Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/71

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turn to America he took his degree in medicine at the Charleston College.

In 1841 he began to practise in the little town of Chapel Hill, the home of the State University, where he remain- ed until 1868, then removed to the city of Charlotte where he practised until his death, March 1, 1889.

He died a poor man so far as worldly goods go, but rich in the respect and love of those who had known his kind- ness and experienced the benefit of his skill.

He was one of the prime movers in the organization of the North Carolina Medical Society, and always took the deepest interest in its welfare.

His mind was acute, vigorous, orig- inal and analytic; and to great pro- fessional learning he added extensive and accurate information on many subjects. His patience and sympathy made his services as grateful to the feelings of his patients as his great skill made him useful to his necessities. The wife of a prominent North Caro- linian went to Philadelphia, not long after the Civil War, to consult the celebratd Dr. Agnew who, when he learned that she was from North Car- ohna, said there was one in her own state, Johnston B. Jones, who could surpass him, and added that she would have done well to consult him.

In 1841 he married Ann Stuart, and was survived by two sons and two daughters, one of whom became Dr. Simmons B. Jones of Charlotte, North Carohna.

L. T. R.

"Cyclopedia of Representative Men of the Carolinas," vol. ii (Brant and Fuller, 1892).

Jones, Joseph (1833-1896).

Best known for his writings on "Diseases in the Southern States," Joseph Jones was born on September 6, 1833, in Liberty County, Georgia, the son of the Rev. Charles and Mary Jones Jones. As a lad he had private tuition and five years at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, tak-

ing his A. M. from Princeton College, New Jersey, and his M. D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1855. The University of Georgia gave him her LL. D. in 1892. The Savannah Medical College chose him as her pro- fessor of chemistry in 1858, but three years after he was one year professor of natural philosophy and natural theology in the University of Athens, Georgia, then professor of chemistry in the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta. During the war he was six months in the cavalry and for the rest of the time full surgeon-major in the Confederate Army.

Keen in his studies of disease, he made investigations in most of the southern states, being more in the center of things by his service as pro- fessor of chemistry and clinical med- icine in the university of Louisiana and as president of the board of health in that state. He had the usual pleas- ant time given to all sanitary inspect- ors, especially at the ports. After a continuous battle of four years with the maritime and railroad interests the court voted quarantine to be a legitimate exercise of police rights. The whole life of Dr. Jones was devoted to the thankless task of promoting civic and military hygiene in the city. His writings, too numerous to mention, included "Digestion of Albumen and Flesh," 1856; "Physical, Chemical and Physiological Investigations on SoHds and Fluids of Animals," 1856 (his M. D. thesis) ; " View to Ascertain the Action of Saline Solutions, etc.," 1856; "Observations on the Chemical, Physical and Pathological Phenomena of Malarial Fever," 1859; "Sulphate of Quinina administered during Health, etc," 1861; "Inquiries on Hospital Gangrene," 1869; "Explorations and Researches concerning the Destruc- tion of the Aboriginal Inhabitants of America by Various Diseases, etc.," 1878; "Observations on the Losses of the Confederate Armies from Wounds, etc," 1861; "Contributions to the Natural