Who's Who in India Supplement 1 (1912)/Ramaswami Chettiyar, the Hon'ble Satappa Ramanatha Muttaiya

2496596Who's Who in India Supplement 1 (1912) — Ramaswami Chettiyar, the Hon'ble Satappa Ramanatha MuttaiyaPrag Narain Bhargava

Ramaswami Chettiyar, the Hon'ble Satappa Ramanatha Muttaiya, Diwan Bahadur, Member of the Madras Legislative Council, Chairman of the Chidambaram Municipal Council, was born in 1872 and educated at Chidambaram. He belongs to the Nathekollai Chetti clan of Vaishyas, and is a leading member of the commercial community of Southern India. He was nominated a member of the Madras Legislative Council in December, 1909. His father, Muthiah Chettiyar, spent some twenty lakhs of rupees in renovating the famous temple at Chidambaram; the Diwan Bahadur has recently marked his tenure of office in the Chidambaram Municipality by the gift of a lakh towards the scheme for providing that town with water-works. His title was conferred on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his services to Government and the public. Address : Chidambaram. Madras Presidencv.

D. B. S. R. M Ramaswami Chettiyar (73)