Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Wu P'ei-huang
Mr. Chen-chai P. Woo
(Wu P'ei-huang)
Mr. Chen-chai P. Woo was born at Wu-Hsing Hsien, Chekiang, in 1887. He was graduated from the Kiangsu Telegraph College. Upon leaving college, Mr. Woo joined the Chinese telegraphic service where he remained for a few years. After that he went to Changsha and became Professor in English at the Hunan Provincial High College. Subsequently Mr. Woo joined the Changsha Maritime Customs as a translator. From Changsha he was transferred to the Shanghai Customs where he remained until 1911. After the outbreak of the First Revolution in October 1911, the late General Ch'en Chi-mei became Tutuh of Shanghai and appointed Mr. Woo to the post of the Director of the Shanghai Telegraph Administration. After the Second Revolution in 1913, Mr. Woo entered business, establishing a large electrical supply company with himself as general manager. A few years later Mr. Woo became Councillor to the Kiangsu Telegraph Administration; Director of the Nanking Telegraph Office; Advisor to the Tutuh of Kiangsu; Advisor to the Tuchun of Chekiang; and Inspector of the Ministry of Communications. For a time Mr. Woo was with the Canton Military government holding at different times the posts of Department Chief of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vice-Minister of Communications and Co-Director of the Enemy Subjects Repatriation Bureau and also of the Bureau for the Custody of Enemy Properties. In 1922 Mr. Woo went to Peking. He was first appointed Director of the Peking Telegraph Administration but he did not take up this office. In July 1922 Mr. Woo was appointed Acting Director of the Ministry of Communications, in charge of Department of Telephone, holding concurrently the posts of Director General of Telegraph and Telephone Administration, President of the Commission for the study of Telegraphic Accounts System, and executive member of the Committee for the discussion of Communications relative to the redemption of Shantung. In September 1922 Mr. Woo was appointed to hold concurrently the post of acting Chief Secretary of the Cabinet. In the same month, he was given another concurrent post as superintendent of the Commission for the Compilation of the History of Communications. He received the Second Class Tashou Chiaho Decoration. In October 1922 Mr. Woo was relieved of the post of Chief Secretary of the Cabinet. In November 1922 his acting post of Director of the Ministry of Communications was substantiated. This and several concurrent posts he held until the fall of 1923 when he left Peking for Shanghai. Since that time Mr. Woo has been the Chinese manager of the Callender's Cable and Construction Co., Shanghai.