Visit of the Hon. Carl Schurz to Boston/Mr. Schurz' Reply

Boston: John Wilson and Son, page 11

425963Visit of the Hon. Carl Schurz to BostonMr. Schurz' ReplySt. Botolph Club, collectively and as individuals


Department of the Interior,
Washington, Feb. 24, 1881.

Dear Sir,—The letter signed by yourself and a large number of citizens of Massachusetts, by which I am invited to a public dinner in Boston, has been presented to me by Mr. A. D. Chandler of your city. I need not say how deeply sensible I am of the honor done me by an invitation not only most kind in its terms, but remarkable in the character of its signers; and I gratefully accept it.

To name a day for my visit to Boston will not be possible until I shall know when my successor will be ready to take charge of the Interior Department. I shall then have the honor to correspond with you on this subject.

Believe me, dear Sir, very truly yours,

C. Schurz.

Mr. Francis Parkman,
Boston, Mass.