Name English Wikisource
Link englishwikisource.tumblr.com

Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking website, owned and operated by Tumblr, Inc. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users' blogs, as well as make their blogs private.



The intent of this blog is for outreach and announcements for English Wikisource. The English Wikisource tumblr is currently a trial of using online social networks for Wikisource outreach.

This blog has been added to Planet Wikimedia (an aggregator for Wikimedia-related blogs). All posts made on the tumblr blog will be visible on the Planet Wikimedia blog.



The English Wikisource tumblr is a secondary blog. Multiple "members" can either post to the blog or be made administrators. Members must have separate tumblr accounts.

Details about an administrator account can be found here. (Only those with deletion/undeletion powers will be able to read this page).

Standard Operating Procedure


Guidelines for posting on tumblr. This will be developed over time.



The current posts are related to main page material. This includes:

  • Featured texts
  • Proofread of the month
  • Headline from Wikisource News


  • Featured text posts should use the tags "featured-text" and the month.
  • Proofread of the month posts should use the tags "proofread-of-the-month" and the month.
  • All posts should use the tag "wikisource" (tentative & subject to change).
  • Other potential tags: author names, subject, genre, medium, theme etc.