User:T. Mazzei/A litil boke the whiche traytied and reherced many gode thinges necessaries for the infirmite a grete sekeness called Pestilence/modern

Here begins a little book which treats and reherses many good things necessary for the infirmity and great sickness called Pestilence, which often infects us, as made by the most expert physician, Bishop of Arusiens, in the realm of Denmark.

AT the reverence and worship of the blessed Trinity and of the glorious virgin saint Mary, and the conservation of the common health of all Christian people, as well for them that are healthy as for remedy of them that are sick, I, the Bishop of Arusiens in the realm of Denmark, physician, will write by the most expert and famous doctors authorised in medicine some things of the infirmity of pestilence which daily infects us, and soon suffers us to depart out of this life

  • First I will write the tokens of this infirmity.
  • Second, the causes whereof it comes.
  • Third, remedies for the same.
  • Fourth, comfort for the heart and the principal members of the body.
  • Fifth, when it shall be the proper time to be let blood.

First, as I said, the tokens of this infirmity: seven things ought to be noted here.

  • The first is when on summers day the weather often changes, as when in the morning the weather appears rainy, afterwards it appears cloudy, and at last windy in the south.
  • The second token is when in summer the days appear dark and likely to rain, yet it does not rain. If this continues many days, great pestilence is to be dreaded.
  • The third token is when there is a great multitude of flies upon the earth, then it is a sign the air is venemous and infected.
  • The fourth token is when the stars seem to fall often, then it is a token that air is infected with much venemous vapour.
  • The fifth token is when a blazing star is seen in the sky, then it means there will be great manslaughter in battle.
  • The sixth token is when there is great lightning and thunder out of the south.
  • The seventh token is when great winds pass out of the south, for they are foul and unclean.

Therefore when these tokens appear a great pestilence is to be dreaded, unless God of his mercy removes it.

The following are the causes of pestilence:

Pestilence is caused by three things. Sometime it comes from the root beneath, otherwise from the root above, so that we may feel sensibly how the change of the air appears to us. And somtimes it comes from both together, as well from the root above as from the root beneath, as when we see a seige or privy next to a chamber or of any other particuler thing which corrupts the air in its substance and quality, which is a thing may happen every day. And from this comes the ague of pestilence. And many physicians are decieved by this, not supposing this ague to be a pestilence. Sometimes it comes of dead carrion or corruption of standing waters in ditches or sloughs and other corrupt places, and these thinges are somtimes universal and somtimes particuler. From the root above means caused by the heavenly bodies, by whom the spirit of life is corrupted in man or in beast. In like wise as Avicenna says in his fourth book, by the form of the air above the bodies beneath may be infected. For the inspissations above corrupt the air and so the spirits of man are corrupted. This infirmity comes also from the root above and beneath, when by the inspissations above the air is corrupted and by the putrefaction or rotten carrion of the vile places beneath an infirmity is caused in a man. And such an infirmity is sometimes an ague, someties an apostume or a swelling that is many things. Also the inspissated air is sometimes venemous and corrupt, hurting the heart so that nature is grieved in many ways, but that it does not percieve its harm. For the urine appears fair and shows good digestion, yet nevertheless the patient is likely to die. Because of which, many physicians seeing the urine of their patients speak superficially and are decieved. Therefore, it is necessary that every patient provide to himself a good and expert physician.

These things written above are the causes of Pestilence, but about these things two questions are asked. The first is why one dies and another does not, in a town where men are dead in one house and in another house none are dead. The second question is whether pestilence sores are contagious. To the first question I say it may happen for two causes: that is to say, of because of that thing that does, and of that thing that suffers. An example of the thing that does: the Influence of the heavenly bodies, affect that place or that place more than this place or this place. And so one patient is more disposed to die than another. Therefore it is to be noted that bodies that are hot are more disposed to open pores than infected bodies, having thier pores stopped with any humours. Where bodies have open pores, as in men which abuse themselves with women or often use baths, or men that are hot with labour or great anger: their bodies are more disposed to this great sickness.

To the second question I say that pestilence sores are contagious because of infectious humours and the reek or smoke of such sores is venemous and corrupts the air. And therfore one should flee from those who are infected. In time of pestilence nobody should stand in a great press of people because some of them my be infected. Therefore wise physicians in visiting sick folk stand far from the patient holdyng their face toward the door or window, and so should the servents of sick folk stand. Also it is good for a patient to change his chamber every day, and often to have the windows open against the north and east and to shut the windows against the south, for the south wind has two causes of putrifaction. The first is that it makes a man who is healthy or sick feeble in their bodies. The second cause is as it is written in Aphorisms chapter 3, the south wind greives the body and hurts the heart because it opens the pores of men and enters into the heart. Because of which, in time of pestilence it is good for a healthy man to remain within his house all day when the wind is in the south. And if one is required to go out, remain in the house until the sun is up in the east, and passing southward.

The following are the remedies for the pestilence:

¶Now it is to be known by what remedies a man may preserve himself from pestilence. First see the writing of the prophet Jeremiah, that a man ought to forsake evil things and do good deeds, and to mekely confess his sins, for it is the highest remedy in times of pestilence; pennance and confession to be referred to all other medicines. Nevertheless, I promise you doubtlessly that it is a good remedy to void and change the infected place. But some may not profitably change their places. Therefore as much as possible one should avoid every cause of putrifaction and stinking, and namely every fleshly lust with a woman is to be avoided. Also avoid the souther wind, which is naturally infectious. Therefore close the windows against the south. In like wise it is said before to open the windows against the north until the first hour after the middle of the day. For the same reason, every single stench is to be shunned: the stable, stinking feilds, ways or streets, and namely the stinking dead carrion and most of all the stinking waters where in many places water is kept two days or two nights, or else there are gutters of water cast under the earth which caused great stink and corruption. And of this cause some die in that house where such things happen, and in another house none die, as it was said before. Likewise, in that place where the worts and cabbages putrify, it makes a aweful savour and stinking. For in the same manner that by the sweet odour of balme the heart and spirits have recreation, so of evil savours thay are made feeble. For this reason, keep you house so that an infected air cannot enter, for an infected air most causes putrifaction in places and houses where folk sleep. Therefore let your house be clean and make a clear fire of wood. Fumigate your house with herbs, that is to say with the leaves of the bay tree, juniper, and ubesoreth??.

Also of infecte ayer a mās eyen be made dymme yf he bere not these forsyade thinges in hys hande ; also it is holsom that ye wasche your mouthe, face, eyen and handes often times in the daye with rose wat medled with vynegre And yf ye haue noo rosewater take vinegre : And so these thynges vsed ye may goo surely emonge the people Also a naturall laxe of the bely is a grete remedy ellys (pr)uoke a laxe by a suppositorye craftely use pipelles pestilenciales for they be gode they be in thappoticary shoppes Also kepe fyre alle waye in your hous For it letteth moche the Impressions of the bodyes aboue and clarefyeth the ayer. Also it is proufitable as wel for hole (and) seke folkes to drynke Tryacle Therfore take it .ii. times a daye with clere wyn lym phat or or with clere rose water or with clere ale Take a quātite of Tryacle (and) .ii. sponefull of clere wyn or rosewater or ale, dissolue the tryacle in the cuppe and drynke it and dyne not tyl the myddes of the day so that the Triacle maye haue his operation, thenne chese a gode disshe with mete and drynke clere wyn, and often times drinke in the daye but not moche to gyder for moche habondaunce of drynke putryfieth the humours, Also be ware hote thinges in metes as Pepyr and Garlik, though peper purgeth the brayne from flewme and specially the membres fom viscous humours, yet it maketh moche hete, and hete falleth īto putrifaction, bitternes only is more to plese than bote odour or sauour Also garlik though it purgeth fleame (and) putte oute euyl humour and (pr)uoked an appetite to ete, and suffreth no drie ayer to entre, yet it troubleth the eyen and maketh the hede hote therfore it ys not good to ete garlyk The Pestilence groweth often times of an hote cause, therfore alle metes the more they be of light digestion : so moche they be the better. In the morning ete boylled mete, at euyn rosted, forbere broth and potage withoute they be eygre In the time of this sekenesse of Pestilence eygre metes be moche better than other metes, Also forbere alle frutes but if they be eygre, as cheryes or pomrgarnates or a litall of a pere or a lytill of apple by waye of Medicine by cause all frute riorgani it is in thapothicary shoppes wormwode, rewe, nugwort (and) of the tree of aloes whiche is beste but it is dere, Suche a sume taken by the mouthe (and) eerye openeth thynward partes of the body. Also it is teschewe all grete replecyons by cause full bodyes be lightly infecte As auycenne sayth in the fourth canon They that chargen their bodyes with replecciō shorten their lyff. Also comyn bathys are to be eschewed, for a lital crust corrupteth al the body. Therfore the people as moch as is possible is to be eschewed, lest of īfect brethys som man be inect; But whan the multitude of peple may not be eschewed, thenne use the remedyes folowyng. In the mornyng whan ye ryse, whesshe a lytil rewe (and) one or two fylberd nottes clene with salte (and) ete them and yf that can not be had than ete brede or a tofte soppyd in vynegre namely in troubelous (and) cloudy wedyr. Also in the tyme of pestilence it is better to abyde within the house, for it is not holsom to goo in to the Cyte or toune, Also lette your hous be sprenklyd specially ??sdmer with vynegre and roses and with the leuys of vyn tree : Also it is gode to wasshe your handys ofte times in the daye with water and vynegre and wipe your face with your handys (and) smelle to them Also it is gode alwaye to sauour aygre thynges. In the mount of Pessulane I might not eschewe the company of people for I wente fro hous to hous by cause of my pouerte to cure seke folkes : therfore brede or a sponge sopped in uynegre I toke with me holdyng it to my mouthe and nose be cause all egre thynges stoppen the wayes of humours, and suffreth no venemous things to entre in to a mannys body (and) so I escaped the pestilence my felowes supposing that I sholde not lyue, These forsayd thīges I haue (pr)ued by my selfe

Here foloweth the comfortes of the herte A of the principall membres

¶The comfortes of the herte be these, saffron Camfex Planteyn with other herbes, they opyn the inward spyrite and these be bode emōg the comyn people where lightly it happeth that one is infect of another, therfor beware the enduceth putrifaction. Ete conuenient spyces as gynger cynamum comyn macis (and)saffron : These be the best sause that may be made for riche people, For poure Take rewe sage fil bertes nuttes percelly with uynegre mynst to gyder These be gode (and) letteth putrifaction, To be mery in the herte is a grete remedie for helth of the body. Therfore in time of this grete infirmite beware ye drede not deth But lyue merely and hope to lyve longe ¶For the letting of blode

¶Letting of blode ones in the moneth may be made but aage or other thinges for forbede hit as pilgryms or feble persones which haue the flixe, suffre to be lette blode in the vayne called Basilica on the ryght or lyfte side, before eting and after incision of the Basilica be mery and drynke wyne or ale or bire temperately, slepe not that daye whan Basilica is cut yf ye fele you greued to be infecte than eschew sleep (and) be walkīg (and) moeuīg For by slepe thinward hete īduced poysō to the hert (and) to other special mēbres so that vnethe ony herbe may take a way suche poysō whiche sholde bot be if a mā wolde be moeuīg to (and) fro But sōme wold axe wherfore sholde slepe be eschewed. I say shortly that ī pestilence time anon after mete yf a body that list to slepe, thenne suche a lust ought to be forborne by a space walkyng in the gardyns or feldys, and thenne make a naturall slepe by the space of an houre after mete : and therfore Auycenne wreteth that if a man wolde slepe he must drinke a gode draught of ale or wyne afore, by cause a man beying a slepe draweth many humours (and) the euyl humours be putte doun by thumours of a gode draughte But somme wolde vnderstonde how may a mā fele whan he is infecte. I saye that a man whiche is infecte, that day eteth not moche mete. For he is replenyssed with euill humours (and) forthwith after dyner he hath luste to slepe (and) feleth grete hete under colde ; also he hath grete payne in the forhede, but alle these thinges he maye putte awaye by moeuyng of a space hyder and thider to ryde or to walke he may not for sleuthe of the body and the weyghte of the same, Also a man the whiche is infecte hath lust to slepe euery houe of the daye and night. For the venym beyng within the body troubleth the spiryte of lyff soo that allewaye he wolde reste and slepe And so of these tokenes a man schall knowe and fele him selfe infecte And yf a body wille not beleue thys A byde the middes of the daye and than anon he schalle fele a swellyng under the arme or aboute the share of aboute the eerys and therfore see an hye and a gode medycyne, forpere sleepe be cause of tho thynges afore sayde and reherced And it is playne that the spyryte of lyfe resteth in slepe and all the body here and there is venymed, Alle these thynges I have (pr)ued by my selfe These thinges knowen whan a man feleth hym selfe infecte as sone as he may lette him be lette blode plenteously tyl he be swoune thenne stoppe the vayne. For a lytill letting of blode moeueth or styreth venym And yf it be so that a mā wille not haue many vaynes cutte to gyder, then lett hym suffre the vayne cutt to rēne til the blode withdrawe For a lytill bledyng meueth strongely the venym as it ys sayd afore. Also a man whether he be infect or not yf he be lette blode. let hym forbere slepe al that daye tyl midnyghte folowyng. and alwaye lette blode that veyne vpon that syde of the body where the swelling appereth Therfore yf a swelling appere vnder the right arme lette blode in the middes of the same arme in the vayne called Medyana, yf it appere under the lyft arme lette hym blode ī the myddes of the same or in the vayne of the lyuer whiche ys aboue that lityl fyngre. and yf it be aboute the share, lete him blode aboute the hele vpon the same side, yf the swellyng be in the necke, lette hym blode in the vayne called Cephalica aboute the thombe in the hande of the same syde. or in the vayne the whiche is called Medyana of the same arme, or in the hand of the same syde aboute the lytill fyngre And ouermore yf the swellyng appere aboute the eeze lette hym blode in the vayne called Cephalica of the same syde Or in the vayne whych ys betwene the longe fyngre and the thombe, lest many venemouses thynges goo into the brayne, or lett blode the vayne whyche is aboute the lytil fyngre that ys named by the phisicions basilica And if a swellyng appere in the sholdres lette it with ventosite and first lesse the vayne called Mediana, y̒f the swelling be on the backe, lesse it apon the vayne called pedica magna (and) all these thīges be made yf a man slepe not before the knowleche of the swellyng But and yf he fele suche swelling after slepe, thenne on the contrarie parte the lettyng of blode must be made, As yf the swelling appere in the right arme lette him blode in the lifte arme in ??pate or basilica or mediana And yf a swellyng appere vnder the lyfte arme, lette him blode in the right arme in lyke wise as yt is sayd of the lyfte arme And so of other places of the body, lete blode on the contrarye parte of such swellyng And if the lettyng of blode be verray litill and feble then lette the pacyent slepe after the myddes of the daye and alwaye in the middes of the daye he must be in contiuell meuyng ridyng or goyny moderatly : And afterward yf the swellyng growe lette hym not be aferde of dethe by cause such a swellyng putteth oute alle euyll and maketh a man uerray hole And that the soner a swellyng may be made rype, take this medicyne as foloweth : Brose the leuys of an Elder tree (and) putte therto grounde mustard, (and) make a playster therof and putte it vpon the swellyng : Somme surgeons will put Tryacle upon the swelling, but doo not so for triacle putteth out venym Therfore drynke Tryacle for that putteth oute the same. Also there is another medicyne Take sengrene hylwore otherwyse called wilde tyme maudelyn grasse plantyn and a lityl rye floure and bresre all these to gider tyl ye see water come out therof Medill that water with womans milke (and) gyue it to the pacient fasting before slepe (and) it will werke to better for to remeue the swellyng : Also for the swellyng whan hit ap(pr)ed Take filberd nottes fygges (and) rewe, Bruse them to gyder (and) laye it upon the swelling

¶These remedyse be sufficient to eschew thys grete sekenesse whith the helpe of god To whom be eu̾lastastyng laude (and) praysing world with outen ende

¶A M E N