Who's Who in the Far East/GOTO, Dr. Simpei

3630105Who's Who in the Far East — GOTO, Dr. Simpei

GOTO, Dr. Simpei (TAIPEH), Director of Formosau Civil Administration Bureau; b. 1856, at Iwate-Ken. Educ.: Studied medicine in Japan and Germany. Is nephew of lakano who was put to death by Tokugawa Government a little before Restoration; was Chief Medical Officer of Nagoya Hospital; was appointed Junior Director of Sanitary Bureau, Home Office; was appointed Sanitary Commissioner at time of Japan -China War, on conclusion of which re-entered the Sanitary Bureau as Director; in 1897 was appointed by new Governor-General of Formosa, Baron Kodama, Directoi of Civil Administration Bureau; since then has continued to occupy that post. Address: Taipeh, Formosa.