pemƀton, crosse chamber at Warington lanes end 0 1 0
In Halgate:
James Low, cole court, sty, &c. 0 1 0
Henry Bibby's wall of stone 0 0 2
Ally from Market street to Church yard:
All Wid. Markland's house 0 2 0
Ally from Halgat to church:
Francis Markland's house end 0 0 2
2 2 6 ]
Tith Hay of Wigan.
Raph Standish 0 2 6
Nicholas Standish 0 0 6
Wm. Ford 0 0 2
Ed. Markland of Medo' 0 3 0
Roger Laithwait 0 1 9
Edward Rigby 0 0 6
Tho. Low of Wigan Lane 0 1 0
Roger Bullock for Diglach
0 1 9
Market Streete:
Kate Hyde, for checker 0 1 0
besides dick Scotts acre 0 0 6
Robert Markland, trumpet feild 0 1 0
Wm. Marsh long hay
round meadow
0 1 6
£ s. d.
John Sherington ½ acre witacres
½ in hallgate
0 0 9
John Mason, banaster meadow & crab tree croft 0 0 4
Thurstan Whaly ½ in the eyes
½ in the penihurst
0 0 3
Chishall acre by pinfold Ro. Scott 0 0 6
Wm. ffoster streynes
bridge hey
Mason Croft
0 1 6
Raph Markland, rounds by myry lane 0 1 0
Heres Eđri Markland, toft in Wittanes 0 1 0
Wm. Ormshaw, Wittanes toft 0 0 1 ½
Raph Leigh, 1 acre banister meadow 0 0 4
James Kid, haugh meadow 0 0 4
Alice Standish, long hay, 1 acre 0 0 4
Jam. Atherton, wittacres, 1 acre 0 0 6
Tho. Tarlton, for straynes 0 0 4
Ed. Wood, 2 acre 0 0 8
in Wittacres against myry lane 0 0 2
Wid. Jane Redforth ½ [acre] in penihurst 0 0 3
Charles Banks, backside 0 0 3
Tho. Langshaw, pillitoft, 1 acre 0 0 6
Raph Browne, 2 acre eyes 0 0 8
Jo. Catterall, day bank 0 0 3
Wm. Browne, pillitoft 0 0 4
Roƀt fford, 2 acre brodhey 0 1 0
Hugh Langshaw, Harrison's meadow 0 0 6
Wm. Astley, round meadow 0 0 4
Wm. Gardiner waterhey
0 1 0
Tho. Banks, ... diglach & 2 others 0 1 0
Gilbert Gardiner, penington 0 0 8
Milgate: £ s. d.
Rob. Barrow, Tunsted mead 0 1 6
Gilƀt Barow, Wittanes 0 0 6
Miles Baron, Wittanes 0 0 6
Jane Smalshaw farnely
gerard 2 acre
0 1 4
Rob. Banks, barnely acre 0 0 4
Roger Mather, 3 tofts 0 0 3
Jam. Higham in penyhurst
myry lane
0 0 6
Miles letherbarow, beane acre 0 0 4
Lawr. fford, eyes acre 0 0 6
Thurstan Pemƀton, long hey 0 0 6
Vid. Gilbert Mason for Holmes 0 0 4
An Platt, cole croft 0 0 2
Tho. Ince crabtree
dick Scotts
0 1 1
Rob. Madesly, eyes acre 0 0 6
Wm. fford, next hill maynes 0 0 9
Ed. Russell, checker 0 0 6
Uxor Rob. fford parson's ford
barne acre
0 1 4
Tho. Pilkinton for Oliver Jolly
½ [acre] in Tansted
0 0 11
Wm. Pilkinton in lower banister
in higher banister
0 1 1
Henry Wakefield, piece in stone close 0 0 4
Mr. Wrighton, Orrells 0 1 6
Jam. Harvey, harrisons 0 1 6
Jam. Ireland, strynes 0 0 6
Jam. Scott, Shawcroft 0 0 5
Yong Hugh fford, bridghay 0 0 4
idem for Holcrofts 0 0 2

parsonage of Wigan." He reached London on 5th January, 1615-6, and was presented to the rectory of Wigan on the 17th of the same month, which had become void by the sudden death of Dr. Gerard Massie on the previous day.[7] The King's letters patent were directed, on account of the voidance of the see of Chester, to Toby (Matthew) archbishop of York, by whom Dr. Bridgeman was instituted at Cawood Castle on the 21st of the same month, and his first fruits were paid on 10th February following.

Dr. Bridgeman resigned his prebendal stall at Peterborough, where he also held the office of sub-dean, about Midsummer, 1616, having been previously collated by Bishop Overall, on 28th May, 1616, to the prebend of Eccleshall in the cathedral church of Lichfield. He purchased the lease of a house of residence at Lichfield in that year; and on 17th November of the same year, 1616, he commenced his first month's residence on his canonry at Exeter. He gave up the vicarage of Bexhill before Christmas; and towards the close of this year he received a summons from the Lord Chamberlain, the Earl of Pembroke, to prepare himself for attending the King in his intended progress to Scotland in the following year, addressed to him at Wigan, and couched in the following words :—

"After my very harty cōmendacons: Wheras his Matie is resolved (ift please god) to make a jorney this next yeare into his kingdome of Scotland, and hath given cōmandement to be attended therein by some of his chaplaines; amongst whom his Maty hath made speciall choice of yo'self to be one; These are therefore to pray and require you to take notice thereof, and to prepare yo'self both of necessaries for the said jorney (wch god willinge his Maty purposeth to begin the fifteenth of March next comeinge), as alsoe to provide yo'self to preach before his Maty soe often therein as it shall come to yor turne. But because you are nowe at yor Benefice in Lancashire and that it may be inconvenient for you to come to London — I leave it to yor choice whether you will come hither, or meete the co't at Yorke or Durham about Easter next: only faile not in the rest, and soe I bidd you fare well, and doe remaine

Yor very loving frend,


Court at Whitehall this

30th of December, 1616."[9]

In a letter to Archbishop Laud, written by Dr. Bridgeman many years later, viz., in March 1638-9, when he was bishop of Chester, he says that the first year's income which he received from the rectory of Wigan, for the year ending at Christmas, 1616, amounted to £566 12s. 1d. A full statement of the account is given in his private Leger as follows:

"Receaved out of the parsonage of Wigan the first year I came to it, ending at Christmas, 1616.

£ s. d.
May 18
Imprimis James Scott & Roger Brown rec. for me and sent me out of the demaynes; for 41 kines grasse in the maynes 40 11 0
parson's medow It. they pd me for every acre of parsons medow 50s (except one acre wch John hide had & payes me the rentall) wch came to 24 7 6
Hall medow It. they layd me in 28 load of hay out of my hall medow worth 6s 8d the load 9 6 8
Easter role
It. they receaved pt of Wigan Easter book £16 12 2
pt of Holland Easter book £11 2 5
27 14 7
It. Wiỻm Wakefield and Wm Wicksted receaved more of Easter role
Lambs It. I receaved 37 lambs worth 3s the lamb 5 11 0
wool It. 8 stone of wool sold for 14s the stone £5 12s 0d, besides of Entwisely for 9 fleeces 9s, and of William Smalshaw 3s 4d 6 4 4
Besides Mr. Peter Marsh owes me for his wool of 80 sheep he bought in Wales but hath not pd for though they were shorn here.
geese Itm. I rec. in kind 131 geese valued at 6d a piece 3 5 6
pigs Itm. 20 tith pigs twixt Easter & Michaelmas, besides sow eaten 1 0 0
Hemp & flax Itm. for tith hemp & flax wch my wife sold to Wm. Wakfield 1 6 8
rents of mannor Itm. for rents of Wigan mannor for the half-year ending at Midsomer, 1616 16 13 2
It. for rents of Wigan mannor due at Xmas, 1616. Mrs. Massey received them, for her husband lived till 16th

January, 1615-16.

Corn of Haigh Itm. for tith corne of Haigh, for wch Mr. Bradshaw did first usually pay but 11 nobles, and afterward was sued by Mr. fleet wood who receaved it into his barn in kind 7 yeares before his death, and then let it to old Mr. Bradshaw for £10 yearely, wch continued all Dr. Massey's life, but I demanded it in kind and upon entreaty of Sr Peter Leigh & old Sr Tho. Gerard I agreed wth Mr. Bradshaw 8o Septemb: in John hyde's house in Wigan that he should enjoy all his tithes in haigh upon renunciation of all right thereto but by my
demise, and paying me yearly upon St. Luke's day £16 10; wch he did for this present year pay me by his man 18o Octob: 1616 16 10 0
Ince corne Itm. for tith corne of Ince wch Mr. Gerard pleads to be his by p'scription paying me yearly £4 viz. at I receaved this year in money of him 4 0 0
Holland &
Itm. for tith corn of holland and dalton for wch Earle of Darby pleads prescription paying yearly at Annunciation 19 marks wch his officers tendred to me 24o March 1616, but I deferred till I should know whether I or Mrs. Massey had best right to it, so he owes me for it. But since it is pd 12 13 4
Abram corne Itm. for tith come of Abram wch I gathered in kind this year and being in the barne I sold to Wm. Wakefield for £35 & receaved Mr. Ashton's of Bamferlonds tithes of corne to myself, for wch he agrees to pay me yearly during 5 yeares £5 yearly, so as I made of Abram corne this year 40 0 0
Wheat 32 thrave
Barly 330 thrave
Otes 393 thrave
beanes 6 thrave
Itm. for tith corne of Billinge & Winstanley wch I sold to Wm. Wakefield, John Cowly, Wm. Pennington, Thomas Barton & Humfrey Edleston, &c. for £104: & reserving to myself the straw of one barne worth 40s And also all the rye ther wch I took home to my house & spent it being worth £3 109 0 0
Orrell corne Itm. for tith corne of Orrel this year being 5 thrave of wheat: 88 thrave of barly:
149 thrave of otes: 2 thrave of beanes I receaved of James Leigh 35 0 0
Md. I bargained wth him & Roger Brownlow (including George Birchall of the honyst yard) that they should rent the said corn of Orrell for 6 yeares more paying £38 yearly for the corn only; and all other tithes they must pay in kind to me: this £38 they must pay me yearly in my house at Wigan 2o februarii: so if they shall dislike their bargaine at Michelmas wch shall be Ao 1618, or befor, they shall not be bound to hold it afterwards.
Pemberto' corne Itm. for tith corne of Pemberton this yeare being wheat 4 thrave (which I took home to my house and I did not value); but barley 153 thrave; otes 269 thrave; beanes 6 thrave; valueing barly at 3s 4d the thrave, otes at 2s 6d, & beanes at 3s 4d, I sold it this yeare to Wm. Wakefield to be pd me at Candlemas next for £55, & he must bear all charges & I pay only for barn rent 55 0 0
Hindly corne

Aspool corne
Itm. for tith corne of Hindly this yeare, being 30 thrave of wheat, 86 of barly, 265 of otes & 7 of beanes. Also for the tith corne of Aspool, being 96 thrave of barly & 255 thrave of otes & 3 thrave of beanes; all wch I sold to Wm. Wakefield, Laur: Prescot, Ezek. Diglis &c. for £80 reserving to myself 53 thrave of otes wch yelded
me vij bushels of meal worth a mark a bushel & so was worth £8. I say rec. in mony £80 and in corne £8 88 0 0
Wigan corne Itm. I took home Wigan corne in kind, & spent in my house being 12 thrave of wheat, 201 thrave of barly, 205 thrave of otes, & 40 thrave of beanes worth 70 8 4
I spent in my house this yeare (besides Wigan corne) xli worth of wheat wch I brought home from Abram, & £8 in otes wch I took home from Aspool, & 3 in rye wch I took home from Billinge & Winstanly, & £1 10 in wheat from Pemberton. In all I spent in my house this yeare £22 10s in corne besides all Wigan corne, & all that I bought befor harvest for all the summer & harvest tyme.
Mortuaryes Itm. I receaved for mortuaryes this year
1 for Thomas Naylor of Pemberton pd xs 0 10 0
2 for Adam Hindly of Hindlye pd xs 0 10 0
3 for Wiỻm Foster of Wigan pd xs 0 10 0
4 for Mrs. Smyth, old Bordman gives me 10s xs 0 10 0
5 for Wiỻm Tunsted of Holland owes me xs [since] pd. 0 10 0
6 for John Winstanly of Wigan owes me 10s he pd me xs 0 10 0
7 for Wiỻm Whaley of Holland owing to me 10s he left me in pawne a brasse pott 0 10 0
sm̄ of Wigan rec. this yeare (1616) besides debts unpd. £566 12s 1d[10]
Wigan hay Itm. for tith hay of Wigan Water medowes for wch they plead composition & Lawrence Prescot gathered for Dr. Massey ao 1615 as followeth—      
  s. d.
Mr. Standish of Standish pd for Brimelow   2 6
Charles Bankes   0 6
James Harvye   0 3
Mr. Martland the deaf   3 0
James Pilkinton   0 3
Wid. of James Scot   0 6
Margery Bank   1 0
Raph Ashton for Jam. Harvy   0 6
Hugh Chaloner for Harvy   0 6
Peter Lathwet for Harvy   0 3
James Scot   0 4
Wiỻm Bankes of Scholes   0 9
Mrs. Smith   0 6
Wm. Foster and Gilbert Langshaw   0 6
James Patrich   1 1
Mr. Ford of Swinly   0 2
Henry Bibby   1 0
Uxor Wiỻi Ford   1 0
sm̄ pd 14s 7d      
Nicholas Standish pd   0 6
Mr. Barrow   1 6
Hugh Langshaw   0 6
Wiỻm Pilkinton   0 3
Ralph Snart   0 6
Wiỻm Ford de yate   0 6
Wid. Wiỻmi Traves   0 4
Wiỻm Gardner for Hugh Langshaw   0 6
Henry Wakefield for Harvy   0 6
Wiỻm Lathwet for Chamlet   0 6
Peter Gerard   1 0
John Hide   0 6
Mr. Wrightington   1 6
Rob: Bankes for Miles Barrow   0 6
Hugh Scot for Patrich   0 3
James Holinhed   0 3
Tho: Kirkby   0 3
sm̄ pd 9s 10d
So the sum wch Lawrence Prescot gathered for hay of water medow ao 1615 & wch he pd to Gerard Johnson Dr. Massye's steward was 24s 5d besides Mr. Ford owed for his hay.
Peter Marsh debet for his hay.
Robt Ford debet for his hay.
Miles Baron debet, &c.
Ralph Ford debet.
Charles Lee debet.
Uxor Roƀt Martland,
cum multis aliis.
So Dr. Massy recd yearely for tith hay of Wigan ao 1613, 1614, 1615: above 30s. But I recd of none this year but only 3s of deafe Martland so those owe me for tith hay of Wigan water medowes 27s.
Pemberton hay Itm. for tith hay of water medowes in Pemberton ao 1613, 1614, 1615 wch Laurence Prescot usually gathered, amounting to 50s 0d half wch he had it for his wages in Mr. Fleetwood's & Dr. Massye's tyme. But because he is not my servant I willed him not to gather it; yet he had receaved of some befor I forbad
him, viz. he receaved this year (whereof I gave him back 20s):   s. d.
Imprimis of Mr. Downes   7 6
It. of Mrs. Worsley for her own med:   10 6
It. of Mr. Hindly   3 0
It. of Tho: Whaly not pd   0 9
It. of Mr. Tinsly not pd   0 9
It. of Gilbt Scot not pd these 10 year   1 4
It. of Mr. Sherington not pd   3 4
It. of Brian Marsh not pd   0 9
It. of Mr. Molinex of Haukly who pd nothing these x yeares yet wch he sent to me wch I rec. by Jo. Molinex   6 0
It. of Mrs. Worsly for crosse lands   3 0
It. of Wid. Walthew   0 6
It. of Humphry Winstanly not pd   2 3
It. of James Atherton not pd   0 9
It. of Mr. Rigby not pd   1 10½
It. of Cuthberd Heskin not pd   3
It. of Wid: Culcheth not pd   0 7
It. of George Birchall not pd   0 9
It. of James Green not pd   0 9
It. of Edw. Martland for Walthew pd   0 3
sm̄ for Pemb. hay 48s whereof Laurence Prescot pd me 20s wch I gave him back for his paynes in tithing Orrell corn this year: only Mr. Molinex pd to me 6s & Edward Martland pd me for Walthew 6d & 3d. So I rec. 6s 9d & Prescot 20s; the rest are behinde & doe owe for their hay.   s. d.
Abram hay Itm. for tith hay of Moseley medow in Abram being 9 Acres wch they plead prescription for; 18 acre, sm̄ not pd   13 6
  s. d.
It. for Lightshaw medow there, being 12 acres at 4d the acre for wch they owe   4 0
Dalton hay It. for Dalton hay, wch is taken in in kind by Mr. Ashurst & wch doe pay eṽy of them 3s 4d is 6 8 but I rec no money set debent.
Calves Itm. I receaved of Tho. Jolly of Abram for one tith calf 8s wherof I gave him back 3s. It. he pd me for 12 kine 1s 0 6 0
It. Mr. Bolton of Abram owes for a tith calf, he offered me 2s for it wch I refused, now he shall pay l0s wch I receaved 29 March 0 10 0
It. Raph Haroby, the goodman of Kertles owes me for a tith calf & for lamb ... & wool ... & pig ... & goose ... & for tith hay ... for he pd nothing in lieu of it.
It. Mr. Philip Langton of the Low pd but 5s for his smal tithes & he had 20 lambs, 30 old sheep, 2 calves, besides pigs geese & all Easter dutyes: but he promised Wm. Wakefield 14o Sept. that he would content me & give so much as his tithes were worth. He pd me since for it 0 17 0
It. Peter Kitts of Hindly or Aspool had 12 kine & calves, as Henry Renolds tells me who saw them when he ministered physick to him the last Easter."

The statement made to the archbishop as to the amount of the first year's income is doubtless taken from his own figures in the private Leger Book, where he has summed up the total receipts at £566 12s. 1d.[11] He has omitted to reckon the manor rents, which will have been afterwards handed over to him by Mrs. Massie, the widow of his predecessor. There is another short statement of this year's receipts, probably written later when all the arrears had been gathered in, entered by him in his Wigan Leger Book, a folio volume still preserved among the evidences of the rectors of Wigan, which differs slightly from the other, and is as follows:

"Dr. Massye died the 16th January, 1615. From that to Christmas, 1616, wch is one whole year, Dr. Bridgeman received of Wigan: Imprimis his maynes yelded £40 11 0: parson's meadow £24 7 6: Hall meadow, conygrew, haselgarden £9 6 8: Easter Book £33 13 7: Lamb & Wooll £11 4 4: Mortuaryes £4: Pigs £2: Geese £3 6 0: Tyth-hay 51s: Composition for Ince Corne £4: for Dalton, Holland £12 13 4: for Haigh £16: for corne in kind of Wigan £70: Pemberton £55: Orrell £35: Billinge & Winstanly £106: Aspull & Hindley £90: Abram £40: Midsomer rents of the Manor £16 19 2: Hemp and flax £1 6 8. Summ: total £577 7 2." [It should be £577 19 3.] He subsequently added to his annual receipts by recovering some of the rents and services which had been allowed to lapse.

The account of Dr. Bridgeman's disbursements for the year ending at Christmas, 1616, in which he was instituted to the rectory of Wigan, affords an interesting study of the expenses, habits, reading, and requirements of a learned and wealthy divine of the reign of King James I., enjoying at that time, from his private property and ecclesiastical preferments, an income of between seventeen and eighteen hundred pounds a year.

"Imprimis In sute of Law about Wigan wth charges of rideing to York about it, & fees for the lrẽs patents wch I beg'd of the King for the ppetuall advowson of Wigan (wch I gave Sr Richard fleetwood for my peace)[12] 140 0 0
It. for first paymt of Wigan first fruits to the King I pd £18 3s, & for curats ther this year £20, and for pension therof to Lichfield £20, & for wine for the communions wch I find £3 10s, & for the tenths therof this x̃pmas ibi £8 2s, & for benevolence to the Bp of Chester at his first coming £6 13s 4d. In all 76 8 4
It. for Bexhill cure this year £20: Bexhill pension at Michaelm: 1616, £11 6s 8d, tenths of Bexhill 50s, poor ther 50s, Arreer (?) shewing ther and procurations &c. £3 13s 4d 40 0 0
It. I spent in physick this year at peterb. & London being long sick ther 20 5 0
It. fees of institution, installation, & my man's charges rideing to Lichf: to be installed for me ther in prbendā de eccleshall £x, wth gratuityes to the quire & proxye that was instaled for me: & £3 6s given to Mr. Glasyor for his paynes in writing the acts of my sute for the resid. against Mr. Masters & Heywood: & 42s for fees for the signet for the king's lrẽs for me in that behalf to the dean & chapter: & xli spent in traveling to Ricot at court about it: & xli paid to Mr. Bamford for a lease of his house in Lichfield. In all 35 8 0
It. exhibition given this year to my father 10 0 0
It. to my sister Ruth £4 8s: to sister Johan and mother tokens 22s: to Bp of Chester given a sturgen 22s & other gifts £3 9 12 0
It. livery clokes for my men, viz. John Hugh, Thomas gate house, Ezekiel Diglin, Willm̄ Wakefield, Willm̄ Wicksted, Willm̄ Hatton, & Richard Stark at 30s a cloke 10 10 0

It. servant men & mayds wages from Michelmas 1615 till Christmas 1616 20 10 0
It. paid debt wch I owed to Mr. John Hessem 100 0 0
Itm. I spent in removing from peterburgh to London & thence to Wigan, carrying my household stuffe & family; & rideing back this year twice to London myself & staying ther 12 weeks 50 0 0
It. rent pd to my cosen Stansby for his house whiles I dwelt in London twixt my leaving peterb: & going to Wigan 10 0 0
It. gathering in the harvest of Wigan this year 20 0 0
It spent wayting at court in my service all April 5 0 0
It. fees for my chaplenship to the King pd to Tho. patten 20s, Tho. patten 22s 2 2 0
Itm. pd Mr. Hicks for interest of the mony wch I owed him 10 0 0
It. I pd my father helyar wch I owed him pro .... edvucetouri: & other things wch he sold me 500 0 0
It. apparell this year for my wife, myself & children &c. viz. A fleece clok (cloke) for mys: £4 9: A sute & cassock of worsted £4 18: a sute of mock velvet 40s: stockins 20s: And for my wife a gowne of cloth rash £4 10s: Another gown and kirtell of duretto wth a velvet jub & sleves &c. at Mr. Rowe's £11 10s: & a rideing sute for my wife £3: & holland &c. for her £4: & liñen bought of Mrs. Arnold £3 7s: & canvass for servants sheets 40s: & a bearny blanket for Harry of silk crimsen grogram 44s: & £5 more spent in linnen: & children's apparell £16 63 18 0
Itm. I bought this year
Imprimis a bull £4: & five hogs 25s 5 5 0
Itm. 4 horses viz. a gray gelding bought of John Molyneux for £6 5s: & a brown bay mare of him price £6: & an iron grey mare for £7 0s: & a bay
nag wth a star in forehead & further foot behind whit price £4 10s 23 15 0
Itm. bought a cart 7s: wheels £3: tresses &c. 16s 4 3 0
It. a Spanish sadle for myself 33s 4d: & for my men 4 sta ... livery sadles 53s4d: & mending wife's sadle & covering 30s 5 16 8
Itm. bought books viz. Bifield[13] on Collossions 7s: Mason's[14] abridgmt of Martyrs 6s: Bidenbachius[15] 3 volumes 7s: Beard's[16] motives 3s: catechisms 2s: Josephus' works[17] 10s: Purchas' pilgrimage[18] 10s: Cooꝑ[19] on psalms 2s: Ormerod[20] 1s: tithing table 10d: Spanish story 18d Comforter[21] 8d: Meditations 8d: Osiandri[22] Enchiridion 3s: Vogelii[23] Epitome
3s: Busæi Viridariū[24] 4s: Panarion[25] 5s: Bucer[26] 3s: Gomari disp: 3s: Faii[27] Enchirid. 6s: Martinii Analysis 14d et 18d: Goodwin[28] de Judaicis antiq. 2s: paper books 8s: Boyse[29] Works 12s: Dr Willet[30] on Rom. 10s: Thesaurus Ravenspergeri[31] 7s: Gostwick 1s: Alstedii[32] Oratio 1s: Margarita[33] 18d: other small books 10s 6 13 10
It. for my wife's picture drawing & my own 55s[34]:

It. the Lord Chanselors 5s: & Arch Bps 5s: & 7 Kings & queens of England 35s: & for Erasmus & Cromwell 8s: & frames & caryage 10s 5 18 0
It. for 23 smal maps framed at 2s the map 46s, & Venice 1s, Popes heads 1s, Kings of Englands heads 1s, Emperors 1s, & caryage 10s 2 0 0
It. bought a great chest to hold meal in £1, & tubb to brew & wash 25s, & hogsheds 20s, & a lead to brew wth at Wigan 53s 5 18 0
It. bought 2 daring canopyes price 2 0 0
It. a green sett rug of Mrs. Arnold 1 0 0
It. a payr of blankets 12s, & 8 yards cotton for another pr. 8s 1 0 0
It. A yellow stayned curteyns & valence printed 2 4 0
It. a new bedtike & bolster 26s, & 12 stone of fethers bought at Crowland wch wth caryage to London & hence to Wigan cost £6 7 6 0
It. 5 great gilt lether chayres at 8s the chayr, & 12 back stooles of gilt lether at 4s 8d the stool, & 10s in canvas to pack them in, & carryage from London to Wigan 20s 6 6 0
It. 6 green kirsy cushions 0 9 0
It. a litle green painted chayr 2s 8d: a lesse green matted chayr 16d: a timber chayr of Crosfield 6s: joyn stool 2s: a long new forme 4s: an old forme wth a rayl behind it 2s 0 18 0
It. A long table bord in the parlor 18s: another in the great chamber 20s: a little table in the green chamber 7s: a round table in kitchin chamber 6s 2 11 0
It. dressers in kitchin, larder, study, & gallery pd. to Crosfield 1 16 0
It. a standing bedsted wth trundle under it in garden chamber bought of Crosfield 46s: another standing bedsted wth a trundle in Bps chamber bought of Rigby 42s 4d: cords to them 2s 4d: curteyne
rods to both 5s: also 4 half-headed bedsteds 30s: cords to them 4s: also 2 trūdle beds more 10s 6d: a count cupbord in parlor 10s: another in bps chamber 9s 7 19 2
It. Taylor's bord in the taylors chamber & shelfs 0 10 0
It. a writing desk wth boxes in it 8s: two cases of boxes 5s: a pump made by the brewhouse (besides the ... ) 20s 1 13 0
It. bellowes 18d: panyers for lambs 3s 4d ... (sic) 0 4 6
It. a great trunk wth bandboxes under it 0 14 0
It. a bandbox lethered for my wife 5s: another for myself 2s 0 7 0
It. A fire shovel & tongues wth brasse tops 3s: a lesse pair 2s: iron chimny in Mr. Wildbore's chamber 7s: in garden chamber 5s: in bishop's chamber 7s: in kitchin chamber 3s: in parlor 6s: in kitchin 50s: spits 4s: mock beggars 3s: ... 18d: hooks & eyes 5s: 2 pr. of iron dogs 3s 2d: frying pan 18d: lamps 2s: fire fork 1s: casement in Bishop's chamber 18d ... (sic) 5 4 2
It. a skillet 3s 4d: brasse ladle 1s: a morter of bell mettall 7s 0 11 4
It. 2 great peuter candlesticks 5s: a chamber pott 18d 0 6 6
It. Lether jacks one conteyning a pint 8d, a quart 1s, a pottle 18d, a gallon 4s 0 7 2
It. spent in victuals in my house from Michelmas 1615 till Christmas 1616, that is a year & quarter, besides all the corne of Wigan barn, & all yt I took in from Billing Pemberton & Aspull 202 2 11
Sm̄ spent this year & quarter ending this Christmas 1616 1429 12 7

In April, 1617, Dr. Bridgeman attended the King in his progress into Scotland, where he was in waiting in the months of April, May, June, and July, during which time he frequently preached before his Majesty at Barwick, Edinburgh, Holyrood, and Hamilton.

  1. Wigan Leger, fol. 123.
  2. Ibid., fol. 137.
  3. Ibid., fol. 127.
  4. It is taken from a very small private MS. leather book belonging to bishop Bridgeman, without date, but which from internal evidence must have been written in the year 1627.
  5. Roger Mather de Milgate was buried at Wigan 31st December, 1627, leaving four young children and a widow, Jenet, who was admitted as tenant at will to his close of land near Henhurst Bridge (Par. Reg. and Wigan Leger).
  6. The Angel Inn in Marketsted was held in April, 1620, by Thomas Green.
  7. It has been stated at page 180, on the authority of bishop Bridgeman, that Dr. Massie died on the 17th, but this is clearly inaccurate, and his present statement, which agrees with Ormerod, is doubtless the correct one.
  8. William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke, ob, 1630 s.p.
  9. Original letter inter Family MSS.
  10. In this calculation the bishop appears to have omitted to reckon the £3 10s. received from mortuaries.
  11. See p. 192. Bishop Bridgeman's letter to the archbishop, which is preserved among the State papers, will be given hereafter in its place.
  12. This entry will be explained by the above mentioned letter to Archbishop Laud in speaking of the transfer of the advowson, which eventually passed from the Fleetwoods to Sir Orlando Bridgeman, the son and heir of Bishop Bridgeman.
  13. Most of these books are to be identified; but I am indebted to Mr. Chancellor Christie for the identification of some of the rarer ones. Byfield, Nicholas. "Exposition upon the Epistle of Colossians." Lond. 1615, fol.
  14. Mason, Thomas. "Christ's Victorie over Sathan's Tyrannie." Lond. 1615, fol. Chiefly extracted out of Fox's Book of Martyrs.
  15. Bidenbachius. Felix Bidembach, besides other works relating apparently to ecclesiastical law, published "Conciliorum Theologicorum Decades x." He died in 1612, having issued only eight decades, and his brother, John Maurice Bidembach, published the ninth decade in 1614.
  16. Beard, Thomas. Probably some work by him. He wrote "Theatre of God's judgments"; publ. in Lond. 1597.
  17. Josephus' works. Probably one of the folio editions of Thomas Lodge's translation of Josephus.
  18. Purchas, Samuel. "Purchas his Pilgrimage." Lond. 1613, small fol. (3rd ed. publ. in 1617).
  19. Cooper, Thomas. Successively bishop of Lincoln and Winchester. He wrote "A Briefe Exposition of such chapters of the Old Testament as usually are read in the Church at Common Prayer on Sundays." Lond. 1573. The book on "Psalms" may have been a portion of this Work.
  20. Ormerod, Oliver. Perhaps "The picture of a Puritaine; or a Relation of the Opinions, Qualities, and Practices of the Anabaptists in Germanie, and of the Puritaines in England." Lond. 1605, small 4to, a work replete with classical allusions.
  21. "The Comforter." This seems to be the book of which the title and author are given in Watt, as follows: "Freeman, John, sometime Minister in Lewes, Sussex. The Comforter; wherein are contained many reasons to assure the forgiveness of sinnes to the conscience that is troubled with the feeling thereof. Lond. 1591, 1600, 16mo."
  22. Osiander, Andrew. Probably some work by him. Several of his works were translated "out of hye Almayn into Englishe" by Miles Coverdale and others, 1537-48.
  23. Vogelius, Matthœus. Probably the Epitome of the Thesaurus Theologicus ex sola sacra Scriptura depromptus, of Matthew Vogel the elder, which was published about this time by his son, Matthew Vogel the younger.
  24. Busæus, Johannes. "Viridarium Christianorum virtutum ex. S. Scriptura et patribus collectum." Moguntia, 1610, 1612, 4to (Watt. Bib. Brit.).
  25. Panarion. Another work of Busæus. The title is given as follows by Draudius(Bibliotheca Classica, ed. of 1625, Libri Theologici, p. 153): "Joh. Busæi Panarion, hoc est, arca medica variis divinæ scriptura priscorumque Patrum Antidotis adversus animi morbos instructa. Mogunt. apud Joan. Albin. 1609. m. 4. & apud Hierat. Coloniensem, 1610. m. 4." (On p. 155 Draudius gives an edition of 1616).
  26. Bucer, Martin.
  27. Faius, A. (Antonie de la Faye.) Perhaps the "Propositions ... of divinitie propounded ... in the University of Geneva, by certaine students there, under ... T. Beza, and ... A. Faius, &c., wherein is contained a ... summarie ... of the common places of Divinitie, translated out of the Latine" [by John Penry], &c. Edinburgh, 1591, 4to. This, or the last part of it, may perhaps come under the definition of Enchiridion, a manual or handbook.
  28. Godwin, Thomas. "Moses and Aaron; or the Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites of the ancient Hebrews." This work was in great request as a text book, and passed through many editions; 12th ed., 1685 (Lowndes).
  29. Boys, John. Dean of Canterbury. An edition of his "workes containing an exposition of all the Scriptures used in our Liturgy, &c." was publ. in London in 1622, fol. Perhaps an earlier edition.
  30. Willet, Andrew. "Hexapla; that is, a six-fold commentarie upon the most divine Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans." Camb. 1611, fol.
  31. Ravensperger, Hermann. Probably the book given by Draudius as follows: "D. Hermann Ravenspergeri Hortus Theol. pro deponendo S. Tyrocinio, Amstelodami, apud Henr. Laurentium, in 4, 1616."
  32. Alstedius, John Henry. Probably some work by him. He wrote "The beloved city, or the Saints' reign on earth a thousand years," publ. in London, 1643, 4to.
  33. Margarita. Probably a copy of one of the numerous editions of the "Margarita Philosophica" of George Reisch, of which the latest noticed by Brunet was in 1583.
  34. These are probably the portraits of Dr. John Bridgeman and his wife Elizabeth Helyar, now in the Earl of Bradford's possession at Weston.