Page:Alcohol, a Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine.djvu/449

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Immunity, influence of alcohol on 281, 282, 393–395
Indigestion and alcohol 32
Infant feeding 242, 243
Infection, liability to increased, 392, 393
Infectious diseases 288, 368, 369, 42S
Inflammation in wounds 74
Influenza and drinkers 192, 193
Iron, injurious to stomach 315

Jackson, Dr. Henry 370
Jaundice, alcohol prejudicial 89
Jayne's Expectorant 310
Johnson, Lieut., arctic work 110
Joslin, Dr. E. P 364, 424
Journal Amer. Med. Ass'n., 129, 204–209, 211, 368, 369
Journal of Inebriety, 131, 192, 329, 413

Kansas prohibits whiskey drug-stores 27
Kassowitz, Prof. Max 373, 374
Kellogg, Dr. J. H., 36, 89, 95, 121, 129, 141, 152, 166, 176, 185, 195, 199, 255, 378
Kerr, Dr. Norman 150, 357
Kidneys 30, 89–95, 276, 425
Koch, Dr., consumption 153
Knopf, Dr. S. A 155
Kola, see caffeine.
Kraepelin 399, 400
Kress, Dr. Lauretta 430–432

La grippe 190–193, 337
Ladd, Prof 332, 333
Ladies' Home Journal 26
Laitinen, Prof. T., 368, 369, 392–398
Lambert, Dr. Alex 415,424
Lancet, The London 191, 184, 252, 368, 429
Landis, Dr. J. H., and typhoid, 379
Laudanum 137, 352
Laxative pills often harmful 346
Lees, Dr. F. R 106
Legrain, Dr 426
Liebig 116, 251, 424
Lemon 146, 147, 179, 194, 411
Lesser, Dr. A. Monae, success in treating fevers in Cuban War 53
Leucocytes, 271, 272, 274, 275, 278, 282, 283, 284, 285
Life insurance and total abstinence ..36, 423, 426, 432–435
Life saving stations and alcohol 193
Liniments, non-alcoholic 134, 135
Liquid Peptones 313
Liver 31, 33, 85-89, 404–409, 425
Lloyd, Prof. J. U. 328
London Temperance Hospital, 37-41, 132–135, 357
Loomis, Dr. A. L. 255
Loomis Dr. Henry P. 157
Lungs 30, 201
Lying-in-Hospital, London, 37, 38

Martin, Dr. Newell, 63, 79, 84, 85, 91, 109, 119, 158
Massage 166, 180, 213, 214
Mass. State Board of Health, 34, 310
Massert and Bordet, leucocytes, 277
McNicholl, Dr. T. A 48, 378
Madden, Dr. John 378
Magnesia 170
[1]Malaria 195, 196
Malt Extracts 316–319
Manassein's Clinic, alcohol and kidneys 93, 94
Mann, Dr. Matthew D 36, 94
Martin, Alexis St 61, 293
McCormack, Dr. J. H 370
Measles 194
Meat extracts, valueless 325, 326
Medical temperance department of W. C. T. U 25–27
Menstruation, painful 197
Mercer, Dr. Alfred 363
Metchnikoff 374, 398
Milk 141, 153, 188, 236, 237, 251, 373
Miller, Dr. James Alex 157
Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir 207, 210
Miura, investigations 379
Morphine 300, 345, 351, 352
Mossop, Dr., experiments 120
Mother Bailey's Quieting Syrup, 310
Munyon's Kidney Cure 315
Mulford's Predigested Beef 313
Muscles and alcohol 33, 103, 124
Musser, Dr. John H. 369, 370
Mussey, Prof. R. D. 12

Nansen and polar expedition 110
Narcotic drug dangers, 345, 346, 350–355, 357
Nausea 199
Nerves 32, 36, 76, 77, 105, 118, 185, 425
Nervous system affected by retention of waste 115
Neuralgia 198
New York State Board of Health 154, 155
Newspapers and whiskey ads., 382
Newspapers and patent
Newspapers patent medicine ads. 333

  1. Of late years malaria is attributed mosquito. In preparing this edition that item was overlooked