Who's Who in India Supplement 1 (1912)/Gurbakhsh Singh, Bedi, the Hon'ble, C.I.E.

2370911Who's Who in India Supplement 1 (1912) — Gurbakhsh Singh, Bedi, the Hon'ble, C.I.E.Prag Narain Bhargava


Gurbakhsh Singh, Bedi, the Hon'ble, C.I.E., Member of the Punjab Legislative Council, Honorary Assistant Commissioner, Honorary Magistrate, Fellow of the Punjab University, was born in 1862 and educated at home. He belongs to the Nanak family, followers of Nanak Shahi, the Guru of Raja Ranjit Singh. He has been elected to the United Provinces and the Punjab Legislative Councils: he was President of the Khattri Conference at Rawalpindi, and was President of the Hindu University Deputation. His services as a religious leader have been highly appreciated by the Hindu and the Muslim communities. He was invested with the insignia of Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire by His Majesty the King-Emperor on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar. In December 1911 he was nominated again to a seat in the Punjab Council. Address : Kallar, Rawalpindi District, Punjab.