Zinzendorff and Other Poems/"The Lord is in his holy temple;—let all the Earth keep silence before him"
The Lord is on his holy throne,
He sits in kingly state;
Let those who for his favor seek,
In humble silence wait.
Your sorrows to his eye are known,
Your secret motives clear;
It needeth not the pomp of words,
To pour them on his ear.
Doth Death thy bosom's cell invade?
Yield up thy flower of grass;
Swells the world's wrathful billow high?
Bow down, and let it pass.
Press not thy purpose on thy God,
Urge not thine erring will,
Nor dictate to the Eternal mind,
Nor doubt thy Maker's skill.
True Prayer is not the noisy sound
That clamorous lips repeat,
But the deep silence of a soul
That clasps Jehovah's feet.