Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/135

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eases of the eye and the ear, having as his masters Agnew, Webster, Noyes, Callam, and others and returned to Detroit to engage in special practice. He was one of the founders of the Michigan College of Medicine and its professor of diseases of the eye and ear and throat, and later in the consolidated institution the Detroit College of Medicine. He was an able and forceful writer, and his contributions to literature are numerovis; some of these are in the Surgeon-general's Catalogue, Washington, District of Columbia. He died May 24, 1892. H. F.

Trans. Mich. State Med. Soc, 1892, vol. xvi.

Lusk, William Thompson (1838-1897).

On May 23, 1838. there was born in Nor- wich County, Connecticut, one William Lusk, obstetrician, a man destined to help a great many other babies comfortably into the world. He went as a student to Heidelburg and Berlin and after gradu- ating at the Bellevue Hospital Medical College he again went to Europe and studied in Edinburgh, Paris, Vienna and Prague. In 1870-1 he lectured on phy- siology in the Harvard Medical School and became professor of obstetrics to the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, yet found time to most ably co-edit the "New York Medical Journal." Modest even to diffidence it required some persuasion to make him publish his great work on "The Science and Art of Midwifery" (1882), a book which at once took rank as the best text-book. It went through four American editions and has been trans- lated into French, Italian, Spanish and Arabic. He was no less famous as a prac- titioner, and his frequent visits abroad to read papers before societies made him widely known among his foreign confreres. He died suddenly, at the height of his fame, on June 12, 1897. "The purity of his life and his steadfastness to duty made him an upHfting influence in the community."

He married, in 1864, Mary Hartwell Chittenden of Brooklyn and had five children. Five years after her death in 1871 he married Mrs. Matilda (Meyer)

Thorn and had one daughter. Two sons, Graham and William G., became respect- ively professor of physiology in New York University and a New York phy- sician.

Of his numerous articles in the "New York Medical Journal" and other period- icals may be mentioned: "Uremia a Common Cause of Death in Uterine Can- cer;" " Inquiry into thePathology of Uter- ine Cancer;" "Irregular Uterine Action During Labor;" "On the Origin of Dia- betes;" " Cephalotribe and Cephalo- tripsy;' "Nature and Prevention of Puerperal Fever;" "The Prognosis of Cesarean Operations;" "Recovery of the Singing Voice after Dilatation of the Uterus."

He was president of the American Gynecological Society; State Associa- tion, fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, vice-president of New York Ob- stetrical Society, member of New York Gynecological Society, professor of ob- stetrics in Bellevue Hospital Medical College, visiting physician to Bellevue Hospital, editor of " New York Medical Journal," LL. D. Yale, honorable fellow of Edinburgh Obstetrical Society ; London Obstetrical Society, corresponding mem- ber for the same societies of Paris and Leipsic. From 1861-3 he served in the United States Army, rising to the rank of assistant adjutant-general.

D. W.

Am. Gyn. and Obstet. Jour., N. Y., 1S97, vol.

xi. (H. C. Coe).

Am. J. Obstet., N. Y., 1S97, vol. xxxvi.

Med. News, N. Y., 1897, vol. Ixx.

Tr. N. Y. Acad, of Med., 1896-1901.

(Austin Flint).

Trans. Amer. Gyn. Soc, vol. xxiii, 1898


Memorial Address Dr. Alexander Smith.

Luzenberg, Charles Aloysius (1805-1848). Although a foreigner, Charles Luzen- berg, a great surgeon of New Orleans, may be claimed by America, for his father, a military commissariat, left Germany when his son was fourteen and settled in Philadelphia, sparing no expense to complete the fine educa-