Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Liu Chen-hua (1890)

Mr. Liu Chen-hua


Mr. Liu Chen-hua was born at Wanhsien, Chihli Province, in 1890. He entered the Yu Teh School, Paoting, from which he graduated in 1912. After a year and a half spent in the Peking Government University he was one of eight students who won four-year scholarships to the Hongkong University. He entered as Freshman the Mechanical Engineering Department in 1914. Four years later he was graduated with the degree of B.S.C. His notes and papers were sent for the inspection of the London University authorities, who pronounced them of the highest excellence. Hongkong University also forwarded records of his work to the National Board of Education in Peking. He entered the Yu Teh School, Paoting, from which he graduated in 1912. Mr. Liu went to Tientsin in 1918, to become Professor of Prime Movers and Machine Designs. At Yu Teh he remained three years, giving special courses in workshop appliances and other technical branches and organized the Yu Teh Iron Works as a department of the school. About one hundred students were sent to France as a Board of Education in Peking. During his stay in Paoting he also found time to invent two irrigating machines which later were awarded certificates of honor by the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, and the Chihli Provincial Exhibition of Engineering Products, held in Tientsin. In 1921 Mr. Liu accepted the Chair of Physics, Farm Motors and Farm Machinery in the newly established Hopei University at Paoting, and later assumed the Presidency of Peiyang University in Tientsin, which he holds at the present time. Mr. Liu has been an untiring worker with the pen. He has written in Chinese the following books which have been published in Shanghai by the Commercial Press. Applied Mechanics (now in its third edition), Steam Engines, and Internal Combustion Engines. He is the author of a textbook on physics for university classes, which will soon be published, and he is at present engaged in preparing a volume entitled Farm Motors and Farm Machinery.