Catalogue of Books Suitable for a Popular Library/Useful arts


Il.N. Y., Doubleday & McClure Co., 1898 $2
Very interesting accounts and descriptions of some of the more notable inventions of the century.
N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1900 $2
To the best of the author's knowledge and belief thére is not a thing described in this book which has not been proved practical by himself or some other boy or boys.
N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1900 $1
A timely word for women who are directly concerned in the production as well as in the distribution of wealth.
Phila., Lippincott, 1896 $1.25
Popular descriptions of the following industries and inventions : Iron and steel; wool and cotton; gold and diamonds, etc,
Il.Phila., Lippincott $1.50
A résumé of progress in mechanical, physical and engineering science at the dawn of the twentieth century.
N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1884 $1
A practical book on village improvement, with a chapter on forest preservation.
Il.N. Y., Ward, Lock & Bowden, 1892 $1.25
A consideration of the non-technical and anecdotal aspect of road making.
Lond., Griffith, Farran & Co., n. d. 3s. 6d
The marvels of engineering feats of the nineteenth century entertainingly discussed.
Lond., Griffith, Farran & Co., 1892 3s. 6d
Beginning at the remote age in which steam was a mere assistant in the hands of people, ignorant of its nature and powers, its history has been traced up to the present time.
N. Y., Ward, Lock & Co., 1896 $1.25
The subject treats plainly, non-technically, and in as popular a form as possible of the great triumphs, and the progress of electricity in its various uses.
Springfield, Mass., W. F. Adams Co., 1896 $1
The aim of the work is to show what an ideal home is from a woman's point of view.
Bost., Roberts Bros., 1893 $1
In this book the author's wish was to teach boys and girls how to use for themselves the treasures which are all about them.
N. Y., Orange Judd Co., 1895 $2
In this book are all matters pertaining to amateur gardening. The ground is thoroughly covered.
N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1896 $2.50
Gives a racy and authoritative account of life on the deep as it exists today.
N. Y., Scribner's Sons, 1891 $1.75
The instruction is imparted in twenty "lessons," each of which concerns some distinct process of the art and is complete in itself.
Il.E. & F. N Spon., 1889 $2
This volume contains valuable information connected with electrical and metallurgical matters.
N. Y., Doubleday & McClure Co., 1897 $1
The author, who is an expert and member of the New York building department, spent several years preparing this book, and had to assist him practical architects and builders.
N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1892 $1
The practical advice for furnishing all parts of the house is excellent. A valuable little book for any one beginning housekeeping.
N. Y., Dutton & Co., 1897 $1.25
Dorothy writes amusingly upon how women of certain types should dress, offering hints for becoming apparel.
Il.N. Y., Routledge, 1891 $3
The author has aimed to give a concise but clear description of the several subjects, and to indicate, if not to explain, the principles involved in each discovery and invention.
Saalfield Pub. Co., Akron cl. 75c and $1
Includes story of steam; age of steel; story of electricity and modern electricity.
N. Y., Appleton, 1897 $2.50
This is a most exhaustive, lucid and trustworthy account of a most interesting subject.
Bost., Roberts Bros., 1896 $1.50
By means of an interesting story for boys considerable information is conveyed about electricity.
Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1896 $1
This book is part of the record and romantic conjecture of the present age.
Il.N. Y., Van Nostrand Co., 1889 $1.50
A connecting link between the electricity of the schools and the electrical engineering of practical life.
Il.Meadville, Pa., Flood & Vincent, 1895 $1
A plain, simple statement of the leading facts attending the planting and development of the mechanical industries of our country.