Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 4.djvu/881

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Cuba: Porter, R. Future of Cuba, NAR., Ap. Wolf. Julius. Die Erobening Kiibas durch die

Vereinigten Staaten und die Zukunft der

europaischen Zuckerindustrie, ZS., F. Democracy : see Labor. Divorce; The Holy Scriptures & divorce. BS.,

Ap. Education: Collins, J. C. A university for the

people, NC, Mr. Demolins. E. L'avenir de reducationnouvellc —

Conference laite a la Sorbonne, SS., Mr. Garmo. C. de. Scientific vs. poetic study of

education. EdR., Mr. Hanus, P. H. Secondary education. EdR.. Ap. Hawthorne, Julian. Public schools and parents'

duties. NAR.. Ap. Hyde, W. D. President Eliot as an educational

reformer, Atlantic. Mr. Jolv. H. L'universile, RefS., Mr. i6. ftlilner, Florence. School management from the

side of social life. School Review. Ap. (Thel Sirdar's College at Khartoum, CoR.. F. Report of the Chicago Educational Commission,

EdR., Mr. Robinson, C. M. Vacation schools, EdR., Mr. Russell. J. E. Training teachers for secondary

schools, EdR., Ap. Stimson, H. Evolution of the college president.

RRN.. Ap. Tetlow, J. The high-school principal, EdR.,

Mr. Thwing, C. Pecuniary aid for poor and able

students. F., Ap. See also Science. Elections: see Political Science. Ethics: Cantoni, C Sulla morale. RIF.. N.-D. Fisk, John. Mystery o» evil, Atlantic. Ap. Fowler, T. Ethics of intellectual life and work,

IJE., Ap. Lctevre, A. Significance of Butler's view of

human nature, PhR., Mr, See also Modesty, Sociology. Ethnology: Ripley, W. The peoples of the

Balkan peninsula. PSM., Mr. Zemmrich, J. Deutsches und franzosisches

Volkstum m der Schweiz, Globus. Mr. 4. Evolution: Cunningham. J. 1". Professor Wei -

don's evidence of the operation of natural

selection, NS.. Ja. Mantegazza, Paolo. L'cvoluzione regressiva,

AAE., 28:2. Expansion: iC£' Imperialism. Finance : American booms and bungling. Journal

of Finance. F. Badiani, A. G. II problema monetario latino c

la questione delPargento, RISS., Mr. Bynum, W. Needed reforms in our monetary

system, F.. Mr. Conant, C. A. Development of credit, JPE.,

Mr. De Greef, G., el. Denis, H. Banque nationale

de Belgique, AISS., 5: 1-2. Dingley. N. Serv'ice of national revenue. NAR.,

.Mr. Greef, G. de. Essais sur la monnaic, le credit ci

les banques, ReS., Mr. Lambrechts, Hector. Lc credit urbain, RSC,

Mr. Levj', R. G. Finances egyptiennes, RDM.,

F. I. Levy, R. G. Taux actuel dc I'interet et de ses

rapports avec la production dcs mctaux precieux

et les autres phenomenes econoraiques, JEc.,

Mr. Lubbock, Sir John. The Indian currency, CoR.,

F. Marx, K. L'argent ou la circulation simple,

HN., Mr. Neumann, F. J. Geschichte der Lehre von der

Gravitation der Lohne nach gewissen Kosten- betragen, jNS.. 77:2. Reuton, D. Investment of surplus revenue,

EcJ.. Mr. Van Oss, S. Malthusian view of wealth.

Journal of Finance, F. See alsoGoXA^ Saving. France: Blondel, 0. Les ennemis de notre progres economique, RefS., Ap. 1. Brunetiere, F. Les ennemis de I'ame francaise,

RefS., Ap. 1. Coubertin, P, France since 1814, FR., F. Drumont & others. Zola, the Dreyfus case & the anti-Jewish crusade in France, RRN., Mr. Lacombe, P. La question cruelle. RNUL, Mr. .Maeterlinck. Le 18 Brumaire, CoR., F. See also Judiciar>'. Germany: Industrial boom in Germany, Journal of Finance, Mr. See also Colonies. Gold : Outerbridge, A. Marvelous increase in

production of gold, PSM., Mr. Great Britain : Pressense, Frances de. England & France, CoR., F. Young, J. Menace to England's commercial

supremacy, F., Ap. See also Colonies. Heredity: Aldeti, S. P. Environment versus

heredity. ChR., Ap. History: Lamprecht, Karl. Wandlungen in der Auffassuug der Aufgaben der Geschichts- wissenschaft, ZS., F. New Haven meeting of the Amer, Hist. Assoc. AHR., Ap. Immigration : Ottolenghi, C. Le migrazioni del lavaro agli Stati Uniti d' America, GEc, Mr, Imperialism: Louis, P. L'imperialisme Anglo- Saxon, ReS., Mr. Our right to acquire and hold foreign territory,

ALRv., Mr., Ap. Potter, H. National bigness or greatness —

which?, NAR., Ap. Teichmueller, H. Expansion and the constitu- tion, ALRv., Mr. Thayer, J. B. Our new possessions, HLR.. Mr, Walton, J. Lawson. Imperialism, CoR., Mr. India: Jones, J. British rule in India, NAR., Mr. Muller, F. A prime minister and a child-wife,

FR.. F. See also Finance. Industry: see Russia. Insane: Stedman, H. R. The after care of the

insane, ChR., Mr. Interest: jf<? Finance,

International Law: Gilson, J. Lc fcaractere international du droit roraain, RDI., Mr. See also Blockade. Interstate Commerce: see Railroads. Invention: Escher, R. Erfinden & Erfinder, ZS.,

Mr. Italy: Dehou. La crise agricolc et Taction catholique en Italic, AC. Ja. Gatti, G. Les partis politiques et I'agriculture

en Italic, ReS., Mr. Ward, W. &, Ouida. Italy. FR., Mr. Japan: Lettre du Japon, JEc, Mr.

Toru-Terao. Les relations enire I'Europe et le Japon, RHD., 13 : i. Jews; Pas'jy. Frederic La vraie solution de la

question juive, JEc. F. Judiciary: Calonne, Comte de. French judicial

system, NC, Mr. Korea : Hulbert, Homer. Korea and the Koreans,

F.. Ap. Labor: Carrington, Earl. The land & the laborers. NC, Mr, Gannett. W. C Beni soit le joug du travail quotidicn, RCS., Mr,