Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 4.djvu/880

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Picard, E. Les pygmées.—1. Les Négritos des iles Andaman, S.. Mr.

Sergi, Giuseppe. Primitive inhabitants of Europe, Monist, Ap.

Tienken, A. Kulturgeschichtliches aus den Marschen am rechten Ufer der Unterweser, Zeit. des Vereins f. Volksk. 9:1.

Unter den Beduinen der ägyptischen Wüste, Globus, Mr. 25.

Vierkandt, A. Die wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse der Naturvilker, ZS., F.-Mr.

See also Criminology.

Armies: Bacon, A. Is our army degenerate? F., Mr.

Art: Halperine- Kaminsky, E. Rolle der Kunst. Antworten europäischer Schriftsteller u. Künstler an Tolstoi, DR., F.

Bible: Books of the Old Testament versus their sources, BS., Ap.

Biography: Locke, Jessie A. Frederic Ozanam, ChR., Ap.

See also Education.

Blockade: Baty, Th. Les blocus pacifiques, RDI., Mr.

Canada. Laut, Agnes. Canada’s claims before the Anglo-American joint high commission, RRN., Ap.

Canals: Hunter, W.H. Review of the Nicaragua canal scheme, EM., Mr.

Capital: Cognigliani, C.A; Il profitto del capttale tecnico, GEc., F., Mr.

Einandi, L. Une nouvelle théorie du profitet de la production capitaliste, RS., F.

Labriola, A. La loi de la concentration capitaliste, DS., D.

Charities: Almy, F. Relations between public & private outdoor relief, ChR., Mr.-Ap.

Some reports of state boards of charity, ChR., Ap.

China: Boulger, D. Dissolution of the Chinese empire. NAR., Mr.

Leroy - Beaulieu, Pierre. Le problème chinos, RDM., Mr. 1.

Parker, E. H. The Russians and Manchuria. China Review, 23:3.

Christianity: see Churches.

Churches: Bois, H. La conservation de la foi, Ph., Mr.

Brown. F. What is orthodoxy? NAR., Ap.

Conservative, A. The revolt of the clergy. CoR., Mr.

Dole, C. F. Reconstituted church, NW., Mr.

Everett, Ruth. The Paulist Fathers and their work, A., Ap.

Halifax, Viscount. Present crisis in the Church of England, NC., F

Headlam, A. Methods of early church history, EHR., Ja.

Hillis, N. D. Influence of Christ in civilization, BS., Ap.

Hyde. we D. Reorganization of the faith, NW., Mr.

Mathews, S. Significance of the church in the social movement, AJS., Mr.

McGiffert, A.C. Early study of church history, NW., Mr.

Perry, H. F Workingman’s alienation from the church, AJS.. Mr.

Petarel-Oliff, E. Darwin et Jésus- Christ: étude sur l’évolutionisme chretien, Revue chretienne, F.-Mr.

Rogers, J. Guinness. Ceremonialism vs. experimental religion, CoR., F.

Smith, R. B. Crisis in the church, NC., Mr.

Unrest in the Church of England, Edinburgh Review, Ja.

Cities: Ballard, A- English boroughs in the reign of John, EHR. Ja.

Boston's municipal experiments, ChR., Mr.

Cannon, Edwin. Ought municipal enterprises to be allowed to yield a profit? EcJ., Mr.

Lefevre, J. Shaw. London street improvements, CoR., F.

Robinson, C. M. Improvement in city life. Atlantic, Ap.

Vandervelde, E. L’influence des villes sur les campagnes, AIS., Mr.

See also Street Railways.

Colonies: Adams, C. Colonies and other dependencies, F.. Mr.

Bryce, J. British experience in the govt. of colonies, Century, Mr.

Collier. J. Evolution of colonies, PSM., Mr.

D’Aufreville, L. La renaissance coloniale de la France, RPP.m F.

Durien, J. Un intéressant essai de colonisation, SS., Mr.

Godkin, E. Conditions of good colonial government, F., Ap.

Ireland, W. A. Bowth of the British colonial conception, Atlantic. Ap.

Payen, Edouard. La colonisation libre en Nouvelle-Calédonie, Annales des sciences politiques, Mr.

Sloane, Napoleon's plans for a colonial system, AHR., Ap.

Vie, F. Colonies commerciales des allemands, RDM., F.

See also Imperialism.

Commerce: see Trade.

Communism: see Anarchism.

Coöperation: Guyot, Y. La vrai et la fausse coopération, JEc., F.

Langeron, J. M. Greves et coopératives, RefS., Tr. 160.

Monroe, P. Profit-sharing & cooperation. AJS., Mr.

Seilhac, F. de. _ Les marines-pecheurs et la coopération, AC., Ja.

See also Credit.

Craniometry : Hansemann, D. Ueber das Gehirn von Hermann v. Helmholtz, ZPP., 20: 1.

Credit: Chiusano, L. C. di. Le casse rurali in Germania, RISS., Mr.

Francois, G. Le dixieme congres des banques populaires, JEc., F.

See also Finance.

Criminology & Penology: Albanel et Legras. L'enfance criminelle à Paris: observations pratiques, cliniques et statistiques, RP., F.

Berthelemy, H. Necessite de modifier ta légis- lation sur l’emprisonnement par voie de correction paternelle, RP., F.

Bonzon, J. Criminels, suicides & buveurs. RCS., Mr. 15.

Fourquet, E. Vagabonds criminels, RDM., Mr. 15.

Garrison, C. Failure of the death penalty, A., Ap.

Kellor, Frances A. Criminal anthropology in its relation to criminal jurisprudence, AJS., Mr.

Marty, J. Temperament ¢t délingance, AAC., Ja.

Misère et delit, RPé., Mr.

National prison meeting at New Orleans, ChR., Mr.

Nouveau reglement sur les prisons, RPé. Mr.

Pantzovitz. Le nouveau code pénal de la principauté de Bulgarie, RDI, Mr.

Prinzing, F. Der Einfluss der Ehe auf die Kriminalitit des Mannes, ZS., F.

Prisons des Etats-Unis, RPe, Mr.

Shinn, C. California penal system, PSM., Mr.

Simpson, H. B. Penal servitude; its past and its future. LQR.. Ja. ; sn

Venturi, L. T. Minorenni delinquenti e travasti RISS., F.