Wardship Act 1235 (c.7)
the English Parliament

Part of the Statute of Merton

54336Wardship Act 1235 (c.7)the English Parliament

PROVISIONES DE MERTON. Statutes made at Merton in Crastino Sancti Vincentii (scil. 23. Jan.) Anno 20 HEN. III. and Ann. Dom. 1235.

Wardship Act 1235 (c.7)

1235 (20 Hen. 3) C A P. VII.

IT was provided in the Court of our Lord the King, holden at Merton on Wednesday the morrow after the Feast of St. Vincent, the 20th Year of the Reign of King HENRY the Son of King JOHN, before William * Archbishop of Canterbury, and other his Bishops and Suffragans, and before the greater part of the Earls and Barons of England, there being assembled for the Coronation of the said King, and Hellianor the Queen, about which they were all called, where it was treated for the Commonwealth of the Realm upon the Articles underwritten, thus it was provided and granted, as well of the foresaid Archbishops, Bishops, Earls, and Barons, as of the King himself and others.

In what case the Ward shall pay to his Lord the Value of his Marriage.

If an Heir (of what Age soever he be) will not marry at the Request of his Lord, he shall not be compelled thereunto; but when he cometh to full Age, he shall give to his Lord, and pay him as much as any would have given him for the Marriage before the Receipt of his Land, and that whether he will marry himself, or not; for the Marriage of him that is within Age of meer Right pertaineth to the Lord of the Fee.'

Kel. 133, Dyer 25, 260, 306.

Fitz. Brief, 937.

Fitz. Gard. 68, 128, 131, 138, 153, 156.

6 Co. 70, 73. 5 Co. 126. b. Co. Ent. 396. 2 Inst. 92. Cro. El. 469. Obs. by 12 Car. 2. c. 24.

Note : this act is listed in the Chronological Table of Statutes as the Wardship Act, 1235

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