Western Mandarin/Words with Characters/9
The 9th radical. (人)
- 人 ren2.
- 一個人的錢
- one person's money.
- 多少人
- many people.
- 天地人
- heaven, earth, and man.
- 成人
- to come of age; to become a man.
- 我人病了
- I am unwell.
- 我們人生面不熟
- we are unacquainted.
- 人人都在說
- everybody is talking about it.
- 盡人道
- to fulfil the duties of the human relationships.
- 沒人烟的地方
- where there are no human habitations.
- 做紙人人
- to make paper effigies or manikins.
- 人參
- the plant ginseng (extravagantly regarded as a medicine).
- 仇 chʻeo2.
- 兩家成仇
- the two families have become enemies.
- 有恩須當報無仇莫結寃
- if you have received a favour repay it, but where there is no enmity do not stir up a quarrel.
- 仆 pʻu5.
- 仆倒在地
- to fall face downward on the ground.
- 仆倒睡
- to sleep face downward.
- 仆起的
- hollow side downward; inverted.
- 把那個盌仆倒
- turn that basin mouth downward.
- 仁 ren3.
- 他心裏仁慈
- he is compassionate.
- 手脚不仁
- hands and feet paralysed; lit. not fulfilling their duties.
- 冲桃仁澄水
- crush peach kernels and put them in the water to clear it.
- 仍 ren2.
- 仍然不改
- as before he will not change; still unrepentant.
- 今 chin1.
- 今夜脫了鞋和韈不知明日穿不穿
- we cast off shoes and hose this day, and know not if we'll don them next.
- 我們如今走不得了
- we can't walk now-a-days!
- 當今皇上
- the present emperor.
- 仄 tse5.
- 平聲仄聲
- the even and inlined tones.
- 仄起身子過
- to sidle past, or through.
- 仗 chang4.
- 打勝仗
- to fight a winning battle; to gain a victory.
- 倚仗
- to rely on.
- 仰仗
- to look to for aid.
- 付 fu4.
- 交付清楚
- to hand over all; to pay up.
- 先付一半
- to pay one-half at the beginning.
- 付出去錢
- expenditure; money paid out.
- 託付你帶個信
- I intrust you with a letter; I commission you to take this letter.
- 以 i3.
- 可以而已
- it will do; it may be done.
- 以德報德
- render good for good.
- 你以爲人不曉得麽
- did you reckon that people would not know?
- 有事所以不得來
- he was busy, and therefore could not come.
- 說個所以然
- give a reason why.
- 除此以外
- besides this.
- 他未來以前
- before he came.
- 他死了以後
- after he died.
- 令 lin4.
- 傳個號令出去
- send out an order.
- 令人生氣
- to cause people to get angry.
- 令尊康健
- is your honourable father well?
- 時令很熱
- the season is very hot.
- 仙 sien1.
- 神仙
- gods and genii.
- 八仙
- the eight deified mortals.
- 水仙花
- the tuberose; lit. the water-sprite flower.
- 仙人掌
- the cactus; lit. the hand of an immortal.
- 老神仙
- an old man.
- 他 tʻa1.
- 他不答我的事
- he has nothing to do with me.
- 他的意思不同
- his opinions are different.
- 他們不肯
- they are unwilling.
- 那是他們說的
- that is what other people say.
- 代 tai4.
- 好多年代
- how many years?
- 來川有幾代人了
- how many generations of your family have been in Sï-chʻuan?
- 請個代書做呈子
- engage a copyist to write an indictment; lit. one who writes for another.
- 代館
- to look after a school or office for another.
- 仔 tsiʻ3.
- 做事要仔細
- be careful about your work.
- 伐 fa5.
- 砍伐樹木
- to cut down trees.
- 請您作伐
- will you act as go-between, please?
- 仿 fang3.
- same as 彷.
- 他的話到還相仿
- what he says is like my mind on the subject.
- 伏 fu5.
- 俯伏在地
- to fall down flat on the ground.
- 他使的有埋伏
- he is up to tricks; lit. has laid an ambush.
- 要把他降2伏得住
- I will humble him.
- 三伏天
- the "dog days."
- 休 shiu1.
- 我兩個不得罷休
- our quarrel cannot be settled.
- 無常一到萬事皆休
- when the "Messenger of Death" comes, all affairs cease.
- 吾命休矣
- my life is ended!
- 休想活命
- I'll take your life! lit. don't think to live!
- 休來見我
- stop coming to see me.
- 休妻子
- to divorce a wife.
- 伙 ho3.
- 屋裏的傢伙
- the furniture in the house.
- 木匠的傢伙
- the joiner's tools.
- 好傢伙
- a fine fellow.
- 生傢伙
- half-cooked food.
- 搭伙食
- to board with one.
- 任 ren4.
- 重大的責任
- a great responsibility, or trust.
- 革職留任
- to degrade in rank and yet retain in office.
- 任隨他
- as he pleases.
- 件 chien4.
- 一件衣裳
- an article of dress (N.A.)
- 好個物件兒
- that's a fine article!
- 還有些件件
- there are still a few small pieces of silver.
- 件件都依從他
- comply with him in each, or every case.
- 仵 u3.
- 仵作
- the man who examines the body at an inquest: a coroner.
- 伍 u3.
- 大擺隊伍
- a great parade of troops.
- 行伍出身
- risen from the ranks to office.
- 在營伍裏
- in the army.
- 伉 kʻang4.
- 伉儷和偕
- fidelity to the marriage relationship.
- 仰 niang3, iang3.
- 仰天嘆息
- to look up to heaven and sigh.
- 久仰
- I have long thought of you, i.e., desiring to see you.
- 仰起的
- hollow side upward; face upward.
- 佔 chan4.
- 霸佔財產
- to usurp; to forcibly seize the property of another.
- 侵佔邊界
- to encroach upon the boundary of another.
- 佔便宜
- to take advantage of others.
- 他只佔得這一門
- he only has the advantage in this respect; he is only good at this one thing.
- 佔强
- to rely on one's power.
- 我們佔上房
- we occupy the upper part of the house.
- 這個東西佔地方
- this thing takes up a lot of room.
- 作 tso5.
- 作房
- a factory; a shop where certain articles are made.
- 下作
- grasping, mean acts.
- 作難
- to put, or to be in distressing circumstances.
- 做作
- pretences.
- 事情發作了
- the affair has leaked out.
- 他的脾氣又發作了
- his temper has broken out again.
- 主 chu4.
- 在那裏住
- where do you dwell?
- 雨住了我們走
- the rain has ceased, let us go.
- 住手不消打了
- hold your hand, don't strike.
- 不住的哭
- to cry without stopping; to weep incessantly.
- 拴不住心
- unable to firmly fix one's mind on a thing.
- 靠不住
- unable to rely securely upon anything; unreliable.
- 忍不住笑
- unable steadfastly to endure being laughed at.
- 塞住
- stop it up tightly.
- 佛 fu5.
- 拜佛
- to worship Buddha.
- 佛教
- the Buddhist religion.
- 佛手柑
- the Buddha's hand citron.
- 何 ho2.
- 如何得了
- how will you do now?
- 何必然
- why will you do it? what's the good?
- 沒奈何
- no resource; lit. no means whereby; no help for it!
- 估 ku3.
- 不同你估堆堆
- I will not estimate with you by the heap.
- 估個價錢
- guess the price of this article.
- 估住幹
- to force one to do a thing.
- 估騙人
- to obtain by intimidation; to get by fraud and violence.
- 他兩個攪估了
- those two men are bitterly opposed to each other.
- 你 ni3.
- 你要小心
- you must be careful.
- 這不關你的事
- this is none of your business.
- 伴 pan4.
- 我兩個做同伴
- we two are companions.
- 少是夫妻老是伴一時不見親呌喚
- when young man an d wife, when old comrades dear, if parted an hour, each for other call.
- 我陪伴你去
- I will accompany you.
- 伯 pe5.
- 伯伯
- father's elder brothers.
- 老伯父
- my respected senior.
- 伸 shen1.
- 大老爺伸寃
- Great Sir! redress my grievance!
- 伸 read chʻen1.
- 伸出來
- thrust it our from you.
- 伸手接倒
- put out your hand and take it.
- 伸個懶腰
- to stretch one's lazy body.
- 把腰桿伸起
- straighten up your back.
- 一年到頭不得伸腰
- I never get a rest all the year round.
- 事情鬧不伸腰
- my affairs are never ended.
- 似 sï4.
- 似是而非的
- like right and yet wrong.
- 相逢好似初相識到老終無怨恨心
- if you always treat your friends as when first acquainted, friendship to old age will last, anger ne'er will taint it.
- 伺 sï4.
- 伺候倒
- attend at your posts! (said to official underlings)
- 但 tan4.
- 不但這樣
- not only thus.
- 但不知開不開花
- but I don't know that it will flower.
- 低 ti1.
- 說話低聲些
- speak in a lower tone.
- 這個銀子程分低
- this is inferior silver.
- 光棍不怕出身低只要長大有氣力
- the villain cares not if he be base born, his only wish is to be great and strong.
- 低頭便是理
- to bow the head is to apologise.
- 我不低三下四
- I will not stoop to do everything.
- 銀價低了
- the price of silver has fallen.
- 佃 tien1.
- 佃田戶
- a tenant farmer; lit. one who tills the fields.
- 佃房子
- to rent a house.
- 壓佃
- the deposit on a rented house.
- 佐 tso4.
- 佐貳雜職
- secondary or assistant officials.
- 位 ue4.
- 請得位
- please take your seats.
- 牌位
- the station of the spirit tablet.
- 他佔的是甚麽地位
- what positiondoes he hold?
- 他到了那個地位
- when he comes to that position or condition.
- 爭點位分
- deficient in quality, ability, etc.
- 這幾位朋友
- these few friends [N.A.] (respectful).
- 佑 iu4.
- 保佑
- to protect, as God does.
- 侈 chʻï4,3.
- 奢侈
- extravagant.
- 依 i1.
- 依靠
- to trust in.
- 可以依從
- you may conform to it.
- 不依你的
- I won't have it! I will oppose such things!
- 依舊星子照舊月
- after the old way; according to the old fashion.
- 依我想那個法子不對
- to my mind, that plan will not answer.
- 佬 liao2.
- 乾佬佬
- a poor fellow; a person of no means.
- 佳 chia1.
- 美貌佳人
- a pretty woman.
- 端候你的佳音
- I will wait for good news from you.
- 不見佳
- it is not nice.
- 供 kong1.
- 喫零供
- to get irregular support from sons.
- 審口供
- give a verbal testimony.
- 供 read kong1,4.
- 供養父母
- to support one's parents.
- 供 read kong4.
- 供奉菩薩
- to offer to idols.
- 伶 lin2.
- 那麽精伶的一個人
- such an intelligent man as that!
- 那個娃娃精伶
- that child is clever.
- 聰明伶俐
- wise and shrewd.
- 你伶便些
- be a little smarter (at your lessons).
- 來 lai2.
- 還沒有來
- not yet come.
- 來字
- official's servants (because they are called to come).
- 來往
- intercourse; comings and goings.
- 拿書來
- bring the book.
- 來錢八百
- received 800 cash.
- 給我寫個來賬
- put it down to my credit.
- 來得起兩吊錢
- I can contribute two thousand cash.
- 做得來
- I can do it.
- 來世
- the future world.
- 這是甚麽來頭
- what is the cause of this?
- 沒來頭
- of no consequence.
- 一來他罵我二來他打我
- in the first place he cursed me, and in the second place he beat me.
- 侑 iu4.
- 經侑客
- to entertain guests.
- 經侑棹子
- to wait table at a feast.
- 經侑病人
- to nurse a sick person.
- 經侑牲𤘘
- to look after an animal.
- 例 li4.
- 官清倒熟
- a magistrate virtuous and well-versed in the laws.
- 下不爲例
- don't look upon this as a custom or predecent.
- 佩 pe4.
- 佩服不忘
- I will remember and follow your advice.
- 使 shï3.
- 使得使不得
- can it be used or not?
- 使用的人
- servants.
- 莫使氣
- don't be angry.
- 他在使牛
- he is out ploughing.
- 沒得錢使
- I have no money to spend.
- 使費大
- the expenses are great.
- 佯 iang2.
- 佯粧不知
- to pretend not to know.
- 佾 i5.
- 佾生
- a half "siu-tsʻai;" lit. a mummer.
- 侯 heo2.
- 掛印封侯
- to raise to the rank of marquis.
- 係 shi4.
- 關係重大
- great responsibility, great consequences.
- 實係不好
- it is really bad.
- 俠 shia5.
- 豪俠之客
- a man who is zealous for the right.
- 俐 li4.
- 伶俐乖巧
- clever.
- 保 pao3.
- 有我保你
- I will protect you.
- 遞保狀
- to give a bailbond.
- 保養身體
- to take care of one's health.
- 保正
- a street warden; lit. guardian of the upright.
- 中保人
- middleman; advocate.
- 便 pien4.
- 順便
- convenient.
- 便壺
- 大便 and 小便
- 你隨便來
- 行方便
- 買便買不買便罷
- 便 read pʻien2.
- 買便易
- 佔人的便宜
- 信 sin4.
- 信不信
- 我肯信他還走得那麽遠
- 我信服他
- 大信心
- 沒信實
- 忠信的人
- 信口亂說
- 帶口信
- 一封信
- 俗 sio5 su5.
- 還俗
- 在俗人
- 孬風俗
- 俗話
- 鄙俗不堪
- 侵 tsʻin4.
- 侵呑家財
- 侵佔田地
- 促 tsʻo5.
- 催促起程
- 當時把我促倒了
- 光陰甚促
- 時候短促
- 俊 chüin4.
- 人才俊俏
- 俏 tsʻiao4.
- 收拾得俏扮
- 侮 u3.
- 侮慢人
- 倡 chʻang4.
- 夫倡婦隨
- 値 chï5.
- 適値下雨
- 値年的保正
- 輪値班期
- 價値多少
- 不値價
- 你値得我纔値不得
- 俯 fu3.
- 俯伏
- 候 heo4.
- 莫說不報時候未到
- 氣候不一
- 節候不同
- 等候同路
- 伺候
- 候補州縣
- 問候他的安
- 倖 shin4.
- 儌倖苟免
- 歌 ko4.
- 八個人
- 個個都有
- 一個一個的去
- 俱 chü4.
- 俱皆一樣
- 倦 chüen4.
- 疲倦得很
- 們 men21.
- 我們
- 弟兄們
- 倫 len2.
- 人倫
- 倍 pe4.
- 加一倍
- 修 siu1.
- 修房子
- 修橋補路
- 修飾華麗
- 修鬍髭
- 修脚
- 修脚的
- 修書信
- 出家修行
- 修個陰功
- 倘 tʻang3.
- 心裏倘若不願
- 倒 tao3.
- 房子倒了
- 跌倒了
- 把牆推倒
- 字號倒了
- 他倒了竈
- 倒他的爐子
- 把這個拿倒
- 我沒有聽倒3說
- 倒 read tao3,4.
- 顚倒過來
- 倒 read tao4.
- 倒轉來
- 倒一口鐘
- 倒銅錢
- 倒在河頭
- 倒茶來
- 倒飯
- 倭 o1.
- 倭絨
- 倉 tsʻang1.
- 陳倉滿庫
- 開倉吐血
- 倉倉皇皇
- 俸 fong4.
- 身俸
- 借 tsie4.
- 借給他
- 借去要還
- 在你這裏這個歇
- 借路過
- 假 chia3.
- 分別眞假
- 你莫做假嗎
- 假把意思的
- 貓兒不喫死老鼠假慈悲
- 假若你明天不來
- 假 read chia4.
- 給先生告假
- 偕 hai2 shiai2.
- 同偕到老
- 健 chien4.
- 健壯
- 老先生很康健阿
- 健火
- 傢 chia1.
- 傢伙
- 好傢伙三
- 偶 ngeo3.
- 拜偶像
- 土木偶人
- 偶然
- 偏 pʻien1.
- 偏起的
- 醉得打偏偏
- 房子有點偏
- 偏頸子
- 偏性子人
- 一遍之見
- 道理斷偏了
- 偏愛
- 地方偏僻
- 偏要這樣
- 偏偏不依你
- 有偏
- 偈 chie5.
- 念佛偈
- 偷 tʻeo1.
- 偷竊
- 偷稅
- 小偷
- 偷油婆
- 偷婆娘
- 偷看什麽
- 偷走了
- 忙裏偷閒
- 偷生在世
- 偢 tsʻiu1.
- 不偢不睬
- 停 tʻin2.
- 商量停當
- 停柩
- 停了工
- 鐘停了
- 停食
- 十停折了七停
- 側 tsʻe5 tse5.
- 側邊站立
- 放平不要放側
- 側起耳朶聽
- 側近有根大樹子
- 側 read tsʻa5 tsʻe5.
- 側黑
- 做 tsu4.
- 做工夫
- 這是怎樣做的
- 燕子正在做窩
- 做官
- 做好人
- 這個呌做什麽名字
- 傅 fu4.
- 大師傅
- 傑 chie5.
- 大豪傑
- 僂 leo2.
- 僂儸
- 傀 kue3.
- 傀儡戲
- 傍 pang4.
- 傍晚的時候
- 沒得個挨傍
- 備 pi4.
- 作個准備
- 萬事俱備缺少東風
- 防備小人賊盗
- 守備
- 受責備
- 傘 san3.
- 雨傘
- 日照傘
- 桶傘
- 萬名傘
- 債 chai4.
- 債張拉重了
- 傳 chʻuan2.
- 這規矩是我們祖傳
- 傳教
- 他到處傳聞
- 給老師傳名
- 施藥不如傳方
- 傳遞呈子
- 傳話
- 傳號令
- 傳某人來
- 傳個鑼
- 傳子
- 傳 read chuan4.
- 看傳書
- 傾 chʻüin1.
- 拿出去傾了
- 傾家破產
- 那這個碎銀傾個大定
- 拿這程分銀子傾個漂色
- 傲 ngao4.
- 驕傲
- 那個人有些驕傲
- 這把剪刀傲性
- 傷 shang1.
- 遭了悞傷
- 打傷了
- 致命傷
- 年輕的時候傷了力
- 那個話有些傷人
- 我怕傷你的臉
- 這個菜喫傷了
- 這個話聽傷了
- 傷了心
- 傷了風
- 傷風壞俗
- 催 tsʻue1.
- 催起馬走
- 催客坐席
- 催討債賬
- 差人來催糧了
- 把火催起點
- 把桶箍催緊
- 傭 iong2.
- 傭工做活
- 僱 ku4.
- 當僱工
- 僱幾乘轎子
- 僞 ue4.
- 眞僞難辨
- 僚 liao2.
- 同僚爲官
- 僕 pʻu5.
- 忠信的僕人
- 奴僕
- 僬 tsiao2.
- 嫖賭僬搖
- 僬矜客
- 僧 sen1.
- 受戒僧
- 小僧人
- 二僧
- 像 siang4.
- 人的形像
- 照像
- 塑的偶像
- 像 read tsʻiang4.
- 不像個樣子
- 活像他的老漢兒
- 我像記得
- 儀 ngi2.
- 送個程儀
- 好個容儀
- 儀注
- 價 chia4.
- 不講價
- 不直價
- 那個人的身價高
- 僵 chiang1.
- 手脚都冷僵了
- 儌 shiao1.
- 行險儌倖
- 儉 chien4.
- 穿喫節儉
- 儉 read chien3.
- 用錢儉省些
- 僻 pʻie3.
- 邪僻的人
- 儒 ru2.
- 儒教
- 儒書
- 儘 tsin3.
- 儘他做
- 儘够用
- 儘下得去
- 你就儘說
- 我儘等你
- 你儘在這裏耍
- 償 shang3.
- 償還
- 儡 lue3.
- 自儡其身
- 優 iu1.
- 品學皆優
- 優禮相待
- 優游自得
- 儦 piao1.
- 他儦 ta5 ta5 的跑起來了
- 儲 chʻu2.
- 儲積貨物
- 僭 tsien4.
- 我就僭分了
- 他做事僭分
- 說話僭妄
- 儳 tsʻan4.
- 那是個儳頭
- 儷 li4.
- For example of use see 伉.
- 儸 lo2.
- For example of use see 僂.
- 儹 tsan3.
- 積儹
- 儼 nien3.
- 儼然一個顏色
- 儽 lue4.
- 走儽了
- 付儽你
- 這個活路儽人
- 心儽