Who's Who in India Supplement 1 (1912)/NABHA — His Highness Maharaja Ripudaman Singh

NABHA — His Highness Maharaja Ripudaman Singh, Maharaja of—a Ruling Chief, was born in 1883, and succeeded his father, Maharaja Sir Hira Singh, G.C.S.I, G.C.I.E., in January, 1912. He was formally installed and invested with full powers in a public Durbar held at Nabha on 27th March, 1912, by the Political Agent of the Phulkian Stair. The history of the State, with the biography of the late Ruler,

appear in Part III, pages 21-23, of this work. The fete Chief was granted the hereditary distinction of Maharaja on the occasion on the recent Coronation Durbar.