When Late I wander'd/The Lover's Summons

4456300When Late I wander'd — The Lover's SummonsAnonymous


Ariſe thou miſtreſs of my heart,
and do not me diſdain;
Come now and quickly take the part
of me, your conquer'd ſwain.

To you alone I am a ſlave,
there's none on earth can me cure,
The flame that in my breaſt I have,
for you I do endure.

Come now dear nymph and eaſe my heart,
of me your darling ſwain,
My love for you within my heart,
does conſtantly remain.

Now we in Hymen's bands will wed,
our heart's united be therefore,
In love live without any dread,
in joys for evermore.