Washington & Jefferson College Charter supplement

Act of February 26, 1869

A supplement to "An act to unite the colleges of Jefferson and Washington, in the county of Washington, and to erect the same into one corporation under the name of Washington and Jefferson College approved the fourth day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That as soon as the necessary preliminary arrangements can be made, and suitable buildings provided, the several departments of Washington and Jefferson College shall be closely united and located either at Canonsburg, Washington, or some other suitable place within this Commonwealth, to be selected and fixed in the manner hereinafter specified.

SECTION 2. The location of the college shall be determined by the Board of Trustees, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the members present at a regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, if they can agree; and if they cannot agree within sixty days after the passage of this act, the question of location shall be referred to a commission of five gentlemen, who shall visit Canonsburg and Washington, and such other places as they may deem advisable, inquire into the condition and value of the college property, receive offers of donations and contributions to the college, hear those who may be interested and desire to say anything on the question submitted to them; and, after obtaining all necessary information within their reach, and taking into consideration all the advantages and disadvantages of each locality, and everything that may have a bearing upon the future prosperity and welfare of the college, and the advancement of liberal education, they, or any four of them, shall report to the Board of Trustees in writing, where, in their judgment, the united college shall be located: and thereupon the Board of Trustees shall proceed with as little delay as possible to carry into effect their recommendation. In determining, or endeavoring to determine, the location of the college, the Board of Trustees shall proceed in the same manner and consider the same matters, as above provided for in the case of the commission.

SECTION 3. The commission, if resorted to, shall be chosen by the Board of Trustees, but a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, shall be necessary to a choice. And at the same time five alternates shall in like manner be chosen to supply the places of any who may decline to serve; said alternates to be called on in the order in which their names may stand on the list, as arranged by the board; and in case a vacancy occurs in said commission by resignation or otherwise, the Board of Trustees shall fill the same without delay, by selecting a principal and alternate, in the manner above specified.

SECTION 4. A committee of three, consisting of the President of the board, one member of the board from Canonsburg or vicinity, and one from Washington or vicinity, to be appointed by the President of the board, shall, as far as may be convenient, attend the meetings of the commission, and assist them in obtaining such information as may be desired. The expense of the commission shall be paid by the treasurer of the college, upon the order of said committee.

SECTION 5. If the united college is located at Canonsburg, it shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to designate and set apart sufficient real estate of the college in Washington, for the use of an academy, normal school, or other institution of lower grade than a college, to be located there, and managed by a board of seven directors, to be selected by said trustees; which directors so selected shall have power to fill vacanies in their number. And if the college shall be located at Washington, it shall be the duty of said trustees to designate and set apart sufficient real estate of the college in Canonsburg, for the use of an academy, normal school, or other institution of lower grade than a college, to be located there, and managed by a similar board, similarly chosen. And in addition thereto, the said trustees are hereby authorized to appropriate personal property of the college, consisting of libraries, apparatus, and furniture, now connected with that department of the college, for the use of such academy, normal school or other institution of lower grade than a college. And in the event of the removal of the college from both places where it is now located, the provisions of this section shall be taken and held to apply to each of said localities.

SECTION 6. It shall be lawful for any incorporated college or institution of learning within this Commonwealth, to unite with Washington and Jefferson College, and consolidate their property funds for educational purposes, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon.