Spirella: Your Lines (1913)
The Spirella Company

Directions for use of Spirella corsets. From about 1913

167924Spirella: Your Lines1913The Spirella Company

Your lines.

Stand sidewise in front of your mirror and study your figure lines.

The best line of the silhouette is from the top of the shoulder to the instep, over the bust. In correct position the corset must be low enough on the waist to increase the length of this line. Without an accented break at the waist, this line should be a practically continuous curve from the top of the shoulder to the feet.

The proper adjustment of the corset throws the body into correct poise and brings out the long flowing lines so desired by the modern woman. Therefore, we ask you to give the following instructions your earnest and careful at­tention.

How to put on your corset.

  1. Open corset to full length of lacer, six or eight inches' spacing being desirable.
  2. Place corset around body,
  3. Fasten top hook (to hold corset in place).
  4. Fasten lowest hook.
  5. Unfasten the top hook.
  6. Fasten from lowest hook to top.
  7. Attach front supporters to hose at in­side of limb. (Exception: a special supporter as in style 241.)
  8. Lower corset on figure to bring waist line of corset on true waist line of figure. (To accomplish ­this, grasp lower edge of corset in front; hold down firmly while you take a full up­lifting breath, thereby throwing body into cor­rect poise, also placing abdominal organs in proper position. If there is a surplus of flesh over the abdomen, place hand inside corset and smooth flesh back toward the sides, not up in front, and lower corset well over hips.)

When the lacer is in the back.

  1. Stand in front of mirror to begin adjust­ing lacer.
  2. Grasp lacer at waist line, one loop in each hand, give firm, strong, downward pull. (This to prevent corset from slipping up.)
  3. Gradually tighten lacer from bottom of corset to waist line.
  4. Take up slack.
  5. Begin at top of corset and tighten lacer down to waist line.
  6. Tie loops at waist line, fold ends and place under lacer.
  7. Attach side supporters well back under the knee.

Perfect adjustment leaves a spacing of from 1½ to 2 inches wide at waist line, gradually increasing toward top and bottom to 2½ to 3 inches. Spacing must never be more than this.

When the lacer is in the front.

Put corset on in the same manner as a back-­laced garment.

  1. Stand in front of mirror to begin adjust­ing lacer.
  2. Grasp lacer at lower end of front clasp and give a strong pull to anchor corset under the abdomen.
  3. Take up slack lacing toward the waist line.
  4. Beginning at top, take up slack to waist line.
  5. Adjust spacing to leave a "V" shaped opening one inch at bottom, 1½ to 2 inches at waist, and 2 inches at top.
  6. 14. Tie at waist line, drawing ends up under lacer and placing under bust.
  7. 15. Fasten side supporters back under the knee.

Correct adjustment is vitally important to se­cure comfort, service and style in corset wear. Why can you not wear your left shoe on your right foot? The answer is obvious. Wrong ad­justment throws the lines of your corset out of position, thus defeating the intent of the maker and the art of the designer. Your hat wrongly adjusted merely mars your appearance. Your corset wrongly adjusted not only mars your ap­pearance, but injures your corset and ruins your figure lines. The correct model for any figure becomes a failure through faulty adjustment, nor can it give you the figure lines you are entitled to when pulled and distorted by wrong adjust­ment.

Care and laundering of the corset.

Give your corset air and sunshine if you want it sweet and odorless. You should not ex­pect the best results from your corset without a second one to wear alternately. Any corset needs a rest; two corsets worn alternately will give more satisfaction and service than the same two corsets, each worn continuously until they are worn out, just as two or three pairs of shoes last longer when worn alternately.

To keep a corset sweet and odorless it should be laundered when necessary as is any other garment. Washing will not injure a Spirella corset in the least, if done under the right condi­tions, and laundering a corset made of cotton fabric is very simple. There is no reason why Spirella corsets should not be washed as often as is necessary.

To launder a Spirella corset use plenty of soft, luke-warm water, a pure soap, like Castile, free from alkali and acids, and a stiff hand brush. Remove the lacer, spread the corset on a clean wooden or oil cloth covered table, and scrub vigorously with brush and good soapsuds on both sides. Rinse well in luke-warm water until all the soap is removed, changing the water often. Then rinse in cold water, using a little bluing.

Much depends upon the drying, which should be quick and thorough. Suspend the ends of the corset from a line out of doors. Select a bright day with a good breeze for this work. Never use a cheap washing fluid or soaps containing alkali or corroding compounds, as they are injurious to the fabric as well as to the plating on the boning. We do not guarantee against rust if acids or chemicals are used in laundering. High grade Castile soap and a suitable corset brush can be pur­chased at any store at a small cost

We stand for cleanliness and for sanitation. Corsets have sometimes reached us in such condition as to require laundering before being bandied by employes. We, therefore, do not receive corsets for repairing or any other purpose unless newly laundered since worn. Unsanitary corsets returned to us will be laundered by us before they are handled or considered in any way. A charge of from 25c to 50c will be made for this service, according to conditions.

THE SPIRELLA COMPANY, Inc., Meadville. Pa., U.S.A.
The Spirella Company of Canada, Ltd.., Niagara Falls, Ont.
The Spirella Company of Great Britain, Ltd., Letchworth (Garden City) England

This work was published in 1913 and is anonymous or pseudonymous due to unknown authorship. It is in the public domain in the United States as well as countries and areas where the copyright terms of anonymous or pseudonymous works are 110 years or less since publication.

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