Who's Who in the Far East/ANDERSON, HOD. John

3629479Who's Who in the Far East — ANDERSON, HOD. John

ANDERSON, Hon. John (SINGAPORE), Merchant; b. March. 1852 at Rothesay, Isle of Bute; m. 1901, W. E' Dunbar Pope. Edve.: Raffles Institution, Singapore. Ai lived at Singapore Dec., 1859; in Govt. Civil JServiceat Singapore until 1871 when commenced mercantile career; has been xo engaged at Singapore ever since; now co-proprietor and head of Guthrie and Co., Ltd., of Singapore Peuang, London and Fremantle, W.A.; Siamese Consul-General for Singrpore; J.P.; Member of Legislative Council of Straits Settlements 1S86-88 and again since 19C5. Club: Bath, Dover St., London, W. Address: "Ardmoie," Singapore, Straits Settlements.