Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/72

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History of Specific Yellow Fever/' 1874; •' Medico-logal Eviiionce relat- ing to the detection of Ilunuin Blood presenting the Alterations character- istic of ^lalarial Fever on the Clothing of a Man," ISTO; '"Observations on the African Yaws and Leprosy," 1877; "Sanitary Memoirs of the United States Sanitary Commission," New York, 1890; "Medical and Surgical .Memoirs;" "Con tributions to Teratology," 1888; "Explo- rations of the Aboriginal Remains in Ten- nessee." It can be imagined that such a widely interested man was foremost in founding the Southern Historical So- ciety. He was also honorary member of the Virginia Medical Society; of the Physicians and Surgeons of Phila- delphia, and member of the Louisiana Medical Society and of several other societies.

He married, in 1858, Caroline S. Davis of Augusta, Georgia, and two years after her death in 1868, Susan Rayner Polk, daughter of the Bishop of Louisiana. His eldest son, Stan- hope, became a doctor but died in 1894. Five of his other children w^ere Charles Colcock, Hamilton Polk, Caroline Mary Cuthbert, Frances Devereux and Laura Maxwell.

D. \V.

Jour. Am. Med. Ass., Chicago, 1896, vol-


\. Orl. Med. and Surg. Jour., 189.5-6, n. s.,

vol. xxiii.

Tr. Louisiana Med. Soc, X. Orl., 1896.

Tr. Med. Soc. Virg., Rich., 1896.

Jones, Nelson E. (1821-1901).

Nelson E. Jones, son of Henry Jones, was born at "Fruit Hill," Liberty Township, Ross County, Ohio, Sep- tember 20, 1821. His great grand- father came to America towards the end of 1700.

Xelson w'as one of nine children, and was from birth a delicate child. As he grew in years, unable to follow the pursuits of the farm, he was en- couraged to educate himself for a pro- fession. After finishing at the country school near his home, he attended

Augusta College in Kentucky for a time, but his health compelleti him to return home, where he studied by himself until 1844, when he entered Hudson College. Again obliged to quit study on account of sickness, he returned to Chillicothe and entered the office of his family physician, Dr. Wills. In 1845 he graduated from Hudson College, and for a short time was associated W'ith Dr. Kirt- land in the practice of medicine in Cleveland, Ohio. Late in the year 1845 he wx'nt to Dubuque, Iowa, and afterwards to Jacksonville, then Guttenberg, Clayton County, Iowa. Here was advertised a city settled by the Dutch, and glowing accounts of the prospect attracted him. In this town he had the field to himself, too much so in fact, as the following extract from an old letter will show:

" No beginner in a new field could ask for a brighter outlook. I am busy from morning until night, and often from night until morning; many days I am in the saddle the greater part of the time, as patients sometimes live thirty or more miles apart. There is a loneliness about this life, however, which does not attract me, and, as I wrote you before, there is a young lady in Cleveland that I very much desire to see, so you may expect me be- fore long."

The following June, 1846, he mar- ried Virginia Smith, daughter of Anson Smith, of New London, Connecticut. He then moved to Londonderry in Ross County, and afterwards settled in Circleville.

His mind was active and unimpair- ed to the last, and he passed much of his later years in writing stories of the olden time and of the early days of medicine. He published one small volume called the " Squirrel Hunters of Ohio" and one on the "Nests and Eggs of the Birds of Ohio," illustrated by his daughter and wife.

In near!}' the half century of medical study and practice to which he diligent-