Catalogue of Books Suitable for a Popular Library/Household economics


Bost., Roberts Bros., 1893 $1
This little book, now revised and sent out with some slight additions, remains substantially the same as when first issued in 1880.
N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1897 $1.50
A course of lectures in the school of economics of the university of Wisconsin.
Chic., Hotel World, 1895 $1.50
It should be indispensable to the great army of women scattered all over this broad land who are just now beginning to study the science of foods.—Juliet Corson.
N. Y., Harper & Bros., n. d. $1
A fresh contribution to the literature of the dining room and kitchen, with many original suggestions.
Chic., McClurg, 1896 $1.50
Dr. Hoy has given thirty years of study to the subject of foods and drinks. His conclusions are impartial, and his reasoning lucid.
Chic., McClurg & Co., 1897 75c
The book is practical, sensible, excellent, in every way.
Chic., McClurg & Co., 1891 ———
A book both instructive and entertaining, with many valuable recipes.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1888 $1
The story tells not only of a girl’s success in gaining a living, but in building up a permanent business.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896 $1
The success of “Ten dollars enough,” as it appeared serially in “Good House-keeping,” and the numerous letters received by the editor of that magazine asking for it in more convenient form, has led to the present publication.
Parloa, M. Miss Parloa’s young housekeeper.
Bost., Estes & Lauriat, 1897 $1

A book designed especially to aid beginners.

Stowe, H. B. House and home papers.

Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1890 $1.50

A new edition of these valuable home helps, edited by Christopher Crowshield.

Taylor, M. H. Letters to young housekeepers.

N. Y., Scribner’s Sons, 1892 $1.25

This series of letters by the widow of Bayard Taylor has appeared in the Sunday issues of the New York Tribune.

White, S. J. Cookery in the public schools.

Bost., D. Lothrop, n. d. 75c

These lessons include not only the how but the why of a great many things. They inculcate the necessity of personal cleanliness, economy and attractive service.