Page:American Medical Biographies - Kelly, Burrage.djvu/787

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MARTIN 765 MARTIN Martin, Henry Austin (1824-1884) Henry Austin Martin, surgeon, eldest son of Henry James Martin, was born in St. James, London, July 23, 1824. He came from an old Huguenot family and was cousin to Lord Kingsale. He came to America when a boy and studied at the Harvard Medical School, graduating in 1845 and settling to practice in Roxbury where he was a leading doctor for forty years. He was, besides being a very eloquent speaker and finished writer, a very skilful surgeon. During the Civil War he was a medical director, and surgeon-in-chief of the Second Division of the Second (Hancock's) Corps. In 1870 he introduced true animal vaccina- tion into America, and by vast effort and con- tinual writing, succeeded in having that method universally adopted within two years. In 1877 he presented to the American Medical Association a paper on the "Use of Pure Rubber Bandages in Surgery," and Martin's bandage became known throughout the pro- fession. ("Surgical Uses, Other than Hem- ostatic, of the Strong Elastic Bandage," "Transactions, American Medical Association," Philadelphia, 1877, vol. xxviii.) He was a great student all his life, getting up long before daylight in winter, and always reading or writing several hours before break- fast. One of his hobbies was the collecting of old line engravings, on which he was an authority, and filling his rooms with all that an antiquarian and bibliophile loves to possess. He married Frances Coffin Crosby, eldest daughter of Judge Nathan Crosby of Lowell, Massachusetts, on August 9, 1848. They had five children, two of whom, Stephen Crosby and Francis Coffin, became physicians. Dr. Martin died at his home, 27 Dudley St., Roxbury, from diabetes, December 7, 1884. Francis C. Martin. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1885, vol. cxii. Jour. Amer. Med. Asso., Chicago, 1885, vol. iv. H. O. Marcy. New York Med. Jour., 1884, vol. xl. Martin, Henry Newell (1848-1896) A biologist, Henry Newell Martin was born at Newry, County Down, Ireland, of Irish parentage, July 1, 1848, the eldest of a family of twelve. His father was a congregational minister, who afterwards became a school- master. The boy's education was acquired chiefly at home and at the age of fifteen he matriculated at the University of London (an exemption as to age being made in his favor) and at the same time became apprentice to a Dr. McDonagh in the vicinity of University College. It was stipulated that his duties as apprentice should not prevent his attending lectures and doing hospital work. It was dur- ing his apprenticeship, in 1867, that the friend- ship began with Michael Foster, and the latter relates that, although Martin was able to give only half the usual time to his course on practical physiology, he learned more than the rest of the students in their whole time. He greatly distinguished himself at University College, taking several medals and prizes. In 1870 he obtained a scholarship at Christ's Col- lege, Cambridge, and was appointed demon- strator of physiology. He did much by his personal qualities and bright ways to make natural science popular in that University. He distinguished himself in Cambridge as he had in London, gaining first place in the Natural Science Tripos in 1873. While there he took the B. Sc. and M. B., London, gaining in the former the scholarship in zoology. He proceeded later to the D. Sc, being the first to take the degree in physiology. About this time he began to do research work, his first paper being on the structure of the olfactory membrane. In the summer of 1874 he assisted Foster in his course on biology and subse- quently acted as assistant to Huxley. Under Huxley's supervision, he prepared a text-book of his course, which appeared under their names with the title "Practical Biology." In 1874 he was made fellow of his college, and was fairly launched upon his career. Shortly after this, the Johns Hopkins University was founded, and in 1876 Martin was invited to the chair of biology. He accepted the offer and thus nearly the whole of his scientific career was passed in America. He came pre- pared to develop the higher teaching of biologic science and especially to foster the spirit of research, and during his stay in Baltimore (1876-1893) he produced a very marked effect on American science, fully carrying out the great aim of the university which had adopted him. He carried on many important investiga- tions, among which may be especially men- tioned those on the excised mammalian heart, one of which formed the subject of the "Croonian Lecture" of the Royal Society in 1883. The whole was published by his friends and pupils in 189S, under the title "Physiolog- ical Papers." He turned out from his labora- tory many trained physiologists, who have maintained the high standard he set. He wrote several text-books, of which his "Human Body," 1881, was most important, becoming very popular. He became a fellow of the Royal Society in 188S; he was also given the honorary M. D. by the LTniversity of Georgia.