Index of Authors: | |
edit- Na Hye-sok (1896–1948)
- Nachman of Breslov (1772–1810)
- Nachtigal, Johann Karl Christoph (1753–1819)
- Nathan of Breslov (1780–1844)
- Nader, Ralph (1934–present)
- Nádherný, Emanuel Václav (1866–1945)
- Naidu, Sarojini (1879–1949)
- Nairne, Rev. Alexander (1863–1936)
- Nairne, Carolina (1766–1845)
- Najdi, Bijan (1941–1997)
- Nakhshabi, Ziya' al-Din (14th century – 1350)
- Nałkowska, Zofia (1884–1954)
- Nam Gon (1471–1527)
- Nansen, Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg (1861–1930)
- Nanjio, Bunyiu (1849–1927)
- Naoroji, Dadabhai (1825–1917)
- Naphtali
- Napier, Henry Edward (1789–1853)
- Napier, John (1550–1617)
- Napier, Mark (1798–1879)
- al-Naraqi, Muhammad Mahdi (1716–1795)
- Nares, Sir George Strong (1831–1915)
- Nash, Charles William (1848–1926)
- Nash, James Okey (1862–1943)
- Nash, John Forbes (1928–2015)
- Nashe, Thomas (1567–1601)
- Nasser, Gamal (1918–1970)
- Nath, Samdech Sangha Raja Jhotañano Chuon (1883–1969)
- Nathorst, Alfred Gabriel (1850–1921)
- Natsagdorj, Dashdorjiin (1906–1937)
- Naubert, Benedikte (1752–1819)
- Navrátil, Josef Matěj (1798–1865)
- Naylor, Edward Woodall (1867–1934)
edit- Neal, John (1793–1876)
- Neale, Frederick Arthur (1821–1863)
- Neale, John Mason (1818–1866)
- Neander, August (1789–1850)
- Nearing, Scott (1883–1983)
- Nearns, Eugenio Hernán (20th century-)
- Neaves, Charles (1800–1876)
- Nebeský, Jan (1880–1944)
- Nechleba, Vratislav (1885–1965)
- Neçín of Përmet (19th Century)
- Neele, Henry (1798–1828)
- Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889–1964)
- Neill, Edward Duffield (1823–1893)
- Neilson, Francis (1867–1961)
- Neilson, William Allan (1869–1946)
- Neison, Edmund Neville (1849–1940)
- Neiman, Susan (1955–present)
- Nejedlý, Otakar (1883–1957)
- Nelligan, Émile (1879–1941)
- Nelson, Charles Alexander (1839–1933)
- Nelson, E. Lee
- Nelson, Robert (1656–1715)
- Nelson, Robert (1794–1873)
- Nelson, Samuel (1792–1873)
- Nelson, Thomas Hudson (1856–1916)
- Němcová, Božena (1820–1862)
- Němejc, Augustin (1861–1938)
- Nennius (9th century)
- Neocleides (fl. c. 420 BCE)
- Nernst, Walther (1864–1941)
- Neruda, Jan (1834–1891)
- Neruda, Pablo (1904–1973)
- Nerval, Gérard de (1808–1855)
- Nesbitt, Alexander (1817–1886)
- Nesbit, Edith (1858–1924)
- Nesper, Eugen Heinrich Josef (1879–1961)
- Nesselmann, Georg Heinrich Ferdinand (1811–1881)
- Nettleship, Henry (1839–1893)
- Nettleship, Richard Lewis (1846–1892)
- Nettleton, Alvred Bayard (1838–1911)
- Nettleton, George Henry (1874–1959)
- Neumann, Franz Ernst (1798–1895)
- Neumann, Stanislav Kostka (1875–1947)
- Nevill, Wallace E. (19th century – )
- Neville, Alexander (1544–1616)
- Neville, Francis Henry (1847–1915)
- Neville, Henry (1620–1694)
- Neville-Rolfe, Eustace (1845–1908)
- Nevinson, Henry Woodd (1856–1951)
- Newbery, John (1713–1767)
- Newberry, John Strong (1822–1892)
- Joshua G. Newbold (1830–1903)
- Newbolt, Henry (1862–1938)
- Newby, Emma (1826–1899)
- Newcomb, Simon (1835–1909)
- Newland, David Hale (1872–1943)
- Newman, Albert Henry (1852–1933)
- Newman, Edward (1801–1876)
- Newman, Venerable John Henry Cardinal (1801–1890)
- Newman, John Philip (1826–1899)
- Newman, Thomas Prichard (1846–1915)
- Newmarch, Rosa Harriet (1857–1940)
- Newton, Alfred (1829–1907)
- Newton, Alfred Edward (1863–1940)
- Newton, Edward (1832–1897)
- Newton, Isaac (1642–1727)
- Newton, John (1725–1807)
- Newton, John Joseph Cradock (c. 1829–1911)
- Newton, Saul B. (1906–1991)
- Newton, Thomas (1542–1607)
- Nezami (1141–1209)
- Nezval, Vítězslav (1900–1958)
edit- Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617–1682), the 5th Dalai Lama
edit- Nias, Joseph Baldwin (1856–1919)
- Niaudet, Alfred (1835–1883)
- Nichol, John (1833–1894)
- Nicias (c. 470–413 BCE)
- Nicod, Jean (1893–1924)
- Nicoll, John Ramsay Allardyce (1894–1976)
- Nicolson, Adela Florence Cory (1865–1904)
- Nield, Jonathan (1863–?)
- Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844–1900)
- Nieuhof, Johan (1618–1672)
- Nicholas I, Pope (820–867)
- Nicholas IV, Pope (1227–1292)
- Nicholas V, Pope (1397–1455)
- Nicholas I of Montenegro (1841–1921)
- Nicholas I of Russia (1796–1855)
- Nicholas of Cusa (1401–1464)
- Nicholl, Samuel Joseph (1826–1905)
- Nicholls, Francis Redding Tillou (1834–1912)
- Nicholas of Nezero (14th – 15th century)
- Nikolla, Millosh Gjergj (1911–1938)
- Nichols, George Ward (1831–1885)
- Nichols, James L. (1851–1895)
- Nichols, John Gough (1806–1873)
- Nichols, Mary Sargeant Gove (1810–1884)
- Nichols, Thomas Low (1815–1901)
- Nicholson, Albert (1844–1927)
- Nicholson, Edith Maud (1864–1944)
- Nicholson, Edward Williams Byron (1849–1912)
- Nicholson, Joseph Shield (1850–1927)
- Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne (1868–1945)
- Nicholson, William (1753–1815)
- Nicol, Henry (1845–1880)
- Nicolay, John George (1832–1901)
- Nicoll, Michael John (1880–1925)
- Nicoll, Sir William Robertson (1851–1923)
- Nicolle, Edmund Toulmin (1868–1929)
- Nicolson, Harold (1886–1968)
- Nicomachus of Gerasa (c. 60–c. 120)
- Nicomedes (c. 280–c. 210 BCE)
- Niebuhr, Barthold Georg (1776–1831)
- Nightingale, Florence (1820–1910)
- Nightingale, James Edward (1817–1892)
- Nigrin, Jaroslav Victor (1882–1922)
- Nijōin no Sanuki (c. 1141–c. 1217)
- Nikitin, Ivan Savvich (1824–1861)
- Nisard, Jean Marie Napoléon Désiré (1806–1888)
- Nisbet, Alexander (1657-1725)
- Nixon, Richard (1913–1994)
- Nizer, Louis (1902–1994)
- Nigamananda, Swami (1880–1935)
edit- de Noailles, Anna (1876–1933)
- Nobel, Alfred (1833–1896)
- Noble, Frederic Perry (fl. 1914)
- Noble, Mark (1754–1827)
- Noble, William (1861–1943)
- Nock, Albert Jay (1873–1945)
- Nodier, Charles (1780–1844)
- Noël, Léon (1888–1987)
- Noeldeke, Theodor (1836–1930)
- Noghaideli, Zurab (1964–present)
- Nolan, Pierce Laurence (1864–1917)
- Nolen, John (1869–1937)
- Noli, Theofan Stilian (1882–1965)
- Norbury, Edwin Arthur (1849–1918)
- Nordau, Max (1849–1923)
- Nordenskiöld, Adolf Erik (1832–1901)
- Nordhoff, Walter (1858–1937)
- Noreen, Adolf (1854–1925)
- Norgate, Frederic (1818–1908)
- Norgate, Frank (1842–1919)
- Norgate, Gerald le Grys (1866–1947)
- Norgate, Kate (1853–1935)
- Norman, Conolly (1853–1908)
- Norman, George (1823–1882)
- Norman, Mildred Lisette, as "Peace Pilgrim" (1908–1981)
- Norman, Philip (1842–1931)
- Norris, Frank (1870–1902)
- Norris, Robert (1724–1791)
- Northcote, Hugh (1868–1933)
- Northcote, James Spencer (1821–1907)
- Northcote, Stafford (1818–1887)
- Northrop, John Isaiah (1861–1891)
- Northrop, Lucius Bellinger (1811–1894)
- Norton, Andre Alice (1912–2005)
- Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (1808–1877)
- Norton, Charles Eliot (1827–1908)
- Norton, Charles Ledyard (1837–1909)
- Norton, George A. (1880–1923)
- Norton, Richard (1872–1918)
- Nosek, Vladimír (1895–1964)
- Norzunov, Ovshe (1877-1934)
- Nott, Charles Cooper (1827–1916)
- Nourse, Edward Everett (1863–1929)
- Nostradamus (1503–1566)
- Novák, Arne (1880–1939)
- Novák, Josef (1878–1932)
- Novák, Robert Lev (1894–1916)
- Novello, Ivor (1893–1951)
- Novotný, B. (fl. 1917)
- Novra, Henry (1830–1917)
- Nowlan, Philip Francis (1888–1940)
- Noy, William (1577–1634)
- Noyes, Alexander Dana (1862–1945)
- Noyes, Alfred (1880–1958)
edit- Nuce, Thomas (d. 1617)
- Nugent-Grenville, George (1788–1850)
- Nugent, Nicholas (1781–1843)
- Nugent, Robert (1702–1788)
- Nunn, Sam (b. 1938)
- Nursey, Walter Robert (1847–1927)
- Nusser, Charles (1914–1993)
- Nutley, Richard
- Nutt, Alfred (1856–1910)
- Nutting, Charles Cleveland (1858–1927)
- Nuwas, Abu (c. 756-814)
edit- Nye, Edgar Wilson (1850–1996)
- Nystrom, Paul Henry (1878–1969)