2271442Woman of the Century — Cornelia M. Dow

DOW, Miss Cornelia M., philanthropist and temperance reformer, born in Portland, Me., 10th CORNELIA M. DOW. November. 1842. She is the youngest daughter of Neal Dow. of Portland, Me. Her mother, who died in 1863, was Maria Cornelia Durant Maynard, who was born in Boston, Mass. Her daughter, Cornelia, was born in the house where she now lives with her father, who is in the eighty-eighth year of his age. Miss Dow possesses many of the characteristics of both mother and father. She excels as a careful homekeeper, and yet is able to find a great deal of time for the world's work. For many years she was secretary of the Woman's Christian Association of Portland. She is the treasurer of the Home for Aged Women of Portland and also treasurer of the Temporary Home for Women and Children, a State institution situated in Deering, near Portland. The larger part of her time is given to works of temperance, which would seem the most natural thing for her to do. For years she has been officially connected with the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Portland. She is president of the union in Cumberland county, one of the superintendents of the State union, as well as one of its most efficient vice-presidents. She is a member and a constant attendant of State Street Congregational Church in Portland.