Page:A cyclopedia of American medical biography vol. 2.djvu/86

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Dr. Bellinger?" "Yes," replied Dr. Kinloch, " I came to do this operation and I propose to do it."

He was the first in the United States to resect the knee-joint for chronic disease, his operation preceding that of Dr. Gross by three or four months and also the first to treat fractures of the lower jaw and other bones by wiring the fragments, and among the first to perform a laparotomy for gunshot wounds of the abdomen with- out protrusion of the viscera. In this case thirteen perforations were sutured, one being overlooked and discovered after death.

As a professor and as dean Dr. Kinloch strove to elevate the stand- ards of medical education and chafed under restrictions which he could not overcome. "The standard of the College could and should be elevated. It is painful for me to make such an announcement. It is more painful for me to say that I am powerless to improve the situation" was what he once said.

Dr. Kinloch married Elizabeth Cald- well, of Fairfield County, South Caro- lina, in 1856, and had four daughters and four sons, of w^hom two, George and Edward Jenner, studied medicine.

He died of pneumonia following an attack of la grippe on December 23, 1891.

His wTitings included:

"A New Form of Intra-uterine Pes- sary," 1875.

"Two Laparotomies on Same Patient; removal of Both Ovaries for Cystic Dis- ease," 1887.

"Drainage of Wounds; Special Refer- ence to Drainage after Urethrotomy," 1891. R. W., Jr.

Med. Rec, N. Y., 1892, vol. xli.

Tr. Am. Surg. As3., Phila., 1892, vol. x

(C. H. Mastin).

Portrait in the Raper Hosp. at Charleston.

Kilpatrick, Andrew Robert (1817-87).

Andrew Robert ICilpatrick, a siirgeon

of Texas, was the son of the Rev.

James Hall and Sarah Tanner Kil- patrick and born on March 24, 1817 near Chaneyville, Rapides, Louisiana. He first attended lectures at Jefferson Medical College and the Georgia Med- ical College, taking his M. D. from the latter in 1837. He practised in three or four places and finally settled in Navasota. When only nineteen he proved himself an able obstetrician and in 18C8 was professor of anatomy in Texas Medical College.

His chief writings were on the sub- ject of epidemics: "The History of Epidemic Yellow Fever in Woodville, Mississippi," 1844; "Cholera in Louis- iana," 1849; "Yellow Fever in Louis- iana," 1855; "Yellow Fever in Texas," 1867. He was also associate editor of the "Southern Medical Record" and the "Texas Medical Journal."

He married three times; his last wife, whom he married in 1854, being Mary M., daughter of Joel T. Tucker of St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.

D. W.

Daniel's Texas Med. Jour., Austin, 1887-8, vol. iii.

Kirkbride, Thomas Story (1809-1883). It needs an exceedingly sane man and one in full self-possession to under- stand and ease the burden of delusion, the loneliness, the worry of those who are "out of their mind" and have lost the key. A tremendous amount of such help is now given, but Thomas Kirkbride Hved in times when the whip, the shackles, and dark cells were not uncommon, and did splendid work in reforming such evils. He was born in Morrisville, Bucks County, in July, 1809, of English descent, his people coming from Kirkbride, Cumberland, England to America with Penn. His father, John, and his mother, Eliza- beth Story Kirkbride, belonged to the Society of Friends and brought up the boy in a quiet way, sending him to local schools and gi\'ing him plenty of wholesome life on their farm. A few years at Trenton and BurUngton,