Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/134

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medical corps and secured the final aboli- tion of the whiskey ration in the army. He also administered the affairs of the medical department in the early part of the Seminole War, and died October, 17, 1836. J. E. P.

Pilcher, James Evelyn, Journal of the Asso- ciation of Military Surgeons of the United States, vol. xiv, 1904 (port.). The Surgeon-generals of the United States Army, Carlisle, Pa., 1905 (port.).

Luedeking, Robert 1853-1908).

Born in the city of St. Louis, on No- vember 6, 1853, Robert Luedeking was a fine representative of the best type of American citizen of German extraction. He graduated from the High School in 1871, studied in Heidelburg for two years and took his M. D. in Strasburg and after a year of post-graduate work in Vienna, returned to St. Louis, where his father had kept a school for girls until 1854.

To men of science Luedeking was known as one who early in his career had done original and brilliant work in patho- logical anatomy, while his later writings, laden with the fruits of long experience in clinical medicine, were read eagerly by practitioners. He devoted special atten- tion to the diseases of children. The officers of the Washington University and the faculty of its medical department prized him as an able executive officer and in 1902 Luedeking was chosen dean.

Soon after graduation in medicine and return to this country, Luedeking entered the Health Department, and for five years, from 1877 to 1883, served the city succes- sively as dispensary physician, secretary of the Board of Health, and for several periods of a month or two at a time as acting superintendent of the City and Female Hospitals. During the preva- lence of small-pox in 1881-83 he often visited the small-pox hospital. His kind face and manner, his jolly laugh, his un- failing cheerfulness were as valuable to the officers as his advice and suggestions.

In 1882 he was appointed lecturer on pathological anatomy in the St. Louis Medical College (now a part of the Med- ical Department of Washington Univer-

sity), and the following year to a professor- ship in the same branch, which position he continued to hold until 1892, when he was made professor of diseases of chil- dren. This chair he continued to hold until his death, although in 1895 a pro- fessorship of clinical medicine was added to his duties. He was also chief of the clinic for diseases of children at the O'Fallon Dispensary, and instructor in the children's department of Bethesda Hos- pital from 1892 on. He was editor of the "St. Louis Medical Review" in 1884-86. Some of his chief publications were: " Untersuchungen ueber die Regener- ation der Quergestreiften Muskelfasern." "The Present Status of Serum-ther- apy."

"Pathology of Pneumonia." " Concerning the Antistreptococcic Serum."

"Perforative Inflammation of Meckel's Diverticulum."

" Cellular Agency in Disease." "Notes on Diabetic Coma." "Etiology of Gastric Carcinoma." " Heredity in Pathogenesis." Mrs. Luedeking, who survived her hus- band, was a daughter of S. W. Biebinger, formerly president of the Fourth National Bank. The children, two, were both girls.

Quarterly Bull. Med. D. Dept. of Wash. Univ., St. Louis, Mo. March, 190S.

Lundy, Charles J. (1846-1892).

Charles J. Lundy of Detroit was in early life a teacher at a Business College and received his A. M. degree at the Notre Dame University (Indiana). His first course in medicine was taken at the Rush Medical College, but in consequence of the great fire he was forced to leave, and took his final course at the University of Michigan, graduating in 1872. Re- turning to Notre Dame as resident phy- sician he remained there for two years. He then took up post-graduate studies at Bellevue Hospital Medical College and engaged in general practice in De- troit. Subsequently he again studied in New York, devoting himself to the dis-