Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/85

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current German and French medical literature. It was his interest in Vir- chow's work which prompted his " Man- ual of Practical Microscopy" (1859). Neither he nor his adoring students thought the lectures ended when the hour struck, but the latter knew that even on Sunday morning he would ask them to meet him and discuss the subject or a kindred, one perhaps from the moral and ethical side.

His greatest effort as a writer was the "American Dispensatory," 1855, which passed through eighteen editions and was recently revised by John Uri Lloyd and Harvey W. Felter. In 1855 he published a text-book on "Obstetrics;" three years later one on " Gynecolog}'." 1866 saw his "Chronic Diseases."

He discovered and introduced podo- phyllin (1835), macrotin, irisin, in- dependently of William S. Merrell, and introduced into medical practice hydrastis and sanguinaria.

That which made King a power, even beyond the confines of his own school, was his equipoise of character, his tremendously active mind and his universal philanthropy.

Abridged from a biography in Daniel Drake and his followers. Dr. O. Jucttner, Cincinnati 1909.

Ann. Eclect. M. and S., Chicago, 1893, vol.

iv. (W. C. Cooper).

Eclect. M. J., Cincin., 1891, vol. li. (A. J.


Chicago Med. Times, 1890, vol. xxii. (A.


Eclect. M. J., ('incin., 1894, vol. liv. (.J. U.


Tr. Nat. Eclect. M., Orange, N. .1., 1S94,

vol. xxi.

Kinloch, Robert Alexander (1826-91).

Robert Alexander Kinloch, surgeon, was born at Charleston, South Carolina, on February 20, 1826. In 1845 he graduated with distinction from Charleston College. Three years later, he took his M. D. from the University of Pennsylvania, after which two years were spent in the hospitals of Paris, London and Edinburgh. RettU'ning

home he began to practice in his native city, but when the war broke out en- tered the Confederate ranks as surgeon. During his military career he served at various times upon the staffs of Gens. Lee, Pemberton and Beauregard and was also detailed as a member of the medical examining board at Nor- folk, at Richmond, and at Charleston. Subsequently he held the position of inspector of hospitals for South Caro- lina, Georgia and Florida.

Upon the close of the war he resumed practice in Charleston; and in 1866 was elected to the chair of materia medica in the Medical College of the State of South Carolina. Three years later, in 1869, he was transferred to the chair of the principles and practice of surgery, and sulisequently to that of clinical surgery, which he occupied at the time of his death. In 1888 he was elected dean of the faculty and con- tinued to serve until he died.

He was a member of the Medical Society of South Carolina, the Amer- ican Surgical Association, and associate fellow of the Philadelphia College of Physicians.

For a short time he served as editor of the "Charleston Medical Journal," in which he published many of his medical contributions.

Kinloch's chief title to distinction rests upon his work as a surgeon. From the beginning of his career he was self-reliant, bold, and determined, possessed of a rare skill in execution and perfect poise in the face of unfore- seen emergencies, ciualities which com- pelled the success of later life. On one occasion when quite a young man he was called upon to remove the inferior maxilla of a patient. It was customary to request some older man to share the responsibility and in this instance Dr. John Bellinger was invited. After waiting an hour for Dr. Bellinger, Dr. Kinloch remark- ed, " Well, gentlemen, we will proceed with the operation." His surprised friends exclaimed, "What! without