4514652What's O'Clock — Mackerel SkyAmy Lowell
I ride, ride,
Through the spotted sunlight of an April forest
Down a pathway bewildered with crocus cups,
The wind dallies with the plume of my helmet.
I ride, ride,
Seeking those adventures to which I am dedicate,
Determined, but without alertness,
Ungraciously ignoring the salutations of the young, jocund leaves.

Far as you are from me in distance of place,
I know you yet farther off in good will of heart.
Although I make a brave show in armour of green and carnation
Rivetted with the flowers which are called "you-love-me-not" of white and yellow,
And on my shield a waning moon in a field of azure,
I am gayer in my colours than in my heart.