Washington, D.C. Admission Act (H.R. 51; 117th Congress)/Title I/Subtitle B

H.R. 51 Title I Subtitle B (2021)
by Eleanor Holmes Norton

117th congress (2021-2022)

3623403H.R. 51 Title I Subtitle B2021Eleanor Holmes Norton


(a) In General.—Except as provided in subsection (b), the State shall consist of all of the territory of the District of Columbia as of the date of the enactment of this Act, subject to the results of the metes and bounds survey conducted under subsection (c).
(b) Exclusion Of Portion Remaining As Seat Of Government Of United States.—The territory of the State shall not include the area described in section 112, which shall be known as the “Capital” and shall serve as the seat of the Government of the United States, as provided in clause 17 of section 8 of article I of the Constitution of the United States.
(c) Metes And Bounds Survey.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President (in consultation with the Chair of the National Capital Planning Commission) shall conduct a metes and bounds survey of the Capital, as described in section 112(b).


(a) In General.—Subject to subsection (c), upon the admission of the State into the Union, the Capital shall consist of the property described in subsection (b) and shall include the principal Federal monuments, the White House, the Capitol Building, the United States Supreme Court Building, and the Federal executive, legislative, and judicial office buildings located adjacent to the Mall and the Capitol Building (as such terms are used in section 8501(a) of title 40, United States Code).
(b) General Description.—Upon the admission of the State into the Union, the boundaries of the Capital shall be as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southern right-of-way of F Street NE and the eastern right-of-way of 2nd Street NE;
(1) thence south along said eastern right-of-way of 2nd Street NE to its intersection with the northeastern right-of-way of Maryland Avenue NE;
(2) thence southwest along said northeastern right-of-way of Maryland Avenue NE to its intersection with the northern right-of-way of Constitution Avenue NE;
(3) thence west along said northern right-of-way of Constitution Avenue NE to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 1st Street NE;
(4) thence south along said eastern right-of-way of 1st Street NE to its intersection with the southeastern right-of-way of Maryland Avenue NE;
(5) thence northeast along said southeastern right-of-way of Maryland Avenue NE to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 2nd Street SE;
(6) thence south along said eastern right-of-way of 2nd Street SE to the eastern right-of-way of 2nd Street SE;
(7) thence south along said eastern right-of-way of 2nd Street SE to its intersection with the northern property boundary of the property designated as Square 760 Lot 803;
(8) thence east along said northern property boundary of Square 760 Lot 803 to its intersection with the western right-of-way of 3rd Street SE;
(9) thence south along said western right-of-way of 3rd Street SE to its intersection with the northern right-of-way of Independence Avenue SE;
(10) thence west along said northern right-of-way of Independence Avenue SE to its intersection with the northwestern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue SE;
(11) thence northwest along said northwestern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue SE to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 2nd Street SE;
(12) thence south along said eastern right-of-way of 2nd Street SE to its intersection with the southern right-of-way of C Street SE;
(13) thence west along said southern right-of-way of C Street SE to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 1st Street SE;
(14) thence south along said eastern right-of-way of 1st Street SE to its intersection with the southern right-of-way of D Street SE;
(15) thence west along said southern right-of-way of D Street SE to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of South Capitol Street;
(16) thence south along said eastern right-of-way of South Capitol Street to its intersection with the northwestern right-of-way of Canal Street SE;
(17) thence southeast along said northwestern right-of-way of Canal Street SE to its intersection with the southern right-of-way of E Street SE;
(18) thence east along said southern right-of-way of said E Street SE to its intersection with the western right-of-way of 1st Street SE;
(19) thence south along said western right-of-way of 1st Street SE to its intersection with the southernmost corner of the property designated as Square 736S Lot 801;
(20) thence west along a line extended due west from said corner of said property designated as Square 736S Lot 801 to its intersection with the southwestern right-of-way of New Jersey Avenue SE;
(21) thence southeast along said southwestern right-of-way of New Jersey Avenue SE to its intersection with the northwestern right-of-way of Virginia Avenue SE;
(22) thence northwest along said northwestern right-of-way of Virginia Avenue SE to its intersection with the western right-of-way of South Capitol Street;
(23) thence north along said western right-of-way of South Capitol Street to its intersection with the southern right-of-way of E Street SW;
(24) thence west along said southern right-of-way of E Street SW to its end;
(25) thence west along a line extending said southern right-of-way of E Street SW westward to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 2nd Street SW;
(26) thence north along said eastern right-of-way of 2nd Street SW to its intersection with the southwestern right-of-way of Virginia Avenue SW;
(27) thence northwest along said southwestern right-of-way of Virginia Avenue SW to its intersection with the western right-of-way of 3rd Street SW;
(28) thence north along said western right-of-way of 3rd Street SW to its intersection with the northern right-of-way of D Street SW;
(29) thence west along said northern right-of-way of D Street SW to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 4th Street SW;
(30) thence north along said eastern right-of-way of 4th Street SW to its intersection with the northern right-of-way of C Street SW;
(31) thence west along said northern right-of-way of C Street SW to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 6th Street SW;
(32) thence north along said eastern right-of-way of 6th Street SW to its intersection with the northern right-of-way of Independence Avenue SW;
(33) thence west along said northern right-of-way of Independence Avenue SW to its intersection with the western right-of-way of 12th Street SW;
(34) thence south along said western right-of-way of 12th Street SW to its intersection with the northern right-of-way of D Street SW;
(35) thence west along said northern right-of-way of D Street SW to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 14th Street SW;
(36) thence south along said eastern right-of-way of 14th Street SW to its intersection with the northeastern boundary of the Consolidated Rail Corporation railroad easement;
(37) thence southwest along said northeastern boundary of the Consolidated Rail Corporation railroad easement to its intersection with the eastern shore of the Potomac River;
(38) thence generally northwest along said eastern shore of the Potomac River to its intersection with a line extending westward the northern boundary of the property designated as Square 12 Lot 806;
(39) thence east along said line extending westward the northern boundary of the property designated as Square 12 Lot 806 to the northern property boundary of the property designated as Square 12 Lot 806, and continuing east along said northern boundary of said property designated as Square 12 Lot 806 to its northeast corner;
(40) thence east along a line extending east from said northeast corner of the property designated as Square 12 Lot 806 to its intersection with the western boundary of the property designated as Square 33 Lot 87;
(41) thence south along said western boundary of the property designated as Square 33 Lot 87 to its intersection with the northwest corner of the property designated as Square 33 Lot 88;
(42) thence counter-clockwise around the boundary of said property designated as Square 33 Lot 88 to its southeast corner, which is along the northern right-of-way of E Street NW;
(43) thence east along said northern right-of-way of E Street NW to its intersection with the western right-of-way of 18th Street NW;
(44) thence south along said western right-of-way of 18th Street NW to its intersection with the southwestern right-of-way of Virginia Avenue NW;
(45) thence southeast along said southwestern right-of-way of Virginia Avenue NW to its intersection with the northern right-of-way of Constitution Avenue NW;
(46) thence east along said northern right-of-way of Constitution Avenue NW to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 17th Street NW;
(47) thence north along said eastern right-of-way of 17th Street NW to its intersection with the southern right-of-way of H Street NW;
(48) thence east along said southern right-of-way of H Street NW to its intersection with the northwest corner of the property designated as Square 221 Lot 35;
(49) thence counter-clockwise around the boundary of said property designated as Square 221 Lot 35 to its southeast corner, which is along the boundary of the property designated as Square 221 Lot 37;
(50) thence counter-clockwise around the boundary of said property designated as Square 221 Lot 37 to its southwest corner, which it shares with the property designated as Square 221 Lot 818;
(51) thence south along the boundary of said property designated as Square 221 Lot 818 to its southwest corner, which it shares with the property designated as Square 221 Lot 40;
(52) thence south along the boundary of said property designated as Square 221 Lot 40 to its southwest corner;
(53) thence east along the southern border of said property designated as Square 221 Lot 40 to its intersection with the northwest corner of the property designated as Square 221 Lot 820;
(54) thence south along the western boundary of said property designated as Square 221 Lot 820 to its southwest corner, which it shares with the property designated as Square 221 Lot 39;
(55) thence south along the western boundary of said property designated as Square 221 Lot 39 to its southwest corner, which is along the northern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue NW;
(56) thence east along said northern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue NW to its intersection with the western right-of-way of 15th Street NW;
(57) thence south along said western right-of-way of 15th Street NW to its intersection with a line extending northwest from the southern right-of-way of the portion of Pennsylvania Avenue NW north of Pershing Square;
(58) thence southeast along said line extending the southern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue NW to the southern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue NW, and continuing southeast along said southern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue NW to its intersection with the western right-of-way of 14th Street NW;
(59) thence south along said western right-of-way of 14th Street NW to its intersection with a line extending west from the southern right-of-way of D Street NW;
(60) thence east along said line extending west from the southern right-of-way of D Street NW to the southern right-of-way of D Street NW, and continuing east along said southern right-of-way of D Street NW to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 13½ Street NW;
(61) thence north along said eastern right-of-way of 13½ Street NW to its intersection with the southern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue NW;
(62) thence east and southeast along said southern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue NW to its intersection with the western right-of-way of 12th Street NW;
(63) thence south along said western right-of-way of 12th Street NW to its intersection with a line extending to the west the southern boundary of the property designated as Square 324 Lot 809;
(64) thence east along said line to the southwest corner of said property designated as Square 324 Lot 809, and continuing northeast along the southern boundary of said property designated as Square 324 Lot 809 to its eastern corner, which it shares with the property designated as Square 323 Lot 802;
(65) thence east along the southern boundary of said property designated as Square 323 Lot 802 to its southeast corner, which it shares with the property designated as Square 324 Lot 808;
(66) thence counter-clockwise around the boundary of said property designated as Square 324 Lot 808 to its northeastern corner, which is along the southern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue NW;
(67) thence southeast along said southern right-of-way of Pennsylvania Avenue NW to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 4th Street NW;
(68) thence north along a line extending north from said eastern right-of-way of 4th Street NW to its intersection with the southern right-of-way of C Street NW;
(69) thence east along said southern right-of-way of C Street NW to its intersection with the eastern right-of-way of 3rd Street NW;
(70) thence north along said eastern right-of-way of 3rd Street NW to its intersection with the southern right-of-way of D Street NW;
(71) thence east along said southern right-of-way of D Street NW to its intersection with the western right-of-way of 1st Street NW;
(72) thence south along said western right-of-way of 1st Street NW to its intersection with the northern right-of-way of C Street NW;
(73) thence west along said northern right-of-way of C Street NW to its intersection with the western right-of-way of 2nd Street NW;
(74) thence south along said western right-of-way of 2nd Street NW to its intersection with the northern right-of-way of Constitution Avenue NW;
(75) thence east along said northern right-of-way of Constitution Avenue NW to its intersection with the northeastern right-of-way of Louisiana Avenue NW;
(76) thence northeast along said northeastern right-of-way of Louisiana Avenue NW to its intersection with the southwestern right-of-way of New Jersey Avenue NW;
(77) thence northwest along said southwestern right-of-way of New Jersey Avenue NW to its intersection with the northern right-of-way of D Street NW;
(78) thence east along said northern right-of-way of D Street NW to its intersection with the northeastern right-of-way of Louisiana Avenue NW;
(79) thence northeast along said northwestern right-of-way of Louisiana Avenue NW to its intersection with the western right-of-way of North Capitol Street;
(80) thence north along said western right-of-way of North Capitol Street to its intersection with the southwestern right-of-way of Massachusetts Avenue NW;
(81) thence southeast along said southwestern right-of-way of Massachusetts Avenue NW to the southwestern right-of-way of Massachusetts Avenue NE;
(82) thence southeast along said southwestern right-of-way of Massachusetts Avenue NE to the southern right-of-way of Columbus Circle NE;
(83) thence counter-clockwise along said southern right-of-way of Columbus Circle NE to its intersection with the southern right-of-way of F Street NE; and
(84) thence east along said southern right-of-way of F Street NE to the point of beginning.
(c) Exclusion Of Building Serving As State Capitol.—Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, after the admission of the State into the Union, the Capital shall not be considered to include the building known as the “John A. Wilson Building”, as described and designated under section 601(a) of the Omnibus Spending Reduction Act of 1993 (sec. 10–1301(a), D.C. Official Code).
(d) Clarification Of Treatment Of Frances Perkins Building.—The entirety of the Frances Perkins Building, including any portion of the Building which is north of D Street Northwest, shall be included in the Capital.


(a) Retention Of Federal Title.—The United States shall have and retain title to, or jurisdiction over, for purposes of administration and maintenance, all real and personal property with respect to which the United States holds title or jurisdiction for such purposes on the day before the date of the admission of the State into the Union.
(b) Retention Of State Title.—The State shall have and retain title to, or jurisdiction over, for purposes of administration and maintenance, all real and personal property with respect to which the District of Columbia holds title or jurisdiction for such purposes on the day before the date of the admission of the State into the Union.



Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the laws of the District of Columbia which are in effect on the day before the date of the admission of the State into the Union (without regard to whether such laws were enacted by Congress or by the District of Columbia) shall apply in the Capital in the same manner and to the same extent beginning on the date of the admission of the State into the Union, and shall be deemed laws of the United States which are applicable only in or to the Capital.


(a) Establishment.—Title 32, United States Code, is amended as follows:
(1) DEFINITIONS.—In paragraphs (4), (6), and (19) of section 101, by striking “District of Columbia” each place it appears and inserting “Capital”.
(2) BRANCHES AND ORGANIZATIONS.—In section 103, by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(3) UNITS: LOCATION; ORGANIZATION; COMMAND.—In subsections (c) and (d) of section 104, by striking “District of Columbia” both places it appears and inserting “Capital”.
(4) AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATIONS.—In section 107(b), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(5) MAINTENANCE OF OTHER TROOPS.—In subsections (a), (b), and (c) of section 109, by striking “District of Columbia” each place it appears and inserting “Capital”.
(A) by striking “District of Columbia,” both places it appears and inserting “Capital,”; and
(B) in paragraph (2), by striking “National Guard of the District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital National Guard”.
(7) ENLISTMENT OATH.—In section 304, by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(8) ADJUTANTS GENERAL.—In section 314, by striking “District of Columbia” each place it appears and inserting “Capital”.
(9) DETAIL OF REGULAR MEMBERS OF ARMY AND AIR FORCE TO DUTY WITH NATIONAL GUARD.—In section 315, by striking “District of Columbia” each place it appears and inserting “Capital”.
(10) DISCHARGE OF OFFICERS; TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT.—In section 324(b), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(11) RELIEF FROM NATIONAL GUARD DUTY WHEN ORDERED TO ACTIVE DUTY.—In subsections (a) and (b) of section 325, by striking “District of Columbia” each place it appears and inserting “Capital”.
(12) COURTS-MARTIAL OF NATIONAL GUARD NOT IN FEDERAL SERVICE: COMPOSITION, JURISDICTION, AND PROCEDURES; CONVENING AUTHORITY.—In sections 326 and 327, by striking “District of Columbia” each place it appears and inserting “Capital”.
(13) ACTIVE GUARD AND RESERVE DUTY: GOVERNOR'S AUTHORITY.—In section 328(a), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(14) TRAINING GENERALLY.—In section 501(b), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(15) PARTICIPATION IN FIELD EXERCISES.—In section 503(b), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(16) NATIONAL GUARD SCHOOLS AND SMALL ARMS COMPETITIONS.—In section 504(b), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(17) ARMY AND AIR FORCE SCHOOLS AND FIELD EXERCISES.—In section 505, by striking “National Guard of the District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital National Guard”.
(18) NATIONAL GUARD YOUTH CHALLENGE PROGRAM.—In subsections (c)::(1), (g)::(2), (j), (k), and (l)::(1) of section 509, by striking “District of Columbia” each place it appears and inserting “Capital”.
(19) ISSUE OF SUPPLIES.—In section 702—

(A) in subsection (a), by striking “National Guard of the District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital National Guard”; and

(B) in subsections (b), (c), and (d), by striking “District of Columbia” each place it appears and inserting “Capital”.

(20) PURCHASES OF SUPPLIES FROM ARMY OR AIR FORCE.—In subsections (a) and (b) of section 703, by striking “District of Columbia” both places it appears and inserting “Capital”.
(21) ACCOUNTABILITY: RELIEF FROM UPON ORDER TO ACTIVE DUTY.—In section 704, by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(A) in subsection (a), by striking “National Guard of the District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital National Guard”; and
(B) in subsection (d), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(23) ACCOUNTABILITY FOR PROPERTY ISSUED TO THE NATIONAL GUARD.—In subsections (c), (d), (e), and (f) of section 710, by striking “District of Columbia” each place it appears and inserting “Capital”.
(24) DISPOSITION OF OBSOLETE OR CONDEMNED PROPERTY.—In section 711, by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(25) DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS OF CONDEMNED STORES ISSUED TO NATIONAL GUARD.—In paragraph ::(1) of section 712, by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(26) PROPERTY LOSS; PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH.—In section 715(c), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(b) Conforming Amendments.—
(A) IN GENERAL.—Section 101 of title 32, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

“(20) ‘Capital’ means the area serving as the seat of the Government of the United States, as described in section 112 of the Washington, D.C. Admission Act.”.
(B) WITH REGARDS TO HOMELAND DEFENSE ACTIVITIES.—Section 901 of title 32, United States Code, is amended—
(i) in paragraph ::(2), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”; and
(ii) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

“(3) The term ‘Governor’ means, with respect to the Capital, the commanding general of the Capital National Guard.”.
(2) TITLE 10, UNITED STATES CODE.—Title 10, United States Code, is amended as follows:
(A) DEFINITIONS.—In section 101—
(i) in subsection (a), by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
“(19) The term ‘Capital’ means the area serving as the seat of the Government of the United States, as described in section 112 of the Washington, D.C. Admission Act.”;
(ii) in paragraphs ::(2) and ::(4) of subsection (c), by striking “District of Columbia” both places it appears and inserting “Capital”; and
(iii) in subsection (d)::(5), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(B) DISPOSITION ON DISCHARGE.—In section 771a(c), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(i) in subsections (a) and (c)::(1), by striking “with respect to the District of Columbia, the mayor of the District of Columbia” both places it appears and inserting “with respect to the Capital, the commanding general of the Capital National Guard”; and
(ii) in subsection (c)::(2), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(D) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATIONS.—In paragraph ::(2)(B) of section 2732, by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(i) by striking “District of Columbia,” and inserting “Capital,”; and
(ii) by striking “District of Columbia National Guard” and inserting “Capital National Guard”.
(H) CHIEF OF THE NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU.—In section 10502(a)::(1)—
(i) by striking “District of Columbia,” and inserting “Capital,”; and
(ii) by striking “District of Columbia National Guard” and inserting “Capital National Guard”.
(I) VICE CHIEF OF THE NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU.—In section 10505(a)::(1)(A)—
(i) by striking “District of Columbia,” and inserting “Capital,”; and
(ii) by striking “District of Columbia National Guard” and inserting “Capital National Guard”.
(J) OTHER SENIOR NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU OFFICERS.—In subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 10506(a)::(1)—
(i) by striking “District of Columbia,” both places it appears and inserting “Capital,”; and
(ii) by striking “District of Columbia National Guard” both places it appears and inserting “Capital National Guard”.
(K) NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU: GENERAL PROVISIONS.—In section 10508(b)::(1), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(L) COMMISSIONED OFFICERS: ORIGINAL APPOINTMENT; LIMITATION.—In section 12204(b), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(M) RESERVE COMPONENTS GENERALLY.—In section 12301(b), by striking “District of Columbia National Guard” both places it appears and inserting “Capital National Guard”.
(i) by striking “District of Columbia,” and inserting “Capital,”; and
(ii) by striking “National Guard of the District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital National Guard”.
(O) RESULT OF FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH STANDARDS AND QUALIFICATIONS.—In section 12642(c), by striking “District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital”.
(i) by striking “District of Columbia,” and inserting “Capital,”; and
(ii) by striking “National Guard of the District of Columbia” and inserting “Capital National Guard”.

Notwithstanding section 2 of the Revised Statutes relating to the District of Columbia (sec. 1–102, D.C. Official Code) or any other provision of law codified in subchapter I of chapter 1 of the District of Columbia Official Code, effective upon the date of the admission of the State into the Union, the Capital (or any portion thereof) shall not serve as a government and shall not be a body corporate for municipal purposes.