Page:Alcohol, a Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine.djvu/450

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Nichol, Dr., experiments 120
Nichols, Dr. Jas. R 136–138
Nitrite of amyl 15, 181, 182
Non-alcoholic treatment, 37, 140–233, 258–260, 360
Nurses, abstinence in cholera 149
Nursing mothers and beer, 234, 426
Nutrition retarded by alcohol 114

Oatmeal 197, 235
Oils, essential, non-alcoholic preparation 134
Opium, 127, 132, 149, 150, 172, 180, 189, 190, 300, 351, 352, 389, 412
Orangeine 346
Osier, Dr 158
Oxidations 408
Oxidation checked by coal-tar drugs 339, 340, 346
Oxidation hindered by alcohol, 263
Oxidative powers of liver effected by alcohol 404
Oxygen 40, 67, 71, 75, 92, 113, 114, 118, 130, 187, 264

Page, Dr. C. E., on typhoid 232
Pain after food 203, 204
Palmer, Dr. A. B 79, 121–123
Pepper, Cayenne 147, 188
Pepsin 62, 64, 173, 176
Peptonic Elixir 313
Peruna 312
Peterson, Dr. Frederick 375
Phagocytes 271, 272, 374
Pharmacy, non-alcoholic 132–139
Phenacetin. 300, 339, 340, 346, 354
Physicians need awakening as to evils of alcohol 379
Physicians responsibility for prescribing alcoholic liquor 358, 359, 388
Physicians why they prescribe alcoholics 291–298
Pneumonia 40, 75, 85, 192, 200–203, 253, 254, 257, 280, 340, 346, 371,
Poheman, Dr. Julius 200, 201
Poisons 29, 204–211, 300, 301
Port Wine 64, 65, 144, 172, 292
Porter 236
Pregnancy, danger of alcohol in 203
Pregnancy vomiting in 199
Packs, hot 194, 202, 213
Panopeptone 313
Paralysis, caused by alcohol, 31, 36
Paregoric 352
Parkes 77–79, 100, 102
Patent medicines, 26, 27, 299–334, 350
Preble, Dr. Robert B. 375
Proprietary "Foods" 313,
Prostration 179
Protoplasm and alcohol, 59, 60, 286, 287
Psychical treatment, Cabot 57
Ptomaine poisoning 152, 270
Puerperal fever 229, 290
Pulse and alcohol 79, 181
Pure Food Law 299, 300
Putnam, Dr. J. J 364

Quackery, cause 337
Quinine 128, 190, 196, 340, 345

Rattlesnakes, bite of 210
Recent researches on alcohol, 276–284, 392–409
Reichert, alcohol and snake-bite, 207
Retina, blood-vessels and alcohol 120, 124
Rheumatism, 211-214, 259, 260, 343
Richardson, Sir B. W., 15, 17, 31, 39, 63, 72, 105, 11, 121, 148, 153, 177, 259, 295–297, 356, 383, 385–387
Ridge, Dr. J. J., 73, 84, 124, 127, 143, 149, 180 188, 196, 213, 216, 248, 250, 275, 286, 292, 356, 362
Riley, Dr. W. H. 223–227, 423
Ringer and Sainsbury 80, 119
Ritchie, Dr. J. J 383
Roberts, Sir W. 176
Robin 264
Rusby, Dr. H. H. 429

Salicylic acid 128
Saline injections 187
saline solutions 145
Sartoin Skin Food 316
Scarlet fever 91, 248, 337, 373
Schafer's physiology on alcohol, 129
Scientific temperance education, 17, 18
Sedatives, dangers of 127
Shock 215, 216
Sight impaired by alcohol 120
Sleeplessness 179
Small-pox 247–250
Smith, Dr. E. 105, 238
Snake-bite 207, 211
Soft drinks, dangerous 427
Soldiers 101, 102, 285
Soothing syrups 310
Sore nipples 215
Sore throat 145
Sphygmograph 79, 120, 122
Stamreich, investigations 379
Starch 116, 129, 130
Stimulant, definition 118, 222
Stimulants, 105, 177, 179, 186, 188, 190, 194, 237, 338
Stimulation, fallacy of theory, 385