Who's Who in the Far East/CLARKE, William Edward

3629777Who's Who in the Far East — CLARKE, William Edward

CLARKE, William Edward (HONGKONG), Acting Secretary of Hongkong, Canton and Macao Steamboat Co.; b. July 11, 1855, at London. Educ.: Currie's School, Bromley. Entered merchant sen-ice, 1863; joined Steamboat Company, 1877, as Chief Officer; promoted Commander and Canton River Pilot, 1835; surveyed West River and Delta Channels, and inaugurated first steamer traffic, Canton to Wuchow, when latter port was opened to foreign trade in 1833; received letter of thanks from Macao Government for rescue and relief work wh e:i disastrous toi-nado passei over inner harbour of that city, causing destruction and loss of life amongst the boating population; was wrecked in.s.s." Futami Maru " off Cape Kalavite, Mindoro, Philippine Islands, 1900. Club: Hongkong. Address: "Dunford," The Peak, Hongkong.