Wikisource:Reusing Wikisource content

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Reusing Wikisource content

Information about reusing and republishing content from Wikisource.

If you want to use Wikisource's works and content in your own books/articles/web sites or other publications, you can do so, although some content may be licensed rather than in the public domain. If the content is licensed, you must comply with the terms of that licence when reusing the content.

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Public domain works held on Wikisource may be reused by anyone for any reason. It would be copyfraud for Wikisource to claim any rights over a public domain work. The effort that goes into proofreading a work on Wikisource does not give Wikisource any rights under United States law (the country in which the Wikimedia servers are located).

However, it is recommended that reusers of Wikisource's public domain works double check the public domain status of that work before reusing it. Wikisource attempts to check that the licences used for its works are correct and that works described as in the public domain really are so. However, this is not always accurate. If you reuse work that turns out to still be under copyright, the legal responsibility is your own. Additionally, the public domain status used by works on Wikisource is based on United States law. Copyright laws vary between different nations. What is public domain in one country may still be under copyright in another. If you are reusing materal outside the United States, it may be wise to double check the copyright laws of your country to see how they apply to you.

Licensed works


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Original Wikisource content


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Referencing Wikisource
