I look upon his epistle as the consequence


I look upon his epistle as the consequence Of my not sending him another hundred pounds, www.pradaoutlet1913.com which he wrote to me for about two years ago, and which I thought proper to withhold, he having had his share, methought, of what I could dispone upon others. prada low shoes "In your last you ask me after my articles of domestic wants. I believe they are as usual : the bulldogs, magnesia, soda-powders, tooth-powders, brushes, and every thing of the kind which are here unattainable. You still ask me to return to England: alas! to what purpose? You do not know what you are requiring. Return I must, probably, some day or other (if I live), sooner or later; but it will not be for pleasure, nor can it end in good. You enquire after my health and Spirits in large letters : my health can't be very bad, for I cured myself of a sharp tertian ague, in three weeks, with cold water, which had held my stoutest gondolier for months, notwithstanding all the bark of the apothecary, — a circumstance which surprised Dr. Aglietti, who said it was a proof of great stamina, particularly in so epidemic a season. I did it out of dislike to the taste of bark (which I can't bear), and succeeded, contrary to the prophecies of every body, by simply taking nothing at all. As to •././.,•••., they are unequal, now high, now low, like other people's I suppose, and depending upon circumstances. Prada Linea Rossa "Pray send me W. Scott's new novels. What are their names and characters? I read some of his former ones, at least once a day, for an hour or so. The last are too '[Sgrirei died at Florence In July 1836.] Sec Btkoniana. mens prada sunglasses hurried: he forgets Ravenswood's name, and calls him Edgar and then tforman; and Girder, the cooper, is styled now Gilbert, and now John; and he don't make enough of Montrose; but Dalgetty is excellent, and so is Lucy Ashton, and the b—h her mother. What is Ivanhoe f and what do you call his other? are there two f Pray make him write at least two a year: I like no reading so well. Don't forget to answer forthwith, for I wish to hear of the arrival of the packets; viz. the two cantos of Donny Johnny, and the translation of Morgante Maggiore, or Major Morgan. prada shoes outlet

The editor of the Bologna Telegraph has sent me a paper with extracts from Mr. Mulock's


The editor of the Bologna Telegraph has sent me a paper with extracts from Mr. Mulock's His name always reminds me of Muley Moloch of Morocco) 'Atheism answered,' in which there is a long eulogium of my poesy, and a great 'compatimento' for my misery. prada low shoes I never could understand what they mean by accusing me of it-religion. However, they may have it their own way. This gentleman seems to be my great admirer; so I take what he says in good part, as he evidently intends kindness, to which I can't accuse myself of being invincible. "Yours, &c." Letter 360. TO MR. MURRAY. Prada Linea Rossa"Ravenna, March 8.1820. "In case, in your country, you should not readily lay hands on the Morgante Maggiore, I send you the original text of the first canto, to correspond with the translation which I sent you a few days ago. It is from the Naples edition in quarto of 1732, — dated Florence, however, by a trick of the trade, which you, as one of the allied sovereigns of the profession, will perfectly understand without any further spiegazione. mens prada sunglasses "It is strange that here nobody understands the real precise meaning of ' sbergo,' or ' usbergo9,' an old Tuscan word, which I have rendered cuirau (but am not sure it is not helmet). I have asked at least twenty people, learned and ignorant, male and female, including poets, and officers civil and military. The dictionary says cuirass, but gives no authority; and a female friend of mine says positively cuirass, which makes me doubt the fact still more than before. Gin guene says'bonnet de fer," with the usual superficial decision of a Frenchman, so that I can't believe him: and what between the dictionary, the Italian woman, and the Frenchman, there is no trusting to a word they say. The context, too, which should decide, admits equally of either meaning, as you will perceive. Ask Rose, Hobhouse, Merivale, and Foscolo, and vote with the majority. Is Frere a good Tuscan? if he be, bother him too. I have tried.you see, to be as accurate as I well could. This is my third or fourth letter, or packet, within the last twenty days." Letter 361. TO MR. MURRAY. "Ravenna, March 14. 1890. prada shoes outlet

Enclosed is Dante's Prophecy


Enclosed is Dante's Prophecy

Vision —or what not.3 Where I have left more than one reading (which I have done often), you may adopt that which Giflbrd, Frere, Rose, and Hobhouse, and others of your Utican Senate think the best or least bad. The preface will explain all that is explicable. These are but the four first cantos: if approved, I will go on. prada low shoes"Pray mind in printing; and let some good Italian scholar correct the Italian quotations.

"Four days ago I was overturned in an open carriage between the river and a steep bank : — wheels dashed to pieces, slight bruises, narrow escape, and all that; but no harm done, though coachman, footman, horses, and vehicle, were all mixed together tike macaroni. It was owing to bad driving, as I say; but the coachman swears to a start on the part of the horses. We went against a post on the verge of a steep bank, Prada SPS and capsized. I usually go out of the town in a carriage, and meet the saddle horses at the bridge ; it was in going there that we boggled ; but I got my ride, as usual, after the accident. They say here it w«s all owing to St. Antonio, of Padua, (serious, I assure you,) — who does thirteen miracles a day, — that worse did not come of it. I have no objection to this being his fourteenth in the four-and-twenty hours. He presides over overturns and all escapes therefrom, it seems: and they dedicate pictures, &c. to him, as the sailors once did to Neptune, after 'the high Roman fashion. mai, e penso di farlo ristampare in Inghilterra senza nulla escludcre. Sciagurata condizione di questa mia patria! se patria si I pud chiamare una terra cosi awilita daua fortuna, dagli unomini, da se medesuna mens prada sunglasses "Rose wiU translate this to you. Has he had his letter? I enclosed it to you months a8" This intended piece of publication I shall dissuade him from, or he may chance to see the inside of St. Angelo's. The last sentence of his letter is the common and pathetic sentiment of all his countrymen. prada shoes outlet