2921060Young India — IndexLala Lajpat Rai


Abul Fazal, 52
Abul Qasim, 70
Ahmad Khan (Sir Syed), 115
Akbar, 71, 72, 73, 74
Alberuni, 52
Alexander the Great,
Al-Hilal, 62
Asoka, 9, 11, 12, 69
Aurangzeb, 52, 73, 95


Ball, Charles (Indian Mutiny), 105 Bankim Chandra, 190, 191 Bannerjea (Sir G.), 171 Bonnerjea, W. C., 133 Barendra, 194 Bengalee (newspaper), 24 Besant, Annie, 50, 115 Blavatsky, 115 Burke, Edmund, 76, 77, 99


Chamberlain Austen, 28 Chirol (Sir V.), 1, 29 Colvin (Sir A.), 124 Comrade, 62 Curzon (Lord), 29, 88, 89, 147, 156, 158, 159, 239, 240


Dalhousie, 97 D. A. V. College, 165 David, Rhys, 68 Dayal, Har, 152, 156, 195 to 199, 211 Dayanand (Saraswati), 115 Dickinson (Lowes), 5 Dufferin (Lord), 121, 122, 138, 142


Englishman (The), 168, 169, 182


Faizi, 52 Fergusson College, 164 Fuller (Sir W. B.), 177


Gaekwar (Baroda), 88 Gálib, 52 Ghosh, Arabinda, 152, 155, 172 to 175, 183, 205, 209, 211 Gokhale, G. K., 135, 137, 159 to 161, 181, 199, 216, 237 Gossain (Narendra), 194 Govind (Singh), 95, 102 Greece, Gupta Empire, 13 Gupta, Chandra, 9, 10, 68, 69 Gupta, Samundra, 13, 14


Hamdard, 62 Hardinge (Lord), 121, 184 Hastings, Warren, 99 Havell, E. B., 12 Holmes (History of the </poem> Sepoy War), 104; (History of the Indian Mutiny), 105
Hume (A. O.), 122, 124 to 127, 130, 135, 137, 140, 144


Ibn, Batuta, 52
Ilbert (Bill), 119


Kali, 189, 190
Kaye (History of the Mutiny), 103, 104, 106
Kipling, Rudyard, 1


Lancashire, 62, 75
Law, Bonar, 28
Leader (newspaper), 27
Lincoln, Abraham, 31
Lytton, Lord, 116, 118


Macdonald, J. Ramsay, 181, 182
Macdonnel, Lord, 29, 239, 240
Malleson (History of the Mutiny), 103, 104, 106
Manchester, 62
Mazhar-ul-Haq, 53
Megasthenes, 69
Mill (History of Br. India), 68
Minto (Lord), 179
Mohani, Abul Hasan Hasrat, 183
Müller, Max, 1
Muslim League, 49, 52
Muslim Gazette, 62


Naoroji Dadabhai, 133, 137, 179
Nath, Ajudhia, 133
National Council of Education, 171
National Congress, Indian, 122-145
National College, 173
Nepal, 13
Nevinson, H. W., 181, 182
Noble, Miss, 1


Pal, B. C., 162, 183, 190
Partap, Rana, 71, 72, 73
Pillai, Chidambaran, 183
Plassey, 96
Pratt, 3
Prithvi, Raj, 70


Rai, Lajpat, 181, 183
Ramakrishna Mission, 215
Ranade, 115, 133
Rawlinson, 10, 11
Reay, Lord, 123
Ripon, Lord, 119 to 122
Roberts (Charles), 28
Robertson, Sir G. Scott, 29
Roy, Ram Mohan, 111


Samaj, Arya, 117, 215
Samaj, Brahmo, 111, 215
Savarkar, 210, 211
Seleucus, 68
Sher Shah, 52, 73
Shah Jahan, 52
Sikhs, 73, 102
Sinha, Sir S. P., 31
Smith, Vincent, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15
Sivaji, 95, 129
Surat, 148
Swadeshi, 148, 168
Swaraj, 148
Sydenham, Lord, 29, 239, 240


Tagore, 5
Teg, Bahadur Guru, 95, 102
Theosophical Society, 117
Tilak (Bal Ganga Dhar), 28, 133, 155, 162, 183
Tod, Colonel, 73
Tyabji, 133


Victoria, Queen, 13
Vidyasagar, 164
Vikramadityas, 14
Vivekananda, 115, 193


Wacha, 39, 41
Wedderburn (Sir W.), 122, 128, 137, 144
Wellesly, Lord, 97
Wilson (History of India), 94


Zamindar (newspaper), 62